ThriftMux Partition Aware Client


This set of APIs are currently experimental.

This page demonstrates how to enable partition aware routing for ThriftMux/Thrift Client.



A partition represents a logical entity that processes data. It could be a single physical instance or a set of physical instances, each instance in a partition can be treated as equivalent over the data that the partition is responsible for. Partitions can overlap, instances can belong to different partitions.

Shard / Instance

A physical instance.

Enable Partition Awareness

Thrift/ThriftMux Client

The set of APIs to configure a client with partitioning is at PartitioningParams.

  • .strategy(partitioningStrategy: PartitioningStrategy) configures the client with a PartitioningStrategy; it could be either a CustomPartitioningStrategy or a HashingPartitioningStrategy.

  • Params only for HashingPartitioningStrategy

    • .ejectFailedHost(eject: Boolean) partitions are placed on a hash ring, when failure accrual marks partitions as unhealthy, this param is for deciding whether to eject the failing partitions from the hash ring. By default, this is off.

    • .keyHasher(hasher:KeyHasher), defines the hash function to use for partitioned clients when mapping keys to partitions.

    • .numReps(reps: Int), duplicate each node across the hash ring according to reps, this will adjust the distribution of partition nodes on the hash ring, higher value means more even. The default value is 160.

Use the following code snippet to enable partition awareness for a Finagle client of a hashing strategy and custom strategy respectively:

 1import com.twitter.finagle.ThriftMux
 2import com.twitter.finagle.thrift.exp.partitioning.{ClientCustomStrategy, ClientHashingStrategy}
 4val hashingPartitioningStrategy: ClientHashingStrategy = ???
 5val clientWithHashing = ThriftMux.client
 6  .withPartitioning.strategy(hashingPartitioningStrategy)
 7  .withPartitioning.ejectFailedHost(false)
 9val customPartitioningStrategy: ClientCustomStrategy = ???
10val clientWithHashing = ThriftMux.client
11  .withPartitioning.strategy(customPartitioningStrategy)

ThriftMux MethodBuilder

MethodBuilder is constructed at a higher level than Finagle 6 APIs and is designed for customizing each endpoint. Partitioning configuration can be specified for each endpoint. The hashing Params mentioned above are still at the Finagle client stack layer as they have pretty universal defaults and should be rarely configured for each endpoint.

To apply a partitioning strategy to a MethodBuilder endpoint:

.withPartitioningStrategy(partitioningStrategy: PartitioningStrategy) , this can be used to apply different strategies for different endpoints built from one MethodBuilder.

The main difference between MethodBuilder endpoints vs Finagle client stack is that the former are customized for each endpoint, so that partitioning strategy applied only needs to take care of one endpoint while the latter has to take all endpoints into consideration by using PartialFunction. Below we demonstrate use cases based on Finagle client stack and the MethodBuilder examples can be found in Appendix.

Which Partitioning Strategy to choose?

To configure a ThriftMux Partition Aware Client, Finagle provides two abstractions, CustomPartitioningStrategy and HashingPartitioningStrategy, for applications to choose.

  • HashingPartitioningStrategy is equipped with a consistent hashing algorithm underlying to distribute partitions on a hash ring. It applies hashing functions to each request and routes the request to the destination node. HashingPartitioningStrategy can free service operators to manage the partitioning topology. Besides, unlike custom partitioning strategy, this supports scaling natively by minimizing the load change when scaling up or down. Although the hashing strategy has these mechanisms built in, they are not sensitive to your workload and may or may not work for your topology perfectly.

  • CustomPartitioningStrategy provides more flexibility to define the partitioning topology, since the client configuration takes full control of the requests distribution. This expects a careful implementor to handle hot shards properly by anticipating and coordinating traffic flows. An example use case of custom partitioning is the key range strategy, which is dividing the entire keyset into continuous ranges and assigning each range to a partition.

This set of partitioning APIs is experimental and the CustomPartitioningStrategy comes with dynamic resharding support. They provide plenty of flexibility for services with different scenarios, aside from choosing between custom and hashing strategies, whether the client is doing scatter/gather (fan-out), and if the partitioning service needs to implement dynamic resharding, we will talk about setups for each scenario listed below.

