
Below is a list of changes for each Finatra release.

Note that RB_ID=# and PHAB_ID=# correspond to associated message in commits.



No Changes


Runtime Behavior Changes

  • finatra: Bump version of Jackson to 2.14.2. PHAB_ID=D1049772

  • finatra: Bump version of nscala-time to 2.32.0. PHAB_ID=D1050087

  • finatra: Bump version of Guice to 5.1.0 and Joda-Convert to 2.2.3. PHAB_ID=D1050820

  • finatra: Bump version of Joda to 2.12.5 PHAB_ID=D1059830

  • finatra: Bump version of Jackson to 2.14.3. PHAB_ID=D1069160



  • inject-app: (BREAKING CHANGE) EmbeddedApp now sets to DEVELOPMENT PHAB_ID=D983261

Runtime Behavior Changes

  • util: Bump version of logback to 1.2.11. PHAB_ID=D1026765



  • inject-utils|inject-thrift: Move package private methods PossiblyRetryable#isCancellation and PossibleRetryable#isNonRetryable in inject-thrift to inject-utils ExceptionUtils as publicly usable methods. These methods are generally useful when processing interrupts on Futures. PHAB_ID=D935287

Runtime Behavior Changes

  • inject-server: Remove deprecated c.t.inject.server.DeprecatedLogging trait. This trait was introduced as a placeholder shim to ensure that JUL util-logging Flags were still defined within a Finatra server such that servers did not fail upon startup if Flag values were being set. The default behavior during Flag parsing is to error if a Flag value is passed for a Flag not defined within the application.

    We have removed the shim and the trait (and thus the Flag definitions), as it is not expected that users use util-logging JUL Flags for logging configuration with Finatra servers since Finatra uses the SLF4J-API. Logging configuration should be done on the choosen SLF4J-API logging implementation. If your server fails to start after this change, please ensure you are not passing values for the JUL util-logging Flags. PHAB_ID=D850852


  • finatra: Removed kafka and kafka-streams modules from finatra core library.

    Note: We published a stand-alone finatra-kafka client with deprecation announcement to serve as exit pathway for current users.

    Announcement: finagle blog PHAB_ID=D878136


  • finatra: Introduce InMemoryTracer for inspecting Trace information via tests. PHAB_ID=D878616

Runtime Behavior Changes

finatra: Update Jackson library to version 2.13.3 PHAB_ID=D906005


No Changes


Runtime Behavior Changes

  • inject-app: Remove the SLF4J-API logging bridges as dependencies. These were originally added as the framework was expressly opionated that users should use Logback as an SLF4J-API implementation, however specifying the bridges on the Finatra inject/inject-app library causes many issues with code that must use a different SLF4J-API logging implementation but still uses the Finatra framework. Users should note that if they do not include these bridges in some other manner that they may lose logging if they have any libraries which log with one of the formerly bridged implementations. Also note that servers using a TwitterServer logging implementation to support dynamically changing log levels will get the proper bridges as dependencies. PHAB_ID=D854393

Runtime Behavior Changes

  • inject-server: Throw an UnsupportedOperationException when access to the c.t.inject.server.DeprecatedLogging#log instance is attempted. This is a JUL Logger instance which was provided only as a backward-compatible shim for Finatra services when the c.t.server.TwitterServer framework was moved to the SLF4J-API. The instance was marked @deprecated in hopes of alerting users to not use it. We have now updated it to throw an exception when accessed. Please refer to the Finatra documentation for more information on using the SLF4J-API for logging with the Finatra framework: PHAB_ID=D854365


  • inject-app: Introduce test-friendly and, which can be used to inspect the output of a command-line style PHAB_ID=D856159


  • inject-modules: Remove deprecated c.t.inject.modules.LoggerModule. PHAB_ID=D853325

  • finatra: Bump version of Jackson to 2.13.2 PHAB_ID=D848592

  • inject-thrift-client: Deprecate c.t.inject.thrift.AndThenService, c.t.inject.thrift.modules.AndThenServiceModule, and c.t.inject.thrift.internal.DefaultAndThenServiceImpl. These were plumbing for unreleased experimental record/replay functionality and currently do nothing with no plan for implementation. PHAB_ID=D845841


  • inject-modules: Deprecate c.t.inject.modules.LoggerModule. Update to mix in the util/util-slf4j-jul-bridge Slf4jBridge trait. The LoggerModule does not provide a solution inline with the best practices for bridging JUL to the SLF4J-API and users are encouraged to instead mix in the c.t.util.logging.Slf4jBridge into the main class of their application if necessary. The updates to will now properly bridge JUL to the SLF4J-API early in the constructor of the application catching any log messages emitted to JUL before where the bridging would have been attempted when using the LoggerModule.

    Note that the Slf4jBridge trait is already mixed into the c.t.server.TwitterServer trait and thus no further action is necessary for bridging JUL to the SLF4J-API in extensions of c.t.server.TwitterServer. PHAB_ID=D827584

  • inject-slf4j: Deprecate c.t.inject.logging.Logging trait and methods. Users are encouraged to use the c.t.util.logging.Logging trait directly. There are no replacements for c.t.inject.logging.Logging#debugFutureResult and c.t.inject.logging.Logging#time. PHAB_ID=D821722



  • http-server: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Allow for customization of the building of the HTTP and HTTPS ListeningServer constructs. This allows users to specify any additional configuration over the Finagle Service[-R, +R] that is constructed by the HttpRouter. The c.t.finatra.http.HttpServerTrait#build method has been replaced by two more specific versions: #buildHttpListeningServer and #buildHttpsListeningServer which are used in postWarmup to create the appropriate ListeningServer given it has a defined port value.

    We also update the EmbeddedHttpServer and EmbeddedHttpClient to allow for being able to run both the HTTP and HTTPS listening servers in tests. This is done by setting the httpsPortFlag to the value of https.port which will enable the binding of the HTTPS listening server to the ephemeral port in tests. PHAB_ID=D809633

  • mysql-client: Add base client configuration in EmbeddedMysqlServer to enable for more robust testing setup. This would allow users to add configurations like charset. Added a overridable function createRichClient to MysqlClientModuleTrait to allow creating the mysql client in other ways like newRichClient(Finagle.Name, String). PHAB_ID=D805245


  • finatra: Bump version of Jackson to 2.13.1 PHAB_ID=D808049



  • inject-core: Move runAfterAll hook from c.t.inject.IntegrationTestMixin to c.t.inject.TestMixin. PHAB_ID=D784576



  • inject-core: Introduce a runAfterAll hook in c.t.inject.IntegrationTestMixin to allow for running logic to clean-up test resources in the org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll#afterAll without needing to 1) override org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll#afterAll, 2) ensure super is called for other resources clean-up, and 3) ensure all resources get cleaned up, regardless of non-fatal exceptions thrown as part of the clean-up logic and otherwise fail the TestSuite run. PHAB_ID=D707939

Runtime Behavior Changes

  • http-server: Treat non-constant routes with or without trailing slash as 2 different routes. For example, “/user/:id” and “/user/:id/” are treated as different routes in Finatra. You can still use the optional trailing slash /? which will indicate Finatra to ignore the trailing slash while routing. We don’t recommend to mix both use cases when defining your routes. For example: passing in both /user/:id and /user/:id/? at the same time. PHAB_ID=D787560



  • http-server: Add versions of HttpRouter#filter which accept a Guice TypeLiteral to aid Java users in being able to apply generically typed Filters obtained from the object graph. PHAB_ID=D768777



  • finatra-thrift (BREAKING API CHANGE): Removed c.t.finatra.thrift.ThriftClient#thriftClient, use #methodPerEndpoint. PHAB_ID=D747744

  • finatra: Bump version of Logback to 1.2.6. PHAB_ID=D742405

  • finatra: Bump version of Jackson to 2.11.4. PHAB_ID=D727879

  • finatra: Bump version of Joda-Time to 2.10.10. PHAB_ID=D729742

  • finatra: Bump version of logback to 1.2.5. PHAB_ID=D729767

  • finatra: Bump version of json4s to 3.6.11. PHAB_ID=D729764

21.8.0 (No 21.7.0 Release)


  • inject-core: Fixed a bug where c.t.inject.TestMixin#assertFailedFuture would incorrectly pass for non-failed c.t.util.Future in some cases where the tested failure is a supertype of org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException. PHAB_ID=D705002


  • inject-utils: Removed deprecated c.t.inject.conversions.string, use c.t.conversions.StringOps in the util/util-core project instead. PHAB_ID=D692729

  • inject-utils: Removed deprecated c.t.inject.conversions.tuple, use

c.t.conversions.TupleOps in the util/util-core project instead.


