First and Last

First[T] and Last[T] are data structures that keep track of, respectively, the earliest and latest instances of T that you’ve seen. First[T] works for any type T:

import com.twitter.algebird.{ First, Last }
// import com.twitter.algebird.{First, Last}

First(3) + First(2) + First(1)
// res0: com.twitter.algebird.First[Int] = First(3)

First("a") + First("b") + First("c")
// res1: com.twitter.algebird.First[String] = First(a)

As does Last[T]:

Last(3) + Last(2) + Last(1)
// res2: com.twitter.algebird.Last[Int] = Last(1)

Last("a") + Last("b") + Last("c")
// res3: com.twitter.algebird.Last[String] = Last(c)

Algebraic Properties

First[T] and Last[T] are both non-commutative semigroups. For First[T], the + function keeps the left input, while Last[T]’s + implementation keeps the right input. For example, for First[T]:

val first1 = First(1) + First(3) == First(1)
// first1: Boolean = true

val first3 = First(3) + First(1) == First(3)
// first3: Boolean = true

assert(first1 && first3)

And for Last[T]:

val last3 = Last(1) + Last(3) == Last(3)
// last3: Boolean = true

val last1 = Last(3) + Last(1) == Last(1)
// last1: Boolean = true

assert(last3 && last1)

Usage Examples

Let’s use First[T] and Last[T] to keep track of the first and last username that a Twitter user has followed over the lifetime of their account. First let’s define a type alias for Username:

type Username = String
// defined type alias Username

To track First and Last simultaneously we’ll use a combinator. As discussed on the Product Algebra docs page, the Tuple2[A, B] semigroup works by separately combining its left and right elements. This means that we can use a pair - a (First[Username], Last[Username]) - to track both the oldest and most recent twitter username that we’ve seen.

def follow(user: Username): (First[Username], Last[Username]) =
  (First(user), Last(user))
// follow: (user: Username)(com.twitter.algebird.First[Username], com.twitter.algebird.Last[Username])

Now let’s “add” up a few of these pairs, using the semigroup. First, we’ll import Algebird’s Operators._, which will enrich any semigroup with a + method.

import com.twitter.algebird.Operators._
// import com.twitter.algebird.Operators._

val follows = follow("sam") + follow("erik") + follow("oscar") + follow("kelley")
// follows: (com.twitter.algebird.First[Username], com.twitter.algebird.Last[Username]) = (First(sam),Last(kelley))

(First("sam"), Last("kelley")) == follows
// res6: Boolean = true

First[T] and Last[T] are related to Min[T] and Max[T]. All four of these data structures wrap up instances of another type T to make them combine in a different way. First[T] and Last[T] force them to combine based on the order that they’re seen in a stream. Min[T] and Max[T] force their combination to depend on the ordering of the type T.

See the docs on Min and Max for more information.

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