
Stitch enables high performing code without the need to manually handle batching. Arrows improve on that further. Arrows are even more performant than Stitch due to several optimizations. Stitch and Arrows can also interoperate with one another.

Where Stitch is a query graph that gets simplified, Arrows can be thought of as a graph of functions that get applied to create computation plans. Because of this, you can create an Arrow once and use it many times. The graph of functions gets applied to inputs without needing to utilize Futures or Stitches in many cases, this reduces the overhead by making most Arrow code simple function applications. Arrows also provide a batch interface that reuses buffers over the life of an Arrow’s execution.

Arrows are implemented in such a way to minimize allocations, in many cases this means that rather than allocating objects for each input in a batch, it can be allocated once and re-used for each input. Between reusing Arrows, reusing buffers, applying functions directly, and reducing allocations by optimizing for batches, Arrows achieve significant performance gains over plain Stitch.

If Arrows are so much better, then why don’t we use them? Arrows are composed in a similar way to how you would compose many functions together into a pipeline, in order to get the largest benefit out of using Arrows they should be defined ahead of time and reused many times, when doing this, you don’t have access to non-local variables, so any variables you need will have to be passed around through the input and output types. This is extremely verbose and tedious, while also obscuring the meaning of the code, particularly when variables are being passed through because they are needed elsewhere later in the computation. While this approach is extremely efficient, it can be difficult to work because you have to think more like how a compiler works to compose code rather than how you would normally think to compose Futures.

When using Arrows, a pipeline of Arrows are connected together using .andThen. Each Arrow is .andThen’ed to the previous Arrow creating a chain of operations that can be performed. While Stitches are a Stitch[T] where T is the output type, Arrows are Arrow[T, U] where T is the input and U is the output. Arrows behave like functions where once you have an Arrow defined and built up, you call .apply(arg: T) which will return a Stitch[U] which can then be run. Similarly, you can use the batch interface for Arrows using .traverse(args: Seq[T]) which will return a Stitch[Seq[U]] which can then be run. The returned Stitches are normal Stitch objects and can be composed with (and interoperate with) the rest of Stitch.

While Arrows and Stitches can interoperate, to get the greatest performance out of Arrows, sticking to using Arrows instead of Stitches will yield the greatest performance. This means that using any of:

  • Arrow.apply(T => Stitch[T]) (which is an Arrow.flatMap)

  • Arrow.flatMap(T => Stitch[T])

  • Arrow.transform(Try[T] => Stitch[T])

  • Arrow.rescue(f: PartialFunction[Throwable, Stitch[U]])

  • .applyArrowToSeq

or any other Arrow function which a user defined function returns a Stitch. When an Arrow interoperates with a Stitch (such as in the above examples) it implies a join point, where all Stitches at that join point must be completed before the Arrow can continue. This is useful for interoperating with Stitch but can degrade the performance over using an Arrow. Arrows, like Stitches, also should be composed to avoid false dependencies.

Arrow Locals

Arrows also have a form of Locals that can follow the execution of an Arrow. Arrow.Locals are let-scoped values which are propagated and accessible to Arrows within their scope. Unlike normal Locals which can be accessed anywhere in their scope, Arrow.Locals can only be accessed by composing their accessors with an Arrow, they cannot simply be called from inside the body of an{ }, for example:

val local = new Arrow.Local()
local.let(0)({_ => local.apply() ...})

The Local isn’t defined where it’s applied above because it’s not composed correctly. Instead, accessing a Local should be done in the same way that any other Arrow would be composed. Locals are a feature of Arrows and do not interoperate with Stitch, so Arrows that interoperate with Stitches won’t propagate Locals into the Stitch. Similarly, Stitches won’t propagate locals into Arrows.

val local = new Arrow.Local()
local.let(0)(Arrow.join( => ...), local.apply()))

In the above example, the local is defined where it’s applied. .apply returns an Arrow and by joining, andThen-ing, or otherwise connecting it to another Arrow as you would do with any other Arrow, you can access the value. Here the result would be whatever the body of .map returns tupled with 0, so (…, 0).