Explicit Binding with #bind[T]


Please see the section on including test-jar dependencies in your project: Test Dependencies.

Embedded #bind[T]

In the cases where we’d like to easily replace a bound instance with another instance in our tests (e.g. with a mock or a simple stub implementation), we do not need to create a specific module for testing to compose into our server as an override module. Instead we can use the #bind[T] function on the embedded server.

This is especially useful if you want to replace a bound instance with a mock under control of the test.

import com.twitter.finatra.http.{EmbeddedHttpServer, HttpTest}
import com.twitter.inject.server.FeatureTest
import com.twitter.util.mock.Mockito

class ExampleFeatureTest
  extends FeatureTest
  with Mockito
  with HttpTest {

  private val mockDownstreamServiceClient = mock[DownstreamServiceClient]
  private val mockIdService = mock[IdService]

  override val server =
    new EmbeddedHttpServer(new ExampleServer)

  test("service test") {
    /* Mock GET Request performed by DownstreamServiceClient */
    mockDownstreamServiceClient.get("/tweets/123.json")(manifest[FooResponse]) returns Future(None)

For a complete example, see the TwitterCloneFeatureTest.

Note this is also available for EmbeddedApp as well:

import com.twitter.finagle.stats.InMemoryStatsReceiver
import com.twitter.inject.Test
import com.twitter.inject.app.EmbeddedApp
import com.twitter.util.mock.Mockito

class MyAppTest extends Test with Mockito {
  private val inMemoryStatsReceiver: InMemoryStatsReceiver = new InMemoryStatsReceiver
  private val mockIdService = mock[IdService]

  // build an EmbeddedApp
  def app(): EmbeddedApp = app(new MyApp)
  def app(underlying: MyApp): EmbeddedApp =
    new EmbeddedApp(underlying)

  test("assert count") {
    val undertest = app()
    undertest.main("username" -> "jack")

    val statsReceiver = undertest.injector.instance[StatsReceiver].asInstanceOf[InMemoryStatsReceiver]
    statsReceiver.counter("my_counter")() shouldEqual 1

TestInjector #bind[T]

As described in the Integration Tests section you can use the TestInjector to construct a minimal object graph for testing. The TestInjector also supports a bind[T] function to let you replace bound instances in the constructed object graph with another instance, like a mock or stub.


import com.twitter.inject.IntegrationTest

class ExampleIntegrationTest extends IntegrationTest {
  val mockIdService = mock[IdService]

  override val injector =
      flags =
        Map("foo.flag" -> "meaningfulValue"),
      modules =
        Seq(ExampleModule, IdServiceModule))

  test("MyTest#perform feature") {

In this example, the bound IdService would be replaced with the mockIdService. For a more complete example, see the DarkTrafficCanonicalResourceHeaderTest.

#bind[T] DSL

The primary DSL can be expressed as such (and is similar to the Guice Linked and Instance bindings):

bind[T].to[U <: T]
bind[T].to[Class[U <: T]]

bind[T].annotatedWith[Ann].to[U <: T]
bind[T].annotatedWith[Ann].to[Class[U <: T]]

bind[T].annotatedWith[Class[Ann]].to[U <: T]
bind[T].annotatedWith[Class[Ann]].to[Class[U <: T]]

bind[T].annotatedWith(Annotation).to[U <: T]
bind[T].annotatedWith(Annotation).to[Class[U <: T]]

bindClass(Class[T]).to[Class[U <: T]]

bindClass(Class[T]).annotatedWith[Class[Ann]].[Class[U <: T]]

bindClass(Class[T]).annotatedWith(Annotation).[Class[U <: T]]

Usage from Java

The #bind[T] DSL also provides several Java-friendly methods for binding:

bindClass(Class[T], T)
bindClass(Class[T], Annotation, T)
bindClass(Class[T], Class[Annotation], T)

bindClass(Class[T], Class[U <: T])
bindClass(Class[T], Annotation, Class[U <: T])
bindClass(Class[T], Class[Annotation], Class[U <: T])


import java.util.Collections;

import com.google.inject.Stage;

import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;

import com.twitter.finagle.http.Request;
import com.twitter.finagle.http.Response;
import com.twitter.finagle.http.Status;
import com.twitter.finatra.http.EmbeddedHttpServer;
import com.twitter.finatra.http.request.RequestBuilder;
import com.twitter.inject.annotations.Flags;

public class HelloWorldServerFeatureTest extends Assert {

    private static final EmbeddedHttpServer SERVER = setup();

    private static EmbeddedHttpServer setup() {
        EmbeddedHttpServer server = new EmbeddedHttpServer(
            new HelloWorldServer(),

        server.bindClass(Integer.class, Flags.named("magic.number"), 42);
        server.bindClass(Integer.class, Flags.named("module.magic.number"), 9999);
        return server;


    /** test magicNum endpoint */
    public void testMagicNumEndpoint() {
        Request request = RequestBuilder.get("/magicNum");
        Response response = SERVER.httpRequest(request);
        assertEquals(Status.Ok(), response.status());
        assertEquals("42", response.contentString());

See the java-http-server for a full example of using the #bind[T] DSL in test to override a binding in a server.

