Names and Naming in Finagle

Finagle uses names 1 to identify network locations. Names must be supplied when constructing a Finagle client through ClientBuilder.dest or through implementations of Client.

Names are represented by the data-type Name comprising two variants:

case class Name.Bound(va: Var[Addr])

Identifies a set of network locations. Var[Addr] (see Addr) represents a set of changeable Internet addresses — or host, port pairs — described below.

case class Name.Path(path: Path)

Represents a name denoted by a hierarchical path, represented by a sequence of byte strings.

Resolver.eval parses strings into Names. Strings of the form


uses the given scheme to interpret arg; they always evaluate into instances of Name.Bound. For example,


Uses the inet resolver to interpret the address Inet, predictably, uses DNS for this job.

The name


reads a serverset at the path /my/zk/path on the ZooKeeper ensemble named by

When a scheme is absent, inet is used; thus

is equivalent to



Names beginning with the character / are hierarchical paths in the tradition of Unix. They denote an abstract location — i.e. what you want. Path names must be bound by the current namespace in order to identify where the network location(s) are.

The name


might denote the crawler service.

Interpreting Paths With Delegation Tables

A delegation table (or “dtab”) defines the namespace for a Finagle transaction. A dtab comprises an ordered list of delegations which together define how a path is interpreted. A delegation is a rewrite rule src => dest. When a name has src as a prefix, the prefix is replaced with dest; otherwise the rule does not apply. Delegations have the concrete syntax

src     =>      dest

where src and dest are paths. As an example, the delegation

/s      =>      /s#/foo/bar

rewrites the path




Note that prefixes match on path components, not characters; e.g. /s is a prefix of /s/crawler, but not of /s#/foo/bar/crawler.

Furthermore, prefixes may contain the wildcard character * to match any component. For example

/s#/*/bar       =>      /t/bah

rewrites the paths






Paths beginning with /$/ are called “system paths.” They are interpreted specially by Finagle, similarly to resolver schemes. Paths of the form


uses the given Namer to interpret the remaining path. This allows Finagle to translate paths into addresses. For example


is bound by Finagle to the Internet address localhost:8080. Similarly,


is the path describing the serverset /foo/bar on the ZooKeeper ensemble

Dtabs may contain line-oriented comments beginning with #. # must be preceded by a whitespace character or delimiter such as ;, |, or &. For example, this Dtab with commentary:

# delegation for /s
/s => /a      # prefer /a
    | ( /b    # or share traffic between /b and /c
      & /c

is equivalent to this Dtab without commentary:

/s => /a | (/b & /c);

We use dtabs to define how logical names (e.g. /s/crawler) translate into addresses. Because rewriting is abstracted away, we can adapt a Finagle process to its environment by manipulating its dtab. For example, this allows us to define /s/crawler to mean one set of hosts when a process is running in a production setting, and another set of hosts when developing or testing. A more complete example follows.

With the dtab

/zk#    =>      /$/com.twitter.serverset;
/zk     =>      /zk#;
/s##    =>      /zk/;
/s#     =>      /s##/prod;
/s      =>      /s#;

the path


is rewritten thus:

1.      /s/crawler
2.      /s#/crawler
3.      /s##/prod/crawler
4.      /zk/
5.      /zk#/
6.      /$/com.twitter.serverset/

We’ve turned the path /s/crawler into the serverset /prod/crawler on We use the # character to denote handlers — the path /s# “handles” /s and so on. To see why this indirection is necessary, consider redefining /s by adding a prefix — a common namespacing operation. The entry

/s      =>      /s/prefix

would recurse; for example the name /s/crawler would be rewritten


and so on. With /s#, we’d instead add

/s      =>      /s#/prefix

to get the desired effect


We can easily manipulate our Dtab to affect certain parts of the resolution. For example, if we wanted to use staging instances of services instead of their production ones, we’d append the delegation /s# => /s##/staging making the Dtab

/zk#  => /$/com.twitter.serverset;         (a)
/zk   => /zk#;                             (b)
/s##  => /zk/;    (c)
/s#   => /s##/prod;                        (d)
/s    => /s#;                              (e)
/s#   => /s##/staging;                     (f)

/s/crawler would then be rewritten as follows. Each step is labelled with the rule applied from the above Dtab.

