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#Oscars: Twitter conversation about Academy Award nominees

Rankings & Comparison

The Oscar nominees are ranked by how often people talked about them on Twitter. Select a nomination category from the menu above. Select different states from the dropdowns to compare, such as New York v. California.

National Conversation

Look at the national map below to see the top nominees in each state. The color of each state tile represents the most talked about nominees in that state. When you click on a state, you will find its full ranking for the given category in the ranking table above.

talked about

talked about

Methodology: The data in the visualization above were collected from Tweets containing keywords related to the 2016 Oscar nominees, measured from 7 days prior through 30 days following each film’s release (or the release of the film for which an actor was nominated) and from Jan. 14 (Oscar nominations announced) through Feb. 20, 2016.