  • inject-utils: Removed deprecated c.t.inject.conversions.seq, use c.t.conversions.SeqOps in the util/util-core project instead. PHAB_ID=D692775

  • inject-utils: Removed implicit class RichMap from, use c.t.conversions.MapOps in the util/util-core project instead. PHAB_ID=D699010

  • thrift: Update the test c.t.finatra.thrift.ThriftClient to close client and clean-up resources during the EmbeddedTwitterServer close. PHAB_ID=D707963

  • finatra: Update ScalaCheck to version 1.15.4 PHAB_ID=D691691



  • inject-thrift-client (BREAKING API CHANGE): Removed the deprecated c.t.inject.thrift.modules.FilteredThriftClientModule. Please use its successor c.t.inject.thrift.modules.ThriftMethodBuilderClientModule for per-method configuration of a Thrift client. PHAB_ID=D687663

  • thrift: Add service_class to Finatra library thrift registry entry. PHAB_ID=D687117

  • finatra (BREAKING API CHANGE): Update to use the new util/util-jackson ScalaObjectMapper for case class object mapping. We’ve removed the custom Finatra c.t.finatra.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper and instead now use the c.t.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper. Since the c.t.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper does not support Joda-Time, backwards compatibility is maintained through usage of the Finatra ScalaObjectMapperModule for obtaining a configured ScalaObjectMapper which will be created with Joda-Time support, though support for Joda-Time in Finatra is deprecated and users should expect for Joda-Time support to be removed in an upcoming release. Users should prefer to use the JDK 8 java.time classes or java.util.Date.

    The finatra/inject c.t.inject.domain.WrappedValue has been removed and users should update to the util/util-core c.t.util.WrappedValue instead.

    The finatra/jackson JsonDiff utility is also removed. Users should switch to the improved version in util/util-jackson: c.t.util.jackson.JsonDiff.

    With the move to the util/util-jackson ScalaObjectMapper we’re also able to clean up some awkward directory structures in Finatra which were necessary because of dependencies. Specifically, the finatra/json-annotations library no longer exists, as @InjectableValue is now an annotation in util/util-jackson-annotations, and the remaining binding annotations @CamelCaseMapper and @SnakeCaseMapper have been moved into finatra/jackson.

    Using the util/util-jackson ScalaObjectMapper also brings Java 8 date/time (JSR310) support via inclusion of the Jackson JavaTimeModule by default.

    Lastly, we’ve also added the YamlScalaObjectMapperModule which can be used in place of the ScalaObjectMapperModule in order to provide a YAMLFactory configured ScalaObjectMapper. PHAB_ID=D664955

  • inject-utils: Remove deprecated c.t.inject.utils.StringUtils. Users should prefer to use the corresponding methods in com.twitter.conversions.StringOps from util/util-core, instead. PHAB_ID=D684659

  • inject-utils: Remove deprecated c.t.inject.utils.AnnotationUtils. Users should instead prefer c.t.util.reflect.Annotations from util/util-reflect. PHAB_ID=D684662



  • finatra-jackson: Do not enforce CaseClassDeserializer deserialization semantics for a field until after any deserializer annotation has been resolved. This fully allows a deserializer to specify how to deserialize a field completely independent of the CaseClassDeserializer requirements for fields. For example, if a user wanted to allow parsing of a JSON null value into a null field instance value, they could define a custom deserializer to do so and annotate the case class field with @JsonDeserialize(using = classOf[CustomNullableDeserializer]).

    Additionally, we’ve fix a bug in how String case class fields are handled when the incoming JSON is not a String-type. The current code incorrectly returns an empty string when the field value is parsed into Jackson ContainerNode or ObjectNode types and an incorrect toString representation for a PojoNode type. We now correctly represent the field value as a string in these cases to deserialize into the case class field. PHAB_ID=D676938

  • finatra-jackson: Properly handle Scala enumeration fields wrapped in an Option during deserialization failures in the CaseClassDeserializer#isScalaEnumerationType method. PHAB_ID=D665062


  • finatra-kafka: Deprecate c.t.finatra.kafka.consumers.TracingKafkaConsumer as it only produced single-span traces and there is no way to propagate the TraceId back to the caller without changing the entire API. Users should use the c.t.finatra.kafka.consumers.KafkaConsumerTracer.trace method instead to enable tracing for Kafka Consumers. Also added c.t.finatra.kafka.producers.KafkaProducerTraceAnnotator and c.t.finatra.kafka.consumers.KafkaConsumerTraceAnnotator services which will can be used to add custom trace annotations to the producer and consumer spans. PHAB_ID=D649655

  • finatra (BREAKING API CHANGE): Update to use the new util/util-validator ScalaValidator for case class field validations. We’ve removed the custom Finatra c.t.finatra.validation.Validator and instead now use the c.t.util.validation.ScalaValidator. Constraint annotations and validator implementations now use the standard jakarta.validation API interface classes instead of any custom Finatra types. We’ve deprecated the custom Finatra constraints as they are duplicative of already existing “standard” or otherwise provided constraints and validators. Additionally, c.t.finatra.validation.ErrorCode is deprecated with no replacement. The same data carried can be obtained via the standard jakarta.validation.ConstraintViolation[T].

    Adapting the Finatra framework to use the util/util-validator also includes the framework Jackson integration. We’re also taking this opportunity to clean up the error reporting interface of the CaseClassFieldMappingException to define a CaseClassFieldMappingException.Reason type to replace the usage of the (removed) ValidationResult.Invalid type. The Reason carries a message String as well as a CaseClassFieldMappingException.Detail which can be one of several possible types including a CaseClassFieldMappingException.ValidationError which carries any failed validation information including the emitted ConstraintViolation[T].