(e) /s#/crawler
(f) /s##/staging/crawler
(c) /zk/
(b) /zk#/
(a) /$/com.twitter.serverset/

Simply adding a new delegation is sufficient. Later entries are attempted before earlier ones; if a rewrite rooted at a delegation fails to produce an address, rewriting resumes from the next matching delegation.

The combined effect is a fallback mechanism — if the crawler exists in the staging environment, it is used; otherwise we fall back to its production definition.

In the above example, if /staging/crawler did not exist on, the search would backtrack from (a), producing the following set of rewrites:

(e) /s#/crawler
(f) /s##/staging/crawler
  (c) /zk/
  (b) /zk#/
  (a) /$/com.twitter.serverset/
(d) /s##/prod/crawler
  (c) /zk/
  (b) /zk#/
  (a) /$/com.twitter.serverset/

We now see that delegations provide a simple and flexible means by which to define a namespace. Its effect is similar to that of a Unix mount table: Names stand on their own, but the minutiae of binding is handled by the environment — i.e. the dtab.

Delegations are passed between servers if a supported protocol is used. Thus a server alters the interpretation of names in the context of the entire request graph, allowing a server to affect downstream behavior for the current transaction. As an example a developer might want to replace an individual component in a distributed system with a development version of that component. This can be done by orchestrating the originator (for example, an HTTP frontend) to add a delegation expressing this override.

Finagle has protocol support for delegation passing in TTwitter, Mux, its variant ThriftMux, and HTTP. When these protocols are used, delegations that are added dynamically to a request can be in effect throughout the distributed request graph — i.e. scope of the namespace is a transaction. Delegations are added dynamically through the Dtab API.

(This is a powerful facility that should be used with care.)

The Dtab API

Delegations can be added or overridden dynamically through the Dtab API – specifically by way of scoped delegation tables Dtab.local and

The local delegation is defined as the “per-request,” propagated scope. It’s ideal for overrides you’d like to apply to the entire request graph, as it applies to downstream services.

The limited delegation is the “per-request,” non-propagated scope. Unlike Dtab.local, applies only to the current request and does not affect the rest of the call graph. Furthermore, when a conflicts with a Dtab.local, only the Dtab.local is respected.

The higher granularity of a limited delegation allows for more fine-grained control over fallback and failover behavior. This is ideal for large request graphs in which only some endpoints need to be rerouted. As more endpoints begin to fail, the local granularity becomes a more useful “broad strokes” approach to rerouting.

To demonstrate this further, consider the following example service graph: ServiceA -> ServiceB -> ServiceC

A Dtab.local set on a request to ServiceA will also be reflected in ServiceB and ServiceC. A set on a request to ServiceA, however, will only exist for the scope of the request in ServiceA. The state of the will not be visible to ServiceB or ServiceC.

Let’s consider a few more examples:

  1. ServiceA sets a Dtab.local for ServiceC for a request, rerouting it to ServiceD. ServiceB will, accordingly, propagate the Dtab.local and re-route requests to ServiceD.

  2. ServiceA sets a for ServiceC for a request, rerouting it to ServiceD. This has no effect because ServiceA does not call ServiceC directly and the limited state is not propagated to ServiceB.

  3. ServiceA sets a Dtab.local for ServiceC, rerouting it to ServiceD. ServiceA also sets a for ServiceC, rerouting it to ServiceE. The behavior of example 1 will be seen again.

  4. ServiceA sets a for ServiceB for a request, rerouting it to ServiceD. The request to ServiceB will be rerouted, but the state will not be propagated.


Name.Bound comprises a Var[Addr], representing a dynamically changing Addr. (Var implements a form of self-adjusting computation); Addrs are in one of 3 states:


The binding is still pending: perhaps because we are awaiting a DNS answer or Zookeeper operation completion.


The binding was negative, meaning that the destination does not exist.

Addr.Failed(cause: Throwable)

The binding failed with the given cause.

Addr.Bound(addrs: Set[Address])

The binding succeeded with the given set of addresses, representing concrete endpoints.

We now see that a Var[Addr] is capable of representing a moving target, for example a dynamic serverset.



A name identities what you want; an address is a location, identifying where an object resides. Binding is the process that turns names into addresses.