Injecting Members of a Test


Do not inject members of a test class into the server, application or TestInjector object graph under test.

We strongly discourage injecting members of a test via your server, application or TestInjector. This includes using @Inject or @Bind (the com.google.inject.testing.fieldbinder.Bind annotation with the BoundFieldModule) on a test member field then using the c.t.inject.Injector of the server, application or TestInjector under test to do injector.underlying.injectMembers(this).

class MyIntegrationTest extends IntegrationTest {

  @Bind(to = classOf[StubBarImp]) private val bar: Bar
  // Foo depends on Bar.
  @Inject private val foo: Foo
  @Bind private val mockDatasource: Datasource = mock[DatasourceImplementation]

  override val injector =
      modules = Seq(new OurGreatModule(), BoundFieldModule.of(this)),


    test("test something") {

Or you could choose to do the test class member injection in a beforeAll:

class MyIntegrationTest extends IntegrationTest {

  @Bind(to = classOf[StubBarImp]) private val bar: Bar
  // Foo depends on Bar.
  @Inject private val foo: Foo
  @Bind private val mockDatasource = mock[DatasourceImplementation]

  override val injector =
      modules = Seq(new OurGreatModule(), BoundFieldModule.of(this)),

  override protected def beforeAll(): Unit = {

    test("test something") {

Or with a FeatureTest:

class MyFeatureTest extends FeatureTest {
  @Inject val fakeFilesystem: Filesystem
  @Inject val mockSubsystem: Subsystem

  override val server = new EmbeddedHttpServer(
    twitterServer = new OurHttpTwitterServerUnderTest {
      val modules: Seq[Module] = defaultModules ++ Seq(TestModuleWithTheSystemBindings)

  override protected def beforeAll(): Unit = {

  test("test something") {



You can perhaps see from the above that there is an impedance mismatch from the creation of the object graph under test via creation of the Injector and calling injectMembers(this).

At the very least, this usage tends to violate the encapsulation of the system under test. As mentioned previously, the object graph under test is created from a stateful Injector with a lifecycle that is managed by the framework that is different from the lifecycle of the test class. Mixing them in this manner is hard to reason about and can lead to possibly non-deterministic tests. This usage also makes it harder to test multiple servers or applications in a single test file.

If something accesses a value from the Injector before beforeAll() was called, e.g., another eager val in the constructor of the test class, this could potentially fail, or worse, an incorrect value could be returned (since the Injector will try to instantiate whatever is asked for, relying on any default no-arg constructor). Moving the injectMembers(this) to also be in the test class constructor can help, but then ordering of calls is important as the injectMembers(this) would need to happen before any access of Injector values that are expected to be bound. As such, we have generally found that in any sufficiently large or complex test suite, this usages tends towards brittle tests.


Replacing object graph bindings

The framework provides ways to safely replace bindings in the object graph under test, properly taking into account the lifecycle to handle parsing of flag values. Users should prefer to either provide an override module or use the #bind[T] DSL to replace a binding when instantiating the object graph under test when it is necessary to replace a binding in the object graph under test.

Managing test fixtures

One reason for test member injection is to be able to easily create test fixtures. If it is necessary to use an object graph for managing some set of test fixture instances that are separate from the server or application, do not use the Injector from the server, application, nor the TestInjector under test. Instead, create a separate Injector – you can use a new c.t.inject.app.TestInjector to aid in this.

Thus, we recommend that you explicitly create a separate object graph and obtain any necessary instances from the appropriate object graph over using the indirection of injecting test members. In this way, all object graphs are established at instantiation of the test member making it easier to reason about the test lifecycle.

For example:

class MyIntegrationTest extends IntegrationTest {

  private val mockDatasource = mock[DatasourceImplementation]

  // create an object graph for obtaining test fixtures. `OurIntegrationTestModule`
  // provides bindings for `Foo` and `Bar`
  private[this] val testFixturesInjector =
      modules = Seq(new OurIntegrationTestModule())

  private val foo: Foo = testFixturesInjector.instance[Foo]
  private val bar: Bar = testFixturesInjector.instance[Bar]

  // the object graph under test
  override val injector =
      modules = Seq(new OurGreatModule())

  test("test something") {

Or with a FeatureTest:

class MyFeatureTest extends FeatureTest {

  // create an object graph for obtaining test fixtures, `OurIntegrationTestModule`
  // provides bindings for `Filesystem` and `Subsystem`
  private[this] val testFixturesInjector =
      modules = Seq(new OurIntegrationTestModule())

  private val fakeFilesystem: Filesystem = testFixturesInjector.instance[Filesystem]
  private val mockSubsystem: Subsystem = testFixturesInjector.instance[Subsystem]

  // the object graph under test is encapsulated in the embedded server
  override val server = new EmbeddedHttpServer(
    twitterServer = new OurHttpTwitterServerUnderTest

  test("test something") {

This is the same tactic taken in testing multiple servers or applications in a single test file. Each server or application encapsulates an Injector which is established at instantiation of each server or application within the test. Any necessary instances are then explicitly obtained from the appropriate object graph for use in testing.

Further Reading

More resources on test doubles:

More Information