



trait StdStackClient[Req, Rep, This <: StdStackClient[Req, Rep, This]] extends EndpointerStackClient[Req, Rep, This]

Self Type
StdStackClient[Req, Rep, This]
Linear Supertypes
Known Subclasses
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. StdStackClient
  2. EndpointerStackClient
  3. WithSessionQualifier
  4. WithClientSession
  5. WithClientTransport
  6. WithClientAdmissionControl
  7. ClientParams
  8. CommonParams
  9. StackClient
  10. StackBasedClient
  11. Transformable
  12. Parameterized
  13. Client
  14. AnyRef
  15. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. abstract type Context <: TransportContext

    The type of the transport's context.

    The type of the transport's context.

  2. abstract type In

    The type we write into the transport.

    The type we write into the transport.

  3. abstract type Out

    The type we read out of the transport.

    The type we read out of the transport.


Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def copy1(stack: Stack[ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]] = this.stack, params: Params = this.params): This { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }

    A copy constructor in lieu of defining StackClient as a case class.

    A copy constructor in lieu of defining StackClient as a case class.

    Definition Classes
  2. abstract def newDispatcher(transport: Transport[In, Out] { type Context <: StdStackClient.this.Context }): Service[Req, Rep]

    Defines a dispatcher, a function which reconciles the stream based Transport with a Request/Response oriented Service.

    Defines a dispatcher, a function which reconciles the stream based Transport with a Request/Response oriented Service. Together with a Transporter, it forms the foundation of a finagle client. Concrete implementations are expected to specify this.

    See also


  3. abstract def newTransporter(addr: SocketAddress): Transporter[In, Out, Context]

    Defines a typed com.twitter.finagle.client.Transporter for this client.

    Defines a typed com.twitter.finagle.client.Transporter for this client. Concrete StackClient implementations are expected to specify this.

  4. abstract def params: Params

    The current parameter map.

    The current parameter map.

    Definition Classes
  5. abstract def stack: Stack[ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]]

    The current stack.

    The current stack.

    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  5. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
  6. def configured[P](psp: (P, Param[P])): This

    Creates a new StackClient with parameter psp._1 and Stack Param type psp._2.

    Creates a new StackClient with parameter psp._1 and Stack Param type psp._2.

    Definition Classes
  7. def configured[P](p: P)(implicit arg0: Param[P]): This

    Creates a new StackClient with parameter p.

    Creates a new StackClient with parameter p.

    Definition Classes
  8. def configuredParams(newParams: Params): This

    Creates a new StackClient with additional parameters newParams.

    Creates a new StackClient with additional parameters newParams.

    Definition Classes
  9. final def endpointer: Stackable[ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]]

    A stackable module that creates new Transports (via transporter) when applied.

    A stackable module that creates new Transports (via transporter) when applied.

    Definition Classes
  10. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  11. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  12. def filtered(filter: Filter[Req, Rep, Req, Rep]): This

    Prepends filter to the top of the client.

    Prepends filter to the top of the client. That is, after materializing the client (newClient/newService) filter will be the first element which requests flow through. This is a familiar chaining combinator for filters and is particularly useful for StdStackClient implementations that don't expose services but instead wrap the resulting service with a rich API.

    Definition Classes
  13. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  14. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  15. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  16. def injectors: Seq[ClientParamsInjector]
    Definition Classes
  17. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  18. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  19. def newClient(dest: Name, label0: String): ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]

    Create a new client connected to dest.

    Create a new client connected to dest. See the user guide for details on destination names.

    Argument label is used to assign a label to this client. The label is used to display stats, etc.


    if an empty String is provided, then the label from the Label Stack.Params is used. If that is also an empty String, then dest is used.

    Definition Classes
  20. final def newClient(dest: String, label: String): ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]

    Create a new client connected to dest.

    Create a new client connected to dest. See the user guide for details on destination names.

    Argument label is used to assign a label to this client. The label is used to display stats, etc.

    Definition Classes
  21. final def newClient(dest: String): ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]

    Create a new client connected to dest.