How to implement a hashing strategy?

Example thrift service: deliveryService.thrift

 1namespace java
 2#@namespace scala
 4exception AException {
 5 1: i32 errorCode
 8service DeliveryService {
 9  // non-fanout message
10  Box getBox(1: AddrInfo addrInfo, 2: i8 passcode) throws (
11    1: AException ex
12  )
13  // fan-out message, easy to merge
14  list<Box> getBoxes(1: list<AddrInfo> listAddrInfo, 2: i8 passcode) throws (
15    1: AException ex
16  )
19struct AddrInfo {
20  1: string name;
21  2: i32 zipCode;
24struct Box {
25  1: AddrInfo addrInfo;
26  2: string item;

Note that this example has the getBoxes endpoint to demonstrate how to do messaging fan-out. Fan-out requests and responses should be in mergeable formats, which means they can be split and merge programmably, such as an array type variable. Users need to implement the request splitting and request/response merging functions, see fan-out sections for details.

Clients don’t fan-out

Users need to implement a concrete getHashingKeyAndRequest method. It is a PartialFunction that takes a Thrift request and returns a Map of hash keys to Thrift requests. The non-fanout case is the simplified version of mapping requests, and it always returns a map of one user-specified hash key and the Thrift request.

Turning the example into code:

Configure the request routing function
 3import com.twitter.finagle.thrift.exp.partitioning.ClientHashingStrategy
 5val getHashingKeyAndRequest: ClientHashingStrategy.ToPartitionedMap = {
 6  // specify the as the hash key
 7  case getBox: GetBox.Args => Map( -> getBox)
10val hashingPartitioningStrategy = new ClientHashingStrategy(getHashingKeyAndRequest)

The PartialFunction allows a single partitioning strategy to work differently for various Thrift endpoints (methods) of a service. The unspecified methods will fall into the built-in defaultHashingKeyAndRequest. This allows a partition aware client to serve a part of endpoints of a service. Un-specified endpoints should not be called from this client, if called, the client throws NoPartitioningKeys exceptions. If the client is using MethodBuilder, which is a per-endpoint setup, getHashingKeyAndRequest is a function instead of a partial function.

Clients do messaging fan-out

Expanding from the example above, fan-out requests need to implement the getHashingKeyAndRequest with a map of hash keys to sub-requests. It needs to reconstruct the split Thrift requests:

Configure the request routing function
 2import com.twitter.finagle.thrift.exp.partitioning.ClientHashingStrategy
 4val getHashingKeyAndRequest: ClientHashingStrategy.ToPartitionedMap = {
 5  case getBoxes: GetBoxes.Args =>
 6    getBoxes.listAddrInfo
 7      .groupBy( {
 8        case (hashingKey, subListAddrInfo) =>
 9          hashingKey -> GetBoxes.Args(subListAddrInfo, getBoxes.passcode)
10      }
12val hashingPartitioningStrategy = new ClientHashingStrategy(getHashingKeyAndRequest)

Because of the nature of consistent hashing, multiple hash keys can fall on the same partition. Users need to instruct the Finagle partitioning layer to merge requests properly. A RequestMerger helper function is for this purpose, which takes a sequence of Thrift requests and returns a single request, the Thrift requests should be in mergeable formats.

Set the request merging function
1import com.twitter.finagle.thrift.exp.partitioning.PartitioningStrategy.RequestMerger
3val getBoxesReqMerger: RequestMerger[GetBoxes.Args] = listGetBoxes =>
4  GetBoxes.Args(, listGetBoxes.head.passcode)

Fan-out messages mean the client receives responses from a set of partitions. A ResponseMerger also needs to be defined to handle batched successes and failures. ResponseMerger takes a sequence of success response and a sequence of failures then returns a Try[ResponseType]`:

Set the response merging function
1import com.twitter.finagle.thrift.exp.partitioning.PartitioningStrategy.ResponseMerger
2import com.twitter.util.{Return, Throw}
4val getBoxesRepMerger: ResponseMerger[Seq[Box]] = (successes, failures) =>
5  if (successes.nonEmpty) Return(successes.flatten)
6  else Throw(failures.head)

The last step is to register the defined RequestMerger and ResponseMerger with the ThriftMethod within the partitioning strategy by adding mergers through requestMergerRegistry and responseMergerRegistry. Note that multiple ThriftMethod s can be cascaded to the registries.