    Lastly, we are deprecating support for JSON serialization/deserialization of JodaTime fields in case classes. This support will be dropped in an upcoming release. Users should prefer to use the JDK 8 java.time classes and we will be adding support for these types in the Finatra Jackson integration in the future. PHAB_ID=D659556

  • finatra-jackson: (BREAKING API CHANGE) JsonLogging should use the lazy Scala SLF4J logger and no longer return the passed in argument that’s logged as JSON. PHAB_ID=D563699



  • http-core: Add support to build a multipart/form-data POST request in Finatra RequestBuilder. PHAB_ID=D648869

  • finatra-kafka-streams: Update AsyncTransformer to support threadpools. PHAB_ID=D611608

  • finatra-kafka-streams: Set kafka.producer.acks=all by default PHAB_ID=D643266



  • inject-thrift-client: Add per-method retry configuration withMaxRetries in com.twitter.inject.thrift.ThriftMethodBuilder for customizing configureServicePerEndpoint. PHAB_ID=D619565


  • finatra (BREAKING API CHANGE): Deprecate c.t.inject.utils.AnnotationUtils, users should instead use c.t.util.reflect.Annotations from com.twitter:util-reflect. Deprecate c.t.finatra.utils.ClassUtils, users should instead use either c.t.util.reflect.Classes#simpleName, c.t.util.reflect.Types#isCaseClass or c.t.util.reflect.Types#notCaseClass from com.twitter:util-reflect. PHAB_ID=D638655

  • finatra (BREAKING API CHANGE): Builds are now only supported for Scala 2.12+ PHAB_ID=D631091

  • finatra: Revert to scala version 2.12.12 due to PHAB_ID=D635917

  • finatra: Bump scala version to 2.12.13 PHAB_ID=D632567

  • finatra: Move com.twitter.finatra.http.{jsonpatch,request} from the finatra/http-server project to finatra/http-core project. Please update your build artifact references accordingly. PHAB_ID=D623745

  • http-server|http-core|jackson|thrift|validation: Update to use c.t.util.reflect.Types in places for TypeTag reflection. PHAB_ID=D631819

  • finatra: Move c.t.finatra.http.{context,exceptions,response} from the finatra/http-server project to finatra/http-core project. Please update your build artifact references accordingly. PHAB_ID=D631772

  • finatra: Move c.t.finatra.http.streaming from the finatra/http-server project to finatra/http-core project. Please update your build artifact references accordingly. PHAB_ID=D631371

  • http-core: Introduce c.t.finatra.http.marshalling.MessageBodyManager#builder for creating an immutable c.t.finatra.http.marshalling.MessageBodyManager. The MessageBodyManager’s constructor is now private. PHAB_ID=D621755

  • http-server: Move c.t.finatra.http.modules.MessageBodyFlagsModule to c.t.finatra.http.marshalling.modules.MessageBodyFlagsModule. PHAB_ID=D626600

  • validation: Remove deprecated constraint type aliases under com.twitter.finatra.validation, users should prefer the actual constraint annotations at com.twitter.finatra.validation.constraints. PHAB_ID=D625174

  • jackson: Remove deprecated com.twitter.finatra.json.utils.CamelCasePropertyNamingStrategy, users should prefer to use PropertyNamingStrategy#LOWER_CAMEL_CASE or an equivalent directly. Also remove the deprecated com.twitter.finatra.json.annotations.JsonCamelCase, users should use the @JsonProperty or @JsonNaming annotations or an appropriately configured Jackson PropertyNamingStrategy instead. PHAB_ID=D623807

  • inject-core: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Rename c.t.inject.TwitterModule.closeOnExit to onExit so it mirrors the API from c.t.inject.App. PHAB_ID=D621095

  • http-client: Remove deprecated c.t.finatra.httpclient.modules.HttpClientModule. Use c.t.finatra.httpclient.modules.HttpClientModuleTrait instead. PHAB_ID=D619591

  • http-client: Remove deprecated c.t.finatra.httpclient.RichHttpClient. Use c.t.finagle.Http.Client or c.t.finatra.httpclient.modules.HttpClientModuleTrait instead. Additionally, c.t.finatra.httpclient.modules.HttpClientModule.provideHttpService has been removed. Use c.t.finatra.httpclient.modules.HttpClientModuleTrait.newService(injector, statsReceiver) instead. PHAB_ID=D619547

  • finatra: Move c.t.finatra.http.fileupload from the finatra/http-server project to finatra/http-core project. Please update your build artifact references accordingly. PHAB_ID=D620478

  • http-client: Remove deprecated method get from c.t.finatra.httpclient.HttpClient. Use HttpClient’s execute instead. PHAB_ID=D618904

  • finatra: Create the finatra/http-core project, which is meant to contain common artifacts for the finatra/http-server and finatra/http-client project. As part of this change, the com.twitter.finatra.httpclient.RequestBuilder has been deprecated and should be updated to reference com.twitter.finatra.http.request.RequestBuilder. `PHAB_ID=D618583`

  • finatra: Rename the finatra/httpclient project to finatra/http-client. Please update your build artifact references (i.e. SBT, Maven) to use “finatra-http-client”. PHAB_ID=D617614

  • kafkaStreams: Switch the default Kafka client and Kafka Stream client to version 2.4.1. PHAB_ID=D606782

  • finatra: Rename the finatra/http project to finatra/http-server. Please update your build artifact references (i.e. SBT, Maven) to use “finatra-http-server”. See the Finatra User’s Guide PHAB_ID=D616257



  • finatra: all subprojects cross-building with 2.13.1. PHAB_ID=D613483

  • kafkaStreams: Enables cross-build for 2.13.1 for projects kafkaStreamsStaticPartitioning, kafkaStreamsPrerestore, and kafkaStreamsQueryableThrift. PHAB_ID=D608958



  • kafka: Enables cross-build for 2.13.1. Note that kafka 2.5 is bundled with scala 2.13+ and kafka 2.2 is bundled with scala 2.12-. PHAB_ID=D597065

  • kafkaStreams: Enables cross-build for 2.13.1. Note that kafka 2.5 is bundled with scala 2.13+ and kafka 2.2 is bundled with scala 2.12-. PHAB_ID=D597065

  • benchmarks: Enables cross-build for 2.13.1. PHAB_ID=D597288

  • inject-thrift-client-http-mapper: Enables cross-build for 2.13.1. PHAB_ID=D596470

  • http-mustache: Enables cross-build for 2.13.1. PHAB_ID=D596470

  • thrift: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Removed JavaThriftRouter.add(controller, protocolFactory) method. Use AbstractThriftServer.configureThriftServer to override Thrift-specific stack params (including Thrift.param.ProtocolFactory). PHAB_ID=D593876

  • finatra-http: Remove deprecated c.t.finatra.http.response.StreamingResponse. Use c.t.finatra.http.streaming.StreamingResponse instead. PHAB_ID=D594642

  • finatra-kafka-streams: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Changed the delayWithStore DSL call to ensure that the store name is consistent across shards. Requires a new storeName parameter to allow for multiple delays in a single topology. PHAB_ID=D593593


  • finatra-kafka-streams: Renamed implicit Kafka Streams DSL classes in order to permit multiple DSL extensions to be used in the same Kafka Streams topology. PHAB_ID=D598368

  • thrift: Fixed a bug where Thrift stack params (i.e., protocol factory) that are passed to AbstractThriftServer.configureThriftServer are ignored in JavaThriftRouter. PHAB_ID=D593876



  • finatra-kafka-streams: Add async map commands to Kafka Streams DSL (flatMapAsync, flatMapValuesAsync, mapAsync, and mapValuesAsync) PHAB_ID=D593995

  • finatra-kafka-streams: Allow String configuration to be null and set upgradefrom to null if it is

    running in 2.5 kafka client. PHAB_ID=D592608

  • finatra-http: Allow injecting filtered controllers in HttpRouter from Java. PHAB_ID=D590707

  • inject-utils: Move deprecation warning from to PHAB_ID=D591979

  • kafka: Add an option includePartitionMetrics to KafkaFinagleMetricsReporter to not include metrics per partition of the FinagleKafkaConsumer. Defaults to true. PHAB_ID=D587636

  • finatra: Enables cross-build for 2.13.1 for inject-logback. PHAB_ID=D588586

  • finatra-kafka-streams: Add delay DSL calls to insert a delay into a Kafka Streams topology.

