Migrating from c.t.server.TwitterServer¶
c.t.server.TwitterServer is fairly straight-forward when it comes to what the framework provides in order to create a server. You extend a trait and implement a main method.
A basic TwitterServer may look like this (from TwitterServer: Getting Started):
import com.twitter.server.TwitterServer
import com.twitter.finagle.Http
import com.twitter.finagle.ListeningServer
import com.twitter.finagle.Service
import com.twitter.finagle.http.Request
import com.twitter.finagle.http.Response
import com.twitter.finagle.http.Status
import com.twitter.util.Await
import com.twitter.util.Future
object BasicServer extends TwitterServer {
val service = new Service[Request, Response] {
def apply(request: Request) = {
val response = Response(request.version, Status.Ok)
response.contentString = "hello"
def main() {
val server: ListeningServer = Http.serve(":8888", service)
onExit {
This will serve the defined “service” (a Finagle Service over the Finagle HTTP Request and Response types) using the HTTP protocol, accepting requests on port 8888 of the machine on which this code is executed. When the “BasicServer” TwitterServer is gracefully shutdown, it will attempt to close the created Finagle HTTP server.
More information on Finagle Services & Filters.
c.t.server.TwitterServer Lifecycle¶
c.t.server.TwitterServer has a nominal lifecycle but it is not strictly enforced (hence the common problem of reading Flag values before they have been parsed). Since c.t.server.TwitterServer extends c.t.app.App it inherits c.t.app.App’s lifecycle defined by c.t.app.App#main (which delegates to c.t.app.App#nonExitingMain) which at a high-level looks like this:
inits -> parse flags -> premains -> main -> postmains -> exits
This is detailed more in-depth in Application and Server Lifecycle.
The bulk of your c.t.server.TwitterServer logic is typically contained in your TwitterServer#main implementation which is looked up and invoked via reflection by c.t.app.App. You can register multiple “inits”, “premains”, “postmains”, or “exits”. These are collected in sequence by c.t.app.App and executed in order.
This can get very hard to reason about quickly if you have a complicated trait hierarchy.
Remember, that this lifecycle happens when the c.t.app.App#main is called. Thus a common mistake is
for users to attempt to read Flag values eagerly in class or object constructors or in an “init” block
all or which occur before Flag parsing and which will result in the “flag read before parsed
warning or result in a fatal error if you have set c.t.app.App#failFastOnFlagsNotParsed = true.
In addition to inheriting c.t.app.App’s simple lifecycle, c.t.server.TwitterServer also provides an additional lifecycle phase related to server warmup via the c.t.server.Lifecycle.Warmup trait.
This trait is meant for servers to signal when they have completed work done to warm up the server before then accepting traffic. Bytes are passed as soon as the Finagle ListeningServer binds to a port. This can potentially cause garbage to be created as requests begin to flow into the server and possibly trigger a major garbage collection negatively affecting requests being served as the server reaches a steady state.
Thus, warmup is commonly used to exercise code paths of the server such that startup does not negatively affect any initial traffic to the server. The Lifecycle.Warmup trait provides a utility to trigger garbage collection which should ideally be run right before binding to the network port to accept traffic.
Thus if we update our example we now have:
import com.twitter.server.Lifecycle
import com.twitter.server.TwitterServer
import com.twitter.finagle.Http
import com.twitter.finagle.ListeningServer
import com.twitter.finagle.Service
import com.twitter.finagle.http.Request
import com.twitter.finagle.http.Response
import com.twitter.finagle.http.Status
import com.twitter.util.Await
import com.twitter.util.Future
object BasicServer extends TwitterServer with Lifecycle.Warmup {
val service = new Service[Request, Response] {
def apply(request: Request) = {
val response = Response(request.version, Status.Ok)
response.contentString = "hello"
def main() {
// post-warmup, bind to our port
val server: ListeningServer = Http.serve(":8888", service)
onExit {
Here we make sure to call prebindWarmup() and warmupComplete() manually in the correct places before we call Http.serve which returns the bound ListeningServer. This is to ensure we’ve done as much towards garbage collection before accepting traffic on our external interface.
Still somewhat straight-forward…but you can see that it is starting to get easier to get wrong. This is a very basic server and we’re not using any Flags in this example.
c.t.inject.server.TwitterServer Lifecycle¶
The “injectable” TwitterServer, c.t.inject.server.TwitterServer uses dependency injection to create an object graph and thus attempts to ensure the Injector is correctly constructed before it is used by controlling the TwitterServer lifecycle. Therefore, the biggest shift from a “vanilla” c.t.server.TwitterServer to the “injectable” c.t.inject.server.TwitterServer is that the Finatra framework controls the c.t.server.TwitterServer lifecycle and provides callbacks for the user which will be run at the “appropriate” part in the server lifecycle.
At the same time, the framework also provides more (finer-grain) lifecycle callbacks within the main TwitterServer phase including for warmup:
*warmup* ->
beforePostWarmup (Lifecycle#prebindWarmup) ->
*postWarmup* (bind and announce external interfaces) ->
afterPostWarmup (Lifecycle#warmupComplete)
Users generally only need to be concerned about warmup and postWarmup (but can override the other callbacks if desired).
Much more detail on the enhanced lifecycle within an injectable TwitterServer available here.
Because Finatra manages the lifecycle of the TwitterServer, you no longer place logic inside of a main method but into the different lifecycle method callbacks accordingly. Taking the c.t.app.App lifecycle from above we can expand to show Finatra’s further breakdown of the main method into the various additional lifecycle phases:
inits -> parse flags -> premains -> main -> postmains -> exits
install modules -> modules.startup --> postInjectorStartup -> warmup -> beforePostWarmup -> postWarmup -> afterPostWarmup -> start -> onExit(modules.shutdown)
Next Steps¶
When overriding any lifecycle methods and callbacks, it is important to not perform any blocking operations in your override as you will prevent the server from properly starting. If there is blocking work that must be done, it is strongly recommended that you perform this work in a FuturePool.
See the Finatra utility: c.t.finatra.utils.FuturePools
for creating named pools.
Migration entails moving (and possibly segmenting) the monolithic logic in your current main() method into the different lifecycle callbacks available via the Application and Server Lifecycle. It is important to understand the Application and Server Lifecycle to know what parts of your main() logic maps to which fine-grain Finatra lifecycle callback.
See Creating an injectable TwitterServer for a walk-through of creating a new injectable TwitterServer which explains what logic goes into which lifecycle callback.
From your original main() method, you now need to map to several different lifecycle callback methods. Most commonly, this will mean splitting the logic between setup(), warmup(), postWarmup(), and start(). As per the documentation, Creating an injectable TwitterServer the primary logic of your main() will now be in start().
The setup() method is called right after the Injector is created, warmup() is for ensuring that your code paths are exercised and that you can get in a garbage collection before serving any traffic. The postWarmup() is where we recommend starting and announcing any external interfaces (make sure that you register any Awaitables). And finally start() is for any remaining logic that must run.
More details here.
Finatra provides rich support for testing a c.t.server.TwitterServer and even more utility is available for testing an “injectable” c.t.inject.server.TwitterServer.
For details see the Testing with Finatra section.