Register the Merging functions
1hashingPartitioningStrategy.requestMergerRegistry.add(GetBoxes, getBoxesReqMerger)
2hashingPartitioningStrategy.responseMergerRegistry.add(GetBoxes, getBoxesRepMerger)

How to implement a custom strategy?

Custom strategy shares the same matrix of fan-out/non-fan-out as hashing strategy. Furthermore, it provides more flexibility to manage the backend partitioning topology. It lets group many shards to one logical partition and one shard to belong to multiple partitions. Custom partition also supports dynamic re-sharding by observing a user-provided state. There are three sets of APIs to use based on different resharding needs.

  • noResharding: no dynamic resharding, the backend partitioning topology stays static.

  • resharding: lets the client be aware of the backend dynamic resharding by providing the fully described state of resharding. The partitioning schema needs to be configured to react to each state, and it needs to be a pure function. When the state gets successfully updated, the partitioning strategy will move to the new schema.

  • clusterResharding: a semi-implemented version of resharding, which is appropriate when only cluster information needs to be observed in order to reshard. For example, if you want to be able to add or remove capacity safely.

We will show examples of implementing a noResharding strategy, as it shares the fundamental ideas with the others. Taking the same example deliveryService-thrift:


For resharding strategy, check API docs and test example.

For clusterResharding strategy, check API docs and test example.

Clients don’t fan-out

Users need to implement a concrete getPartitionIdAndRequest method. It is a PartialFunction that takes a Thrift request and returns a Future of Map(partition Id -> Thrift request). The non-fanout case is the simplified version of mapping requests, and it always returns a map of one partition Id and the Thrift request. The partition Id is an integer, if the service’s address metadata is backed by ZooKeeper, partition Id is the shardId announced by ZooKeeper, and if Aurora is used as the service scheduler, it is the same as the Aurora job Id. The getPartitionIdAndRequest utilizes Future so that partitioning data can be fetched from an RPC call.

Turning the example into code:

Configure the request routing function
 3import com.twitter.finagle.thrift.exp.partitioning.ClientCustomStrategy
 4import com.twitter.util.Future
 6def lookUp(addrInfo: AddrInfo): Int = {
 7 match {
 8    case "name1" | "name2" => 0 // partition 0
 9    case "name3" => 1 // partition 1
10  }
13val getPartitionIdAndRequest: ClientCustomStrategy.ToPartitionedMap = {
14  case getBox: GetBox.Args => Future.value(Map(lookUp(getBox.addrInfo) -> getBox))
17val customPartitioningStrategy =
18  ClientCustomStrategy.noResharding(getPartitionIdAndRequest)

The PartialFunction allows the partitioning strategy to arrange multiple Thrift request types of one Thrift service for different endpoints(methods) of a service. The undefined request type will fall into the built-in defaultPartitionIdAndRequest. This allows a partition aware client to serve a part of endpoints of a service. Un-specified endpoints should not be called from this client, otherwise, throw PartitioningStrategyException exceptions. If the client is using MethodBuilder, which is per-endpoint, getPartitionIdAndRequest is a function.

Besides, CustomPartitioningStrategy supports applications to use logical partitions, which groups a set of shards to one partition, and one shard performs in multiple partitions.

Set up the logical partition mapping
 1// group instances to logical partition
 2// partition0 (instance 0 - 9), partition1(instance 0 - 19) partition3(instance 20 - 29)
 3val getLogicalPartition: Int => Seq[Int] = {
 4  case a if Range(0, 10).contains(a) => Seq(0, 1)
 5  case b if Range(10, 20).contains(b) => Seq(1)
 6  case c if Range(20, 30).contains(c) => Seq(2)
 7  case _ => throw new Exception(“out of index”)
10val customPartitioningStrategy = ClientCustomStrategy.noResharding(getPartitionIdAndRequest, getLogicalPartition)

Clients do messaging fan-out

Expanding from non fan-out setup above, fan-out requests need to implement the getPartitionIdAndRequest with a Future Map of partition Ids to sub-requests. It needs to reconstruct the split Thrift requests:

Configure the request routing function
1val getPartitionIdAndRequest: ClientCustomStrategy.ToPartitionedMap = {
2  case getBoxes: GetBoxes.Args =>
3    Future.value(getBoxes.listAddrInfo.groupBy(lookUp).map {
4      case (partitionId, listAddrInfo) =>
5        partitionId -> GetBoxes.Args(listAddrInfo, getBoxes.passcode)
6    })
9val customPartitioningStrategy = ClientCustomStrategy.noResharding(getPartitionIdAndRequest, getLogicalPartition)

Fan-out messages means the client receives responses from a set of partitions. A ResponseMerger also needs to be defined to handle successes and failures separately. ResponseMerger takes a sequence of success response and a sequence of failures then returns a Try[ResponseType].

The last step is to register the defined ResponseMerger with the ThriftMethod within the partitioning strategy by adding mergers through responseMergerRegistry. Note that multiple ThriftMethod s can be cascaded.

Set the Response mergers and register the Merging functions
1import com.twitter.finagle.thrift.exp.partitioning.PartitioningStrategy.ResponseMerger
3val getBoxesRepMerger: ResponseMerger[Seq[Box]] = (successes, failures) =>
4  if (successes.nonEmpty) Return(successes.flatten)
5  else Throw(failures.head)
6customPartitioningStrategy.responseMergerRegistry.add(GetBoxes, getBoxesRepMerger)


Partitioning metrics are under clnt/<server_label>/partitioner/ scope given insights into how client stack manages partition nodes.



A counter of the times the nodes on the hash ring have been redistributed.


A counter of the times a new node joins the hash ring, indicating a new partition joins the cluster.


A counter of the times a node leaves the hash ring, indicating service discovery detects a node leave.


A counter of the times an unhealthy node marked by ConsistentHashingFailureAccrual has been removed from the hash ring. leaves and joins indicate service discovery updates, while ejections and revivals indicate the code health status.


A counter of the times an ejected node has been marked as live on the hash ring. leaves and joins indicate service discovery updates, while ejections and revivals indicate node health status.


A gauge of the current total number of healthy partitions.


A gauge of the current total number of unhealthy partitions marked by ConsistentHashingFailureAccrual.

CustomPartitioningStrategy (ThriftMux)


A gauge of the current total number of logical partitions.


Example of using MethodBuilder custom partitioning strategy:

def lookUp(addrInfo: AddrInfo): Int = { match {
    case "name1" | "name2" => 0 // partition 0
    case "name3" => 1 // partition 1

// group instances to logical partition
// partition0 (instance 0 - 9), partition1(instance 0 - 19) partition3(instance 20 - 29)
val getLogicalPartition: Int => Seq[Int] = {
  case a if Range(0, 10).contains(a) => Seq(0, 1)
  case b if Range(10, 20).contains(b) => Seq(1)
  case c if Range(20, 30).contains(c) => Seq(2)
  case _ => throw new Exception("out of index")

// response merger functions
val getBoxesRepMerger: ResponseMerger[Seq[Box]] = (successes, failures) =>
  if (successes.nonEmpty) Return(successes.flatten)
  else Throw(failures.head)

val methodBuilderStrategy1 = new MethodBuilderCustomStrategy[GetBoxes.Args, Seq[Box]](
  { getBoxes: GetBoxes.Args =>
    val partitionIdAndRequest: Map[Int, GetBoxes.Args] =
      getBoxes.listAddrInfo.groupBy(lookUp).map {
        case (partitionId, listAddrInfo) =>
          partitionId -> GetBoxes.Args(listAddrInfo, getBoxes.passcode)

val methodBuilderStrategy2 = new MethodBuilderCustomStrategy[GetBox.Args, Box](
  { getBox: GetBox.Args =>
    Future.value(Map(lookUp(getBox.addrInfo) -> getBox))

val builder = ThriftMux.client.methodBuilder(???)

val getBoxesEndpoint = builder
  .servicePerEndpoint[DeliveryService.ServicePerEndpoint](methodName = "getBoxes")

val getBoxEndpoint = builder
  .servicePerEndpoint[DeliveryService.ServicePerEndpoint](methodName = "getBox")