    Create a new client connected to dest. See the user guide for details on destination names.

    Definition Classes
  22. def newService(dest: Name, label: String): Service[Req, Rep]

    Create a new service which dispatches requests to dest.

    Create a new service which dispatches requests to dest. See the user guide for details on destination names.

    Argument label is used to assign a label to this client. The label is used to display stats, etc.

    Definition Classes
  23. final def newService(dest: String, label: String): Service[Req, Rep]

    Create a new service which dispatches requests to dest.

    Create a new service which dispatches requests to dest. See the user guide for details on destination names.

    Definition Classes
  24. final def newService(dest: String): Service[Req, Rep]

    Create a new service which dispatches requests to dest.

    Create a new service which dispatches requests to dest. See the user guide for details on destination names.

    Definition Classes
  25. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  26. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  27. final def registerTransporter(transporterName: String): Unit

    Export info about the transporter type so that we can query info about its implementation at runtime.

    Export info about the transporter type so that we can query info about its implementation at runtime.

    Definition Classes
  28. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  29. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  30. def transformed(t: Stack.Transformer): StackClient[Req, Rep]

    Definition Classes
    See also


  31. def transformers: Seq[ClientStackTransformer]
    Definition Classes
  32. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  33. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  34. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  35. val withAdmissionControl: ClientAdmissionControlParams[This]

    An entry point for configuring the clients' admission control

    An entry point for configuring the clients' admission control

    Definition Classes
  36. def withExceptionStatsHandler(exceptionStatsHandler: ExceptionStatsHandler): This

    Configures this server or client with given exception stats handler.

    Configures this server or client with given exception stats handler.

    Definition Classes
  37. def withExecutionOffloaded(executor: ExecutorService): This

    Configures this server or client to shift user-defined computation (com.twitter.util.Future callbacks and transformations) off of IO threads into a given ExecutorService.

    Configures this server or client to shift user-defined computation (com.twitter.util.Future callbacks and transformations) off of IO threads into a given ExecutorService.

    By default, Finagle executes all futures in the IO threads, minimizing context switches. Given there is usually a fixed number of IO threads shared across a JVM process, it's critically important to ensure they aren't being blocked by the application code, affecting system's responsiveness. Shifting application-level work onto a dedicated FuturePool or ExecutorService offloads IO threads, which may improve throughput in CPU-bound systems.

    As always, run your own tests before enabling this feature.

    Definition Classes
  38. def withExecutionOffloaded(pool: FuturePool): This

    Configures this server or client to shift user-defined computation (com.twitter.util.Future callbacks and transformations) off of IO threads into a given FuturePool.

    Configures this server or client to shift user-defined computation (com.twitter.util.Future callbacks and transformations) off of IO threads into a given FuturePool.

    By default, Finagle executes all futures in the IO threads, minimizing context switches. Given there is usually a fixed number of IO threads shared across a JVM process, it's critically important to ensure they aren't being blocked by the application code, affecting system's responsiveness. Shifting application-level work onto a dedicated FuturePool or ExecutorService offloads IO threads, which may improve throughput in CPU-bound systems.

    As always, run your own tests before enabling this feature.

    Definition Classes
  39. def withLabel(label: String): This

    Configures this server or client with given label (default: empty string).

    Configures this server or client with given label (default: empty string).

    The label value is used for stats reporting to scope stats reported from different clients/servers to a single stats receiver.

    Definition Classes
  40. def withLabels(keywords: String*): This
    Definition Classes
  41. def withMonitor(monitor: Monitor): This

    Configures this server or client with given util.Monitor (default: com.twitter.finagle.util.NullMonitor).

    Configures this server or client with given util.Monitor (default: com.twitter.finagle.util.NullMonitor).

    Monitors are Finagle's out-of-band exception reporters. Whenever an exception is thrown on a request path, it's reported to the monitor. The configured Monitor is composed (see below for how composition works) with the default monitor implementation, com.twitter.finagle.util.DefaultMonitor, which logs these exceptions.

