Metrics Format

This guideline is for the finagle-stats implementation of metrics only. The format of metrics that Finagle exports may differ for other metrics implementations.


See this list for a comprehensive view of all the metrics from finagle-core.


Finagle leverages verbosity levels and defines some of its low-utility metrics as “debug”. Unless explicitly stated, assume Verbosity.Default is used to define a given metric.

Scope Separator

The default separator for each scope of the metric is /. For example, “clnt/foo/requests”. Change the scope separator with the flag com.twitter.finagle.stats.scopeSeparator.

Types of Metrics

Finagle exports three different types of metrics: counters, gauges, and histograms.


Counters are unlatched by default, which means that the absolute value of the counter is exported. The counter does not reset to zero after sampling. To calculate how much the counter incremented per second, use a metric collection system that samples every second and subtract the value of the counter between two consecutive seconds.

Latched counters can be enabled with the flag com.twitter.finagle.stats.useCounterDeltas. The delta for the counter is exported instead of the absolute value.

"requests": 10


The value of a gauge is a float.

"pending": 200.0


For finagle-stats, there is a trailing 0 in .p9990.

"request_latency_ms.avg": 4.9,
"request_latency_ms.count": 83,
"request_latency_ms.max": 14,
"request_latency_ms.min": 2,
"request_latency_ms.p50": 5,
"request_latency_ms.p90": 7,
"request_latency_ms.p95": 8,
"request_latency_ms.p99": 9,
"request_latency_ms.p9990" : 14,
"request_latency_ms.p9999" : 14,
"request_latency_ms.sum" : 409

If the histogram is empty, only the count is exported.

"request_latency_ms.count" : 0


Finagle sometimes uses RollupStatsReceivers internally, which will take stats like “failures/twitter/TimeoutException” and roll them up, aggregating into “failures/twitter” and also “failures”. For example, if there are 3 “failures/twitter/TimeoutException” counted, and 4 “failures/twitter/ConnectTimeoutException”, then it will count 7 for “failures/twitter”.