AsyncPoolSize controls the size of the fixed thread pool used to back an asynchronous cache.
How many instances/tasks of this flatmap task should be spawned in the environment
FlushFrequency is how often, regardless of traffic, a given Cache should be flushed to the network.
Kryo serialization problems have been observed with using OnlineSuccessHandler.
MaxEmitPerExecute controls the number of elements that can at once be emitted to the underlying platform.
All futures should return in a reasonable period of time, otherwise there will be memory issues keeping all of them open.
MaxWaitingFutures is the maximum number of key-value pairs that the SinkBolt in Storm will process before starting to force the futures.
SoftMemoryFlushPercent is the percentage of memory used in the JVM at which a flush will be triggered of the cache.
Parallelism in the number of instances/tasks to attempt to achieve for a given source
This value is mulitplied by the summer parallelism to set the true value used to hash and shard the key/value pairs.
A SummerBuilder is a generic trait that should be implemented to build a totally custom aggregator.
The SummerConstructor option, set this instead of CacheSize, AsyncPoolSize, etc.
How many instances/tasks of this summer task should be spawned in the environment
UseAsyncCache is used to enable a background asynchronous cache.
ValueCombinerCacheSize is used in caches that support it as a trigger to crush down a high locality of values without emitting.