  • finatra: Enables cross-build for 2.13.1 for inject-thrift-client. PHAB_ID=D583509

  • finatra-kafka-streams: Add c.t.f.k.t.s.PersistentTimerValueStore which stores a value in the timerstore that can be used when the timer is triggered. PHAB_ID=D583020

  • inject-core: Add ability to call InMemoryStats#waitFor with a fixed timeout PHAB_ID=D576147

  • finatra: Enables cross-build for 2.13.1 for httpclient, http, and jackson. PHAB_ID=D574391


  • inject-utils: Deprecate all methods in, and move functionality to c.t.conversions.MapOps in the util/util-core project. PHAB_ID=D578819

  • inject-utils: Deprecate all methods in c.t.inject.conversions.tuple, and move functionality to c.t.conversions.TupleOps in the util/util-core project. PHAB_ID=D578804

  • inject-utils: Deprecate all methods in c.t.inject.conversions.seq, and move functionality to c.t.conversions.SeqOps in the util/util-core project. PHAB_ID=D578605

  • inject-utils: Remove deprecated camelify, pascalify, and snakify from c.t.inject.conversions.string.RichString. Additionally, deprecate toOption and getOrElse in c.t.inject.conversions.string.RichString, and move functionality to c.t.conversions.StringOps in the util/util-core project. PHAB_ID=D578549

  • c.t.finatra.http.exceptions.ExceptionMapperCollection changed from Traversable to Iterable for cross-building 2.12 and 2.13. PHAB_ID=D574391

  • inject-core: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Move the testing utility InMemoryStatsReceiverUtility and InMemoryStats into inject-core from inject-server. They can both be found under com.twitter.inject. PHAB_ID=D574643

  • validation: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Introduce new Validation Framework APIs which support cascading validation to nested case classes and other improvements which also closer align to JSR380. Validator#validate has changed from returning Unit and throwing an exception to model the JSR380 version that returns a Set of failed constraints. There is a new method which replicates the throwing behavior. PHAB_ID=D559644

  • kafka: Split c.t.f.kafka.tracingEnabled flag into c.t.f.k.producers.producerTracingEnabled and c.t.f.k.consumers.consumerTracingEnabled to selectively enable/disable tracing for producers/consumers. Producer tracing is turned on by default and consumer tracing is turned off by default now. PHAB_ID=D571064


  • inject-server: Wire through HTTP method in AdminHttpClient so that POST requests can be made to HTTPAdmin endpoints. PHAB_ID=D584988



  • finatra-kafka-streams: Add toCluster DSL call to publish to another Kafka cluster.


  • jackson: Add support for validating @JsonCreator annotated static (e.g., companion object defined apply methods) or secondary case class constructors. PHAB_ID=D552921

  • inject-app: Allow injecting flags without default values as both scala.Option and java.util.Optional. PHAB_ID=D526226


  • utils: Undo usage of TypesApi for help in determining if a class is a Scala case class as this fails for generic case classes in Scala 2.11, failing some supported cases for Jackson processing. PHAB_ID=D566596

  • utils: Update ClassUtils#simpleName to handle when package names have underscores followed by a number which throws an InternalError. Add tests. PHAB_ID=D566069

  • utils: Revamp ClassUtils#isCaseClass to use the TypesApi for help in determining if a class is a Scala case class. Add tests. PHAB_ID=D566069

  • http: The http server did not properly log the bound address on server startup. Fix this and make the thrift server consistent. PHAB_ID=D563758

  • utils: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Rename maybeIsCaseClass to notCaseClass in ClassUtils and change the scope of the method. PHAB_ID=D556169

  • http: Adding support for optionally passing chain in the TLS sever trait. PHAB_ID=D553718

  • finatra: Bump version of Joda-Time to 2.10.8. PHAB_ID=D570496


  • finatra-kafka-streams: Revert AsyncTransformer to still use ConcurrentHashMap.


  • inject-thrift-client: The Singleton annotation has been removed from the DarkTrafficFilter and the JavaDarkTrafficFilter. It was there in error. PHAB_ID=D553539

  • inject-thrift-client: When using RepRepServicePerEndpoint, Finatra’s DarkTrafficFilter would throw a NoSuchMethodException when trying to lookup an inherited Thrift endpoint. PHAB_ID=D553361



  • finatra-inject: TestInjector has been reworked to allow users executing modules’ lifecycle callbacks. Specifically, the TestInjector builder API has been moved under TestInjector.Builder to allow TestInjector extends Injector with two new methods: start() and close(). PHAB_ID=D537056


  • finatra-kafka-streams: Update and separate the Finatra kafka stream code base which has direct dependency on Kafka 2.2. Separate any code which cannot easily be upgraded to separate build target. PHAB_ID=D545900

  • inject-core: c.t.inject.Injector is now an abstract class. Use Injector.apply to create a new instance (versus the new Injector(…) before). PHAB_ID=D543297

  • http: Ensure HttpWarmer creates the request exactly the number of times requested and mutates the correct objects. PHAB_ID=D547310

  • kafka: Replaced the com.twitter.finatra.kafka.TracingEnabled toggle with a GlobalFlag enabling Zipkin tracing for Kafka clients. PHAB_ID=D525274

  • finatra: Bump version of Jackson to 2.11.2. PHAB_ID=D538440


  • jackson: Fix issue in the handling of unknown properties. The CaseClassDeserializer only considered the case where the incoming JSON contained more fields than the case class and not the case where the incoming JSON contained less fields than specified in the case class. This has been fixed to ensure that when the fields of the JSON do not line up to the non-ignored case class fields the handling of unknown properties is properly invoked. PHAB_ID=D549353

  • validation: c.t.f.validation.Validator would throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException when trying to validate a case class which contained additional fields that are not included in the constructor parameters. PHAB_ID=D549253



  • thrift: JavaThriftRouter now allows mounting controllers by value (as opposed to via DI). PHAB_ID=D528659

  • finatra-kafka: Expose delivery timeout duration in KafkaProducerConfig. PHAB_ID=D535761


  • inject-core: Remove deprecated com.twitter.inject.Mockito trait. Users are encouraged to switch to the com.twitter.util.mock.Mockito trait from util/util-mock. PHAB_ID=D529174


  • inject-server: Ensure Awaiter.any does not try to block on an empty list of Awaitables. Add tests. PHAB_ID=D537727

  • finatra-jackson: Fix bugs around generic case class deserialization involving other generic types. Reported (with reproduction and pointers) on GitHub by @aatasiei ( Fixes #547. PHAB_ID=D532768

  • finatra-jackson: Fix a bug preventing JSON parsing of generic case classes, which in turn, contain fields with generic case classes. Reported (with a thorough reproducer and an analysis) on GitHub by @aatasiei ( Fixes #548. PHAB_ID=D531452

20.8.0 (DO NOT USE)


  • inject-app: Add more Java-friendly constructors for the TestInjector. PHAB_ID=D520900


  • inject-modules: Improve Java usability: rename apply to get for StatsReceiverModule and LoggerModule. Add get methods for other TwitterModule singleton objects. (BREAKING API CHANGE) PHAB_IB=D525696

  • inject-core: Deprecate c.t.inject.Resettable (no replacement) and c.t.inject.TestTwitterModule. Users should prefer the #bind[T] DSL over usage of the TestTwitterModule. PHAB_ID=D520889


  • inject-server: Fix EmbeddedTwitterServer to return StartupTimeoutException when server under test fails to start within max startup time. PHAB_ID=D519318



  • inject-app: Adding flag converters for (including comma-separated variants). PHAB_ID=D516020

  • finatra-kafka-streams: Added TracingKafkaClientSupplier to provide TracingKafkaProducer and TracingKafkaConsumer to enable Zipkin tracing. Tracing can be enabled with the toggle com.twitter.finatra.kafka.TracingEnabled. PHAB_ID=D502911

  • finatra-kafka: Added TracingKafkaProducer and TracingKafkaConsumer to enable Zipkin tracing for Kafka. and FinagleKafkaConsumerBuilder.buildClient() now return instances of TracingKafkaProducer and TracingKafkaConsumer respectively with tracing enabled by default. Tracing can be enabled with the toggle com.twitter.finatra.kafka.TracingEnabled. PHAB_ID=D490711


  • finatra: Update org.scalatest dependency to 3.1.2 and introduce finer-grained dependencies on org.scalatestplus artifacts. PHAB_ID=D518553 PHAB_ID=D518794

  • inject-thrift-client: Remove unused ClientId property from ThriftMethodBuilderClientModule#provideServicePerEndpoint method. PHAB_ID=D513491

  • inject-server: Improve startup time of EmbeddedTwitterServer by observing lifecycle events to determine startup, where previously we were doing 1 second polls. The nonInjectableServerStarted property is removed and isStarted should be referenced regardless of the type of underlying twitterServer type. The end result should see a faster test execution feedback loop. Our Finatra test targets range from a roughly 2x to 10x reduction in execution times.

