Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC) Support¶
Finatra offers an integration with the SLF4J API Mapped Diagnostic Context for consistent logging of useful information.
From the SLF4J API documentation
“Mapped Diagnostic Context” is essentially a map maintained by the logging framework where the application code provides key-value pairs which can then be inserted by the logging framework in log messages. MDC data can also be highly helpful in filtering messages or triggering certain actions.
In order to use the Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC), an application must first initialize the framework MDC Finagle adapter, FinagleMDCAdapter provided by Finatra. This is done by calling c.t.inject.logging.MDCInitializer.init().
The MDC can be closed over the execution of a function, meaning an empty MDC map will be created at the beginning of the closure and then discard after the closure. When used in a Filter in the request path this means that MDC logging can be scoped per-request.
For example:
import com.twitter.finagle.{Service, Filter}
import com.twitter.inject.logging.MDCInitializer
import com.twitter.util.Future
class MDCInitializationFilter extends Filter[Request, Response, Request, Response] {
/* Initialize MDC adapter which overrides the standard one */
override def apply(request: Request, service: Service[Request, Response]): Future[Response] = {
MDCInitializer.let {
The Service[Request, Response] executed by the Filter can then get and set MDC values which can be used by the chosen logging implementation’s MDC configuration. For example, see the Logback MDC documentation for more information the MDC functionality and configuration in Logback.
This MDC Filter initialization integration is already provided by either the http LoggingMDCFilter or the thrift LoggingMDCFilter which can then be included in your server Filter chain.
Make sure the LoggingMDCFilter is placed before any other Filters or code which will add MDC entries or which will expect MDC entries to be present.
Here’s an example Logback configuration which references the contextual key traceId which will be logged with every statement sent to a Logback Appender. It is the responsibility of the application to populate the MDC with this contextual information. In this case, the traceId is added by including the http TraceIdMDCLoggingFilter (there is also a thrift TraceIdMDCLoggingFilter).
In a server definition, the LoggingMDCFilter must be listed before the TraceIdMDCLoggingFilter, e.g.,
import com.twitter.finagle.http.{Request, Response}
import com.twitter.finatra.http.HttpServer
import com.twitter.finatra.http.filters.{CommonFilters, LoggingMDCFilter, TraceIdMDCFilter}
import com.twitter.finatra.http.routing.HttpRouter
object HelloWorldServerMain extends HelloWorldServer
class HelloWorldServer extends HttpServer {
override def configureHttp(router: HttpRouter) {
.filter[LoggingMDCFilter[Request, Response]]
.filter[TraceIdMDCFilter[Request, Response]]