package core
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- case class BinaryAnnotation(key: String, value: ByteBuffer, annotationType: AnnotationType, endpoint: Endpoint) extends Product with Serializable
- case class Endpoint(ipv4: Int, port: Short) extends Product with Serializable
Endpoints describe a TCP endpoint that terminates RPC communication.
- abstract class RawZipkinTracer extends Tracer
Receives the Finagle generated traces and sends them off to Zipkin
- class Sampler extends AnyRef
Decide if we should sample a particular trace or not.
- class SamplingTracer extends Tracer
Tracer that supports sampling.
Tracer that supports sampling. Will pass through a subset of the records.
- case class Span(traceId: TraceId, _serviceName: Option[String], _name: Option[String], annotations: Seq[ZipkinAnnotation], bAnnotations: Seq[BinaryAnnotation], endpoint: Endpoint, created: Time) extends Product with Serializable
The span itself is an immutable datastructure.
The span itself is an immutable datastructure. Mutations are done through copying & updating span references elsewhere.
- traceId
Contains the Trace id (same for whole trace), Span id (same for just one rpc call) and parent id (links to the parent span in this trace, if None this is the root span)
- _serviceName
The name of the service handling the RPC
- _name
The name of the RPC method
- annotations
A sequence of annotations made in this span
- bAnnotations
Key-Value annotations, used to attach non timestamped data
- endpoint
This is the local endpoint the span was created on.
- created
Optional span creation time.
- case class ZipkinAnnotation(timestamp: Time, value: String, endpoint: Endpoint) extends Product with Serializable
Annotation for a span.
Annotation for a span. An event that happened at a particular time at a particular node.
Value Members
- object DefaultSampler extends Sampler
The DefaultSampler uses the initialSampleRate flag's value as the sample rate.
The DefaultSampler uses the initialSampleRate flag's value as the sample rate. If the flag is not set by the user it defaults to the sample rate provided by Sampler.sampleRate. Pass this singleton as the Sampler when constructing the Tracer.
- object Endpoint extends Serializable
- object Sampler
- object Span extends Serializable