    You may experience new test failures in cases where an exception is thrown as part of c.t.inject.TwitterServer.start() or c.t.server.TwitterServer.main() and the test would have expected a failure as part of startup. As the error takes place after the startup lifecycle, you may now need to Await.result the EmbeddedTwitterServer.mainResult() to assert the error.

    You may also experience some new non-deterministic behavior when testing against PubSub style logic. As the server may be started earlier, your tests may be relying on assumptions that an event would have occurred within the previous 1 second startup poll, which is no longer guaranteed. You may need to adjust your test logic to account for this behavior.


  • finatra: Update dependency to 4.2.3 and net.codingwell.scala-guice to version 4.2.11. The net.codingwell.scala-guice library has switched from Manifests to TypeTags for transparent binding and injector key creation. The c.t.inject.TwitterModule has moved from its custom bind DSL to the scalaguice.ScalaModule which brings the TwitterModule inline with both the TwitterPrivateModule and the bind[T] test DSL to now have the same consistent binding DSL across all three. Thus, there is no more confusing bindSingleton function in the TwitterModule bind API.

    Upgrading scalaguice helps move a necessary dependency of Finatra to a version which is Scala 2.13 compatible moving Finatra closer to Scala 2.13 support. PHAB_ID=D504559 PHAB_ID=D515857


  • inject-app: Having two sets of flag converters for primitive types (both Java and Scala) confuses the DI runtime, preventing the injection. We now have only a single set of converters, based off Scala primitive types. PHAB_ID=D509192



  • inject-app: You can now inject Flag values of any type (not just primitive types). Most of the common Flag types are already supported out of the box (e.g., Seq[InetSocketAddress]), but it’s also possible to register your own converters derived from any Flaggable instance. PHAB_ID=D498210

  • inject-stack: Move StackTransformer from inject/inject-core to inject/inject-stack to remove the finagle-core dependency from inject/inject-core. PHAB_ID=D489604

  • inject-server: adding httpPostAdmin test method. PHAB_ID=D482624


  • thrift/http: Introduce a Common Log Format type of formatting for Thrift access logging to replace the current prelog text. Ensure the HTTP and Thrift access logging filters are aligned in functionality and behavior. PHAB_ID=D497596

  • inject-slf4j: Remove Jackson dependency. Case classes which wish to use the slf4j Logging functionality should use the finatra/jackson c.t.finatra.jackson.caseclass.SerdeLogging trait which provides a @JsonIgnoreProperties to ignore logging fields. PHAB_ID=D487948


  • finatra-validation: Added a c.t.finatra.validation.ValidatorModule to provide a default Validator. The new module is added to the default Finatra HttpServer modules, users can override it with a customized ValidatorModule by overriding the validatorModule field. PHAB_ID=D503417



  • inject-mdc: Move MDC integration from inject/inject-slf4j to inject/inject-mdc. PHAB_ID=D485870

  • finatra-http|finatra-thrift: Update TraceIdMDCFilter to log traceSampled and traceSpanId PHAB_ID=472013

  • finatra-examples: Ensure there are Java and Scala examples for the different types of applications and servers which can be built with Finatra. Update /examples directory layout for discoverability and consistency. PHAB_ID=D469677


  • inject-slf4j: Move MDC integration from inject/inject-slf4j to inject/inject-mdc. PHAB_ID=D485870

  • finatra-http: Allow extensions of the c.t.finatra.http.filters.HttpResponseFilter to specify how to set the Location Header value into a Response. Additionally, don’t allow exceptions resulting from the inability to set a non-compliant ‘Location’ response header escape the filter. PHAB_ID=D483793

  • inject-core: Make flag methods in c.t.inject.TwitterModule public an final. PHAB_ID=D484168

  • inject-core: c.t.inject.Mockito has been marked deprecated. Users are encouraged to prefer mockito-scala (or ScalaTest MockitoSugar which provides some basic syntax sugar for Mockito). PHAB_ID=D482531

  • http: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Update the c.t.finatra.http.HttpResponseFilter to optionally fully qualify response ‘Location’ header values. A previous change made the filter always attempt to fully qualify any response ‘Location’ header value. This updates the logic to be opt-in for the more strict returning of fully qualified ‘Location’ header values with the default being to allow relative values per the RFC7231 which replaces the obsolete RFC2616. This is thus a breaking API change as the default is now to allow relative values. To enable the previous strict behavior, users should instantiate the filter with the constructor arg fullyQualifyLocationHeader set to ‘true’. This addresses issue #524. PHAB_ID=D467909

  • jackson: Remove deprecated FinatraObjectMapper and FinatraJacksonModule. Users are encouraged to switch to the equivalent c.t.finatra.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper and c.t.finatra.jackson.modules.ScalaObjectMapperModule. PHAB_ID=D473177

  • finatra-http: Update c.t.finatra.http.StreamingJsonTestHelper to not use Thread.sleep for writing JSON elements on an artificial delay. PHAB_ID=D470793

  • inject-app: Remove finagle-core dependency. Introduce finatra/inject/inject-dtab. PHAB_ID=D474298

  • finatra: Bump version of Jackson to 2.11.0. PHAB_ID=D457496

  • finatra-http: Only create EnrichedResponse counters when needed. Any “service/failure” response counters will only be generated upon first failure and not eagerly for each response generated. This change impacts users who expect a counter value of 0 when no response failures have been encountered - now the counter will not exist until the first failure has been recorded. PHAB_ID=D474918

  • finatra: Bump version of Joda-Time to 2.10.6. PHAB_ID=D473522


  • inject-thrift-client: Convert non-camel case ThriftMethod names, e.g., “get_tweets” to camelCase, e.g., “getTweets” for reflection lookup of generated ReqRepServicePerEndpoint interface methods in c.t.inject.thrift.filters.DarkTrafficFilter. PHAB_ID=D478104



  • inject-app: Add default type conversions for java.time.LocalTime, c.t.util.Time,, and c.t.util.StorageUnit. This allows the injector to convert from a String representation to the given type. The type conversion for uses the implementation and the type conversion for c.t.util.Time uses the implementation for consistency with Flag parsing. Because of the current state of type erasure with instances, Finatra currently binds a parsed value as a String type, relying on registered Guice TypeConverters to convert from the bound String type to the requested type. These conversions now allow for a defined over the type to be injected by the type as Guice now has a type conversion from the bound String type rather than as a String representation which then must be manually converted. PHAB_ID=D471545

  • finatra-http: Method in tests to return an absolute path URI with the https scheme and authority PHAB_ID=D466424

  • finatra: Java-friendly bindClass test APIs. The bindClass API calls from Java can be now chained with the TestInjector, EmbeddedApp, EmbeddedTwitterServer, EmbeddedThriftServer, and EmbeddedHttpServer. For example, the following is now possible:

    ``` EmbeddedHttpServer server = new EmbeddedHttpServer(

    new HelloWorldServer(), Collections.emptyMap(), Stage.DEVELOPMENT) .bindClass(Integer.class, Flags.named(“magic.number”), 42) .bindClass(Integer.class, Flags.named(“module.magic.number”), 9999);

    return server; ` ``PHAB_ID=D463042


  • inject-app: Introduce consistent creation methods for Java. Bring HTTP and Thrift server traits inline with each other to provide consistent Java support. Ensure Java examples in documentation. PHAB_ID=D471716

  • inject-core: Update the configuration of instances created within a c.t.inject.TwitterModule to have failFastUntilParsed set to ‘true’ by default. While this is configurable for a given c.t.inject.TwitterModule, much like for the application itself, it is STRONGLY recommended that users adopt this behavior. PHAB_ID=D448047

  • inject-app: Update to always add the InjectorModule. PHAB_ID=D465943

  • inject-app: Reduce visibility of internal code in PHAB_ID=D465597

  • inject-modules: Updated BUILD files for Pants 1:1:1 layout. PHAB_ID=D442977


  • finatra-kafka: Close a result observer when Namer.resolve fails. PHAB_ID=D416044

20.4.0 (DO NOT USE)


  • inject-app: Add Java-friendly main to EmbeddedApp. PHAB_ID=D458375

  • finatra-kafka: Expose timeout duration in KafkaProducerConfig dest(). PHAB_ID=D457356


  • finatra-validation|jackson: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Introduced new case class validation library inspired by JSR-380 specification. The new library can be used as its own to validate field and method annotations for a case class. The library is also automatically integrated with Finatra’s custom CaseClassDeserializer to efficiently apply per field and method validations as request parsing is performed. However, Users can easily turn off validation during request parsing with the setting noValidation in their server configurations. For more information, please checkout Finatra User’s Guide. PHAB_ID=D415743

  • finatra: guice is upgraded to 4.2.1 PHAB_ID=D457714




  • finatra-validation|jackson: Remove Jackson dependency from finatra/validation. This was for ErrorCode reporting but can be moved to finatra/jackson. PHAB_ID=D445364

  • finatra-kafka-streams: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Update AsyncTransformer to preserve record context. PHAB_ID=D436227

  • finatra-jackson: Better handling of Scala enumeration mapping errors. Currently, if mapping of a Scala enumeration during deserialization fails a java.util.NoSuchElementException is thrown which escapes deserialization error handling. Update to instead handle this failure case in order to correctly translate into a CaseClassFieldMappingException which will be wrapped into a CaseClassMappingException. PHAB_ID=D442575




  • finatra-kafka-streams: Add method to c.t.f.kafkastreams.test.TopologyTesterTopic to write Kafka messages with custom headers to topics. PHAB_ID=D424440

  • finatra-http: Add toBufReader to get the underlying Reader of Buf from StreamingResponse. If the consumed Stream primitive is not Buf, the returned reader streams a serialized JSON array. PHAB_ID=D434448

  • inject-app: Add functions to to provide better ergonomics for Java users to call and use basic App lifecycle callbacks. PHAB_ID=D433874

  • inject-server: Add functions to c.t.inject.server.AbstractTwitterServer to provide better ergonomics for Java users to call and use basic TwitterServer lifecycle callbacks. PHAB_ID=D433874

  • inject-slf4j: Add a way to retrieve the currently stored Local Context map backing the MDC. PHAB_ID=D431148

  • finatra-jackson: Added new functionality in the CaseClassDeserializer to support more Jackson annotations during deserialization. See documentation for more information. PHAB_ID=D407284

  • finatra: Add NullKafkaProducer for unit tests to avoid network connection failures in the log. PHAB_ID=D429004


  • finatra: Update Google Guice version to 4.2.0 PHAB_ID=D372886

  • finatra: Bumped version of Joda to 2.10.2 and Joda-Convert to 1.5. PHAB_ID=D435987

  • finatra-jackson|finatra-http-annotations: Move http-releated Jackson “injectablevalues” annotations from finatra/jackson to finatra/http-annotations.

    Specifically the follow have changed packages, c.t.finatra.request.QueryParam –> c.t.finatra.http.annotations.QueryParam c.t.finatra.request.RouteParam –> c.t.finatra.http.annotations.RouteParam c.t.finatra.request.FormParam –> c.t.finatra.http.annotations.FormParam c.t.finatra.request.Header –> c.t.finatra.http.annotations.Header c.t.finatra.request.JsonIgnoreBody –> c.t.finatra.http.annotations.JsonIgnoreBody

    Users should update from finatra/jackson/src/main/java (finatra-jackson_2.12) to finatra/http-annotations/src/main/java (finatra-http-annotations_2.12). PHAB_ID=D418766

  • finatra-jackson: Updated Finatra Jackson integration to introduce a new ScalaObjectMapper and module to simplify configuration and creation of the mapper. See documentation for more information. PHAB_ID=D407284

  • finatra-jackson: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Moved the java binding annotations, CamelCaseMapper and SnakeCaseMapper from c.t.finatra.annotations in finatra/jackson to c.t.finatra.json.annotations in finatra/json-annotations. Moved c.t.finatra.response.JsonCamelCase to c.t.finatra.json.annotations.JsonCamelCase which is also now deprecated. Users are encouraged to use the standard Jackson annotations or a mapper with the desired property naming strategy configured.

    Many exceptions for case class deserialization were meant to be internal to the framework but are useful or necessary outside of the internals of JSON deserialization. As such we have cleaned up and made most JSON deserialization exceptions public. As a result, all the exceptions have been moved from c.t.finatra.json.internal.caseclass.exceptions to c.t.finatra.jackson.caseclass.exceptions.

    c.t.finatra.json.internal.caseclass.exceptions.CaseClassValidationException has been renamed to c.t.finatra.jackson.caseclass.exceptions.CaseClassFieldMappingException. JsonInjectException, JsonInjectionNotSupportedException, and RequestFieldInjectionNotSupportedException have all been deleted and replaced with c.t.finatra.jackson.caseclass.exceptions.InjectableValuesException which represents the same error cases.

    The FinatraJsonMappingException has been removed. Users are encouraged to instead use the general Jackson JsonMappingException (which the FinatraJsonMappingException extends).

    RepeatedCommaSeparatedQueryParameterException has been moved tom finatra/http. PHAB_ID=D407284


  • finatra-jackson: Access to parameter names via Java reflection is not supported in Scala 2.11. Added a work around for the parsing of case class structures to support JSON deserialization in Scala 2.11 and forward. PHAB_ID=D431837

  • finatra-jackson: Fix for enforcing “fail on unknown properties” during deserialization. Previously, the CaseClassDeserializer was optimized to only read the fields in the case class constructor from the incoming JSON and thus ignored any unknown fields during deserialization. The fix will now properly fail if the DeserializationFeature is set or if the JsonProperties is configured accordingly. PHAB_ID=D407284



  • finatra-kafka-streams: Track c.t.f.kafkastreams.flushing.AsyncProcessor and c.t.f.kafkastreams.flushing.AsyncTransformer latencies with stat metrics PHAB_ID=D430688

  • finatra: Exposing Listening Server’s bound address in Thrift and HTTP server traits PHAB_ID=D424745

  • finatra: Upgrade logback to 1.2.3 PHAB_ID=D415888


  • inject-server: Fix issue in c.t.inject.server.EmbeddedHttpClient where assertion of an empty response body was incorrectly disallowed. This prevented asserting that a server was not yet healthy as the /health endpoint returns an empty string, thus even a not yet healthy server would report as “healthy” to the testing infrastructure as long as the health endpoint returned a 200 - OK response. PHAB_ID=D422712



  • finatra: Upgrade to jackson 2.9.10 and jackson-databind PHAB_ID=D410846

  • finatra: Correctly track Ignorable Exceptions in per-method StatsFilter. Responses marked as Ignorable are tracked in the global requests and exceptions metrics but were not counted under the per-method metrics. There are now counts of ignored and total requests as well as ignored requests by Exception for each method. E.g.

    per_method_stats/foo/ignored 1 per_method_stats/foo/ignored/java.lang.Exception 1 per_method_stats/foo/requests 1


  • finatra-http|jackson: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Move parsing of message body contents from finatra/jackson via the FinatraObjectMapper #parseMessageBody, #parseRequestBody, and #parseResponseBody methods to finatra/http with functionality replicated via an implicit which enhances a given FinatraObjectMapper. Additionally we have updated finatra-http the MessageBodyComponent API to use c.t.finagle.http.Message instead of c.t.finagle.http.Request and c.t.finagle.http.Response. This means that users can use the MessageBodyComponent API to read the body of Finagle HTTP requests or responses and all HTTP concerns are co-located in finatra-http instead of being partially implemented in finatra-jackson.