    Monitors are wired into the server or client stacks via com.twitter.finagle.filter.MonitorFilter and are applied to the following kinds of exceptions:

    • Synchronous exceptions thrown on request path, Service.apply(request)
    • Asynchronous exceptions (failed futures) thrown on request path, Service.apply(request)
    • Exceptions thrown from respond, onSuccess, onFailure future callbacks
    • Fatal exceptions thrown from map, flatMap, transform future continuations

    Put it this way, we apply Monitor.handle to an exception if we would otherwise "lose" it, i.e. when it's not connected to the Future, nor is it connected to the call stack.

    You can compose multiple monitors if you want to extend or override the standard behavior, defined in DefaultMonitor.

    import com.twitter.util.Monitor
    val consoleMonitor = new Monitor {
      def handle(exc: Throwable): Boolean = {
        false // continue handling with the next monitor (usually DefaultMonitor)

    Returning true form within a monitor effectively terminates the monitor chain so no exceptions are propagated down to the next monitor.

    Definition Classes
  42. def withParams(params: Params): This

    Creates a new StackClient with params used to configure this StackClient's stack.

    Creates a new StackClient with params used to configure this StackClient's stack.

    Definition Classes
  43. def withRequestTimeout(timeout: Tunable[Duration]): This

    Configures the Tunable request timeout of this server or client (if applying the Tunable produces a value of None, an unbounded timeout is used for the request).

    Configures the Tunable request timeout of this server or client (if applying the Tunable produces a value of None, an unbounded timeout is used for the request).

    If the request has not completed within the Duration resulting from timeout.apply(), the pending work will be interrupted via com.twitter.util.Future.raise.

    Client's Request Timeout

    The client request timeout is the maximum amount of time given to a single request (if there are retries, they each get a fresh request timeout). The timeout is applied only after a connection has been acquired. That is: it is applied to the interval between the dispatch of the request and the receipt of the response.

    Server's Request Timeout

    The server request timeout is the maximum amount of time, a server is allowed to spend handling the incoming request. Using the Finagle terminology, this is an amount of time after which a non-satisfied future returned from the user-defined service times out.

    Definition Classes
    See also and

  44. def withRequestTimeout(timeout: Duration): This

    Configures the request timeout of this server or client (default: unbounded).

    Configures the request timeout of this server or client (default: unbounded).

    If the request has not completed within the given timeout, the pending work will be interrupted via com.twitter.util.Future.raise.

    Client's Request Timeout

    The client request timeout is the maximum amount of time given to a single request (if there are retries, they each get a fresh request timeout). The timeout is applied only after a connection has been acquired. That is: it is applied to the interval between the dispatch of the request and the receipt of the response.

    Server's Request Timeout

    The server request timeout is the maximum amount of time, a server is allowed to spend handling the incoming request. Using the Finagle terminology, this is an amount of time after which a non-satisfied future returned from the user-defined service times out.

    Definition Classes
    See also

  45. def withResponseClassifier(responseClassifier: ResponseClassifier): This

    Configure a com.twitter.finagle.service.ResponseClassifier which is used to determine the result of a request/response.

    Configure a com.twitter.finagle.service.ResponseClassifier which is used to determine the result of a request/response.

    This allows developers to give Finagle the additional application-specific knowledge necessary in order to properly classify responses. Without this, Finagle cannot make judgements about application-level failures as it only has a narrow understanding of failures (for example: transport level, timeouts, and nacks).

    As an example take an HTTP server that returns a response with a 500 status code. To Finagle this is a successful request/response. However, the application developer may want to treat all 500 status codes as failures and can do so via setting a com.twitter.finagle.service.ResponseClassifier.

    ResponseClassifier is a PartialFunction and as such multiple classifiers can be composed together via PartialFunction.orElse.

    Response classification is independently configured on the client and server. For client-side response classification using com.twitter.finagle.builder.ClientBuilder, see com.twitter.finagle.builder.ClientBuilder.responseClassifier

    Definition Classes

    If unspecified, the default classifier is com.twitter.finagle.service.ResponseClassifier.Default which is a total function fully covering the input domain.