    In updating the MessageBodyComponent API we have removed support for polymorphic MessageBodyReader types, that is we have simplified the MessageBodyReader API to no longer express the #parse method parameterized to a subtype of the class type. This API allowed parsing a message body into a subtype solely through the presence of a given type parameter but the resulting API has proven to be extremely clunky. We feel that the same behavior is achievable in other ways (such as adapting the type after parsing) and the improvement and simplification of the MessageBodyReader API to be worth removing the awkward method signature.

    Lastly, we have fixed the returned charset encoding on response content-type header to be applicable only where appropriate instead of always being added when the http.response.charset.enabled flag is set to true. PHAB_ID=D400560

  • finatra: (BREAKING API CHANGE) move DarkTrafficFilter and related modules from finatra/thrift to inject/inject-thrift-client. The modules now extend from c.t.inject.thrift.modules.ThriftClientModuleTrait for more uniform configuration. The following changes were made:

    • c.t.finatra.thrift.filters.DarkTrafficFilter -> c.t.inject.thrift.filters.DarkTrafficFilter

    • c.t.finatra.thrift.modules.DarkTrafficFilterModule -> c.t.inject.thrift.modules.DarkTrafficFilterModule

    • c.t.finatra.thrift.modules.ReqRepDarkTrafficFilterModule -> c.t.inject.thrift.modules.ReqRepDarkTrafficFilterModule

    • c.t.finatra.thrift.modules.JavaDarkTrafficFilterModule -> c.t.inject.thrift.modules.JavaDarkTrafficFilterModule


  • finatra: Update Google Guice version to 4.1.0, update ScalaTest to 3.0.8, and ScalaCheck to 1.14.0. PHAB_ID=D408309

  • finatra-http: Remove deprecated c.t.finatra.http.HttpHeaders. Users should use com.twitter.finagle.http.Fields instead. PHAB_ID=D407290

  • finatra-http: Remove deprecated DocRootModule. PHAB_ID=D404723

  • finatra-http: (BREAKING CHANGE) Remove automatic handling of Mustache rendering from finatra/http and break Mustache support into two separate libraries: finatra/mustache and finatra/http-mustache.

    HTTP services that want the framework to automatically negotiate Mustache template rendering via the Finatra HTTP MessageBodyComponents framework must now bring this concern into their HTTP services via the finatra/http-mustache c.t.finatra.http.modules.MustacheModule as the HTTP framework support for specifying a MustacheModule in the HttpServer has been removed. I.e., add this module to the server’s list of modules.

    Additionally, it is also now possible to use Mustache templating completely independent of Finatra HTTP concerns by consuming and using only the finatra/mustache library which will render Strings via defined Mustache templates. PHAB_ID=D387629


  • finatra-http: Fixed issue in the DefaultMessageBodyReaderImpl that determines if the incoming message is “json encoded”. PHAB_ID=D412993

  • inject-modules: Removed the extra registration for closing a client, which used to log false warnings when startup a ClientModule. Only register close after materialized clients. PHAB_ID=D401288

  • inject-server: Addressed a race condition that could allow for an AdminHttpServer to be started, even when the disableAdminHttpServer property was set. The AdminHttpServer will no longer start prior to the warm-up phase if disabled. The disableAdminHttpServer property has also been moved to com.twitter.server.AdminHttpServer. PHAB_ID=D397925`

  • finatra: Remove com.sun.activation dependency from build.sbt file. The dependency duplicates the javax.activation dependency and as a result can cause a uber-JAR to fail to build. PHAB_ID=D396506


  • finatra-jackson: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Move all Case Class annotation validation related logic to a new library in finatra-validation. Please update your library dependencies to the new library if you are using case class validations. PHAB_ID=D386969



  • finatra-http: Better handling of URI decoding issues when extracting path parameters for routing. If we cannot extract a path pattern, and the exception is not intercepted by a user-defined Exception Mapper, we will now explicitly return a 400 - BAD REQUEST. Fixes #507. PHAB_ID=D381357


  • finatra: Add initial support for JDK 11 compatibility. PHAB_ID=D365075

  • inject-core: Add support for optional binding in c.t.inject.TwitterModule. PHAB_ID=D386288


  • finatra-http: (BREAKING API CHANGE) StreamingResponse[Reader, String] and StreamingResponse[AsyncStream, String] now streaming String messages as JSON instead of returning as-is. Concatenating text messages need to be handled from the Controller by users. PHAB_ID=D394904

  • finatra-http: (BREAKING API CHANGE) AsyncStream[Buf] => AsyncStream[String] and Reader[Buf] => Reader[String] handlers will always be tread the output as a JSON arrays of Strings. Whereas, before, the incoming bytes would have been converted to String and returned as-is. PHAB_ID=D392551

  • finatra: Deprecate c.t.finatra.http.modules.DocRootModule. Introduce FileResolverModule. The DocRootModule defines configuration flags for the FileResolver which was moved from finatra/http to a more correctly generic location in finatra/utils. However, configuration for injection of a properly configured FileResolver is still incorrectly tied to HTTP because of the DocRootModule. Thus, we deprecate the DocRootModule and introduce the c.t.finatra.modules.FileResolverModule which is defined closer to the c.t.finatra.utils.FileResolver in finatra/utils. This allows the FileResolver to be properly configured outside of HTTP concerns. PHAB_ID=D390932

  • finatra-thrift: Updated BUILD files for Pants 1:1:1 layout. PHAB_ID=D388297

  • inject-ports: Add finatra/inject/inject-ports which has c.t.inject.server.Ports and c.t.inject.server.PortUtils. PHAB_ID=D388277

  • inject-utils: Move AnnotationUtils to c.t.inject.utils.AnnotationUtils and make public for use. PHAB_ID=D388241

  • finatra-http: Updated package structure for Pants 1:1:1 layout. Moved META-INF/mime.types file to finatra/utils which is where the FileResolver is located for proper resolution of mime types from file extension. PHAB_ID=D385792



  • finatra-jackson: Update jackson reflection to use org.json.reflect instead of custom reflection. This enables support for parsing case classes defined over generic types, e.g., case class Page[T](data: T). As a result of this change, use of lazy val for trait members which are mixed into case classes for use in deserialization is no longer supported. This addresses issue #480. PHAB_ID=D368822


  • finatra-jackson: Add support for parsing of case classes defined over generic types (even nested, and multiple), e.g., case class Page[T, U] (data: List[T], column: U). Fixes issue #408. PHAB_ID=D368822

  • finatra-kafka: Sanitize topic name in MonitoringConsumer stats scope PHAB_ID=D373402

  • inject-server: Fix printing of all stats from the underlying InMemoryStatsReceiver in the eventually loop for stat assertion. Address finatra/kafka test logging for finatra/kakfa-streams/kafka-streams and finatra/kafka. PHAB__ID=D372108