    See also

    com.twitter.finagle.http.service.HttpResponseClassifier for some HTTP classification tools.

  46. def withRetryBackoff(backoff: Backoff): This

    Configures the requeue backoff policy of this client (default: no delay).

    Configures the requeue backoff policy of this client (default: no delay).

    The policy encoded Backoff is used to calculate the next duration to delay each retry.

    Definition Classes
    See also

  47. def withRetryBudget(budget: RetryBudget): This

    Configures the retry budget of this client (default: allows for about 20% of the total requests to be retried on top of 10 retries per second).

    Configures the retry budget of this client (default: allows for about 20% of the total requests to be retried on top of 10 retries per second).

    This budget is shared across requests and governs the number of retries that can be made by this client.

    Definition Classes

    The retry budget helps prevent clients from overwhelming the downstream service.

    See also

  48. val withSession: ClientSessionParams[This]

    An entry point for configuring the client's session.

    An entry point for configuring the client's session.

    Definition Classes
  49. val withSessionQualifier: SessionQualificationParams[This]

    An entry point for configuring the client's session qualifiers (e.g.

    An entry point for configuring the client's session qualifiers (e.g. circuit breakers).

    Definition Classes
    See also

  50. def withStack(fn: (Stack[ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]]) => Stack[ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]]): This

    A new StackClient using the function to create a new Stack.

    A new StackClient using the function to create a new Stack.

    The input to fn is the client's current stack. This API allows for easier usage when writing code that uses method chaining.

    This method is similar to transformed while providing easier API ergonomics for one-off Stack changes.

    Definition Classes
    1. From Scala:

      import com.twitter.finagle.Http

      From Java:

      import com.twitter.finagle.Http;
      import static com.twitter.util.Function.func;
      Http.client().withStack(func(stack -> stack.prepend(MyStackModule)));
    See also



  51. def withStack(stack: Stack[ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]]): This

    A new StackClient with the provided stack.

    A new StackClient with the provided stack.

    Definition Classes
    See also

    withStack that takes a Function1 for a more ergonomic API when used with method chaining.

  52. def withStatsReceiver(statsReceiver: StatsReceiver): This

    Configures this server or client with given stats.StatsReceiver (default: stats.DefaultStatsReceiver).

    Configures this server or client with given stats.StatsReceiver (default: stats.DefaultStatsReceiver).

    Definition Classes
  53. def withTracer(tracer: Tracer): This

    Configures this server or client with given tracing.Tracer (default: com.twitter.finagle.tracing.DefaultTracer).

    Configures this server or client with given tracing.Tracer (default: com.twitter.finagle.tracing.DefaultTracer).

    Definition Classes

    if you supply com.twitter.finagle.tracing.NullTracer, no trace information will be written, but this does not disable Finagle from propagating trace information. Instead, if traces are being aggregated across your fleet, it will orphan subsequent spans.

  54. val withTransport: ClientTransportParams[This]

    An entry point for configuring the client's com.twitter.finagle.transport.Transport.

    An entry point for configuring the client's com.twitter.finagle.transport.Transport.

    Transport is a Finagle abstraction over the network connection (i.e., a TCP connection).

    Definition Classes

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def transformed(f: (Stack[ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]]) => Stack[ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]]): This

    Creates a new StackClient with f applied to stack.

    Creates a new StackClient with f applied to stack.

    This is the same as withStack.

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2018-10-30) Use withStack(Stack[ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]] => Stack[ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]]) instead

Inherited from EndpointerStackClient[Req, Rep, This]

Inherited from WithSessionQualifier[This]

Inherited from WithClientSession[This]

Inherited from WithClientTransport[This]

Inherited from WithClientAdmissionControl[This]

Inherited from ClientParams[This]

Inherited from CommonParams[This]

Inherited from StackClient[Req, Rep]

Inherited from StackBasedClient[Req, Rep]

Inherited from Transformable[StackClient[Req, Rep]]

Inherited from Parameterized[This]

Inherited from Client[Req, Rep]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