  • inject-logback: A NullReferenceException could be thrown during metrics collection due to an incorrect logback.xml configuration. This has been fixed. PHAB_ID=D369234



  • finatra-kafka: Add withConfig method variant which takes a Map[String, String] to allow for more complex configurations PHAB_ID=D354389


  • finatra: Remove commons-lang as a dependency and replace it with alternatives from stdlib when possible. PHAB_ID=D354013

  • inject-server: Changed c.t.inject.server.InMemoryStatsReceiverUtility to show the expected and actual values as part of the error message when metric values do not match. PHAB_ID=D360470

  • finatra-kafka-streams: Improve StaticPartitioning error message PHAB_ID=D351368


  • finatra-http: Support Http 405 response code, improve routing performance for non-constant route PHAB_ID=D278146

  • inject-app: Update to only recurse through modules once. We currently call TwitterModule#modules more than once in reading flags and parsing the list of modules over which to create the injector. When TwitterModule#modules is a function that inlines the instantiation of new modules we can end up creating multiple instances causing issues with the list of flags defined in the application. This is especially true in instances of TwitterModule implemented in Java as there is no way to implement the trait TwitterModule#modules method as a eagerly evaluated value. We also don’t provide an ergonomic method for Java users to define dependent modules like we do in apps and servers via App#javaModules. Thus we also add a TwitterModule#javaModules function which expresses a better API for Java users. PHAB_ID=D349587




  • finatra-http: Introduce the new streaming request and response types: c.t.finatra.http.streaming.StreamingRequest PHAB_ID=D342728, c.t.finatra.http.streaming.StreamingResponse PHAB_ID=D342703. Examples are located in finatra/examples/streaming-example/.

  • finatra-jackson: Add the ability to specify fields in the MethodValidation annotation. PHAB_ID=D338079


  • finatra-kafka: Make KafkaConsumerConfig config public from FinagleKafkaConsumerBuilder. PHAB_ID=D362058

  • inject-thrift-client: make ThriftClientModuleTrait extend StackClientModuleTrait for symmetry with other protocol client modules. PHAB_ID=D342710

  • finatra-http: Deprecated c.t.finatra.http.response.StreamingResponse, Use c.t.finatra.http.response.ResponseBuilder.streaming to construct a c.t.finatra.http.streaming.StreamingResponse instead. PHAB_ID=D342703

  • finatra: Upgrade to Jackson 2.9.9. PHAB_ID=D345969



  • finatra-kafka-streams: Adding test/sample for FinatraDslWindowedAggregations.aggregate. PHAB_ID=D322558

  • finatra-jackson: Add com.twitter.util.Time deserializer with JsonFormat support. PHAB_ID=D330682


  • finatra-kafka: BUILD file update compile and runtime deps. PHAB_ID=D337742

  • finatra-httpclient: introduce new HttpClientModuleTrait and deprecate HttpClientModule. The HttpClientModule has been modified to extend from HttpClientModuleTrait to allow for bridging the two implementations. c.t.f.httpclient.RichHttpClient has also been deprecated as part of this change. The new HttpClientModuleTrait allows for direct configuration of the underling c.t.finagle.Http.Client. The new HttpClientModuleTrait does not provide any default bindings, so it is up to users to supply them - this allows for custom binding annotations and binding multiple HttpClient`s, which was not previously possible with `HttpClientModule. PHAB_ID=D338320

    To migrate,

    ``` class MyHttpClientModule extends HttpClientModule {

    override val dest = “flag!mydest” override val sslHostname = Some(“sslHost”)




    ``` class MyHttpClientModule extends HttpClientModuleTrait {

    override val dest = “flag!mydest” override val label = “myhttpclient” val sslHostname = “sslHost”

    // we only override in this example for TLS configuration with the sslHostname override def configureClient(

    injector: Injector, client: Http.Client

    ): Http.Client = client.withTls(sslHostname)

    @Singleton @Provides final def provideHttpClient(

    injector: Injector, statsReceiver: StatsReceiver, mapper: FinatraObjectMapper

    ): HttpClient = newHttpClient(injector, statsReceiver, mapper)

    // Note that provideHttpClient no longer needs an injected Service[Request, Response] so // the following is only needed if you require a Service[Request, Response] elsewhere:

    @Singleton @Provides final def provideHttpService(

    injector: Injector, statsReceiver: StatsReceiver

    ): Service[Request, Response] = newService(injector, statsReceiver)



  • inject-modules: Introduce a StackClientModuleTrait to aid in configuring modules for generic Finagle Stack Clients. PHAB_ID=D324891

  • finatra-http: Add c.t.inject.server.InMemoryStatsReceiverUtility which allows for testing assertions on metrics captured within an embedded server’s InMemoryStatsReceiver. Update the Kafka tests and utilities to use the InMemoryStatsReceiverUtility and mark the c.t.finatra.kafka.test.utilsInMemoryStatsUtil as deprecated. PHAB_ID=D316806


  • finatra-http: Removed deprecated response_size stat from c.t.finatra.http.filters.StatsFilter. PHAB_ID=D328254

  • finatra-kafka: Update finatra exported metrics to contains KafkaMetrics ‘rocksdb-window-state-id’. PHAB_ID=D326320

  • finatra-kafka: Deprecate in c.t.finatra.kafka.consumers.FinagleKafkaConsumer. Add c.t.finatra.kafka.consumers.FinagleKafkaConsumer.buildClient and c.t.finatra.kafka.producters.FinagleKafkaProducer.buildClient. PHAB_ID=D321699


  • finatra: Add an explicit dependency on com.sun.activation to allow for using Finatra with JDK 11. This fixes #484. PHAB_ID=D328724



  • finatra: The added c.t.finatra.http.RouteHint was missing from the test-jar sources and has been added. PHAB_ID=D317282



  • inject-server/http/thrift: Allow users to specify a StatsReceiver implementation to use in the underlying EmbeddedTwitterServer instead of always providing an InMemoryStatsReceiver implementation. PHAB_ID=D315440

  • finatra-http: Add ability for Java HTTP Controllers to use the RouteDSL for per-route filtering and for route prefixing. PHAB_ID=D311625

  • inject-request-scope: Add a Filter.TypeAgnostic implementation for the FinagleRequestScopeFilter for better compatibility with Thrift servers. Update the FinagleRequestScope to make more idiomatic use of Context locals. PHAB_ID=D310395

  • finatra-http: Route params are now URL-decoded automatically. PHAB_ID=D309144

  • finatra-jackson: Add ability to bypass case class validation using the NullValidationFinatraJacksonModule. PHAB_ID=D307795

  • inject-app: Add to help users apply supplemental Dtabs added by setting the dtab.add flag. This will append the supplemental Dtabs to the Dtab.base in a premain function. PHAB_ID=D303813


  • finatra-http: Move when admin routes are added to the AdminHttpServer to the postInjectorStartup phase, such that any admin routes are available to be hit during server warmup. Simplify HttpWarmup utility to make it clear that it can and should only be used for sending requests to endpoints added to the server’s configured HttpRouter. The forceRouteToAdminHttpMuxers param has been renamed to admin to signal that the request should be sent to the HttpRouter#adminRoutingService instead of the HttpRouter#externalRoutingService. Routing to TwitterServer HTTP Admin Interface via this utility never worked properly and the (broken) support has been dropped. PHAB_ID=D314152

  • finatra-kafka: Update com.twitter.finatra.kafka.test.KafkaTopic, and com.twitter.finatra.kafka.test.utils.PollUtils methods to take com.twitter.util.Duration instead of org.joda.time.Duration. PHAB_ID=D314958

  • finatra: Removed Commons IO as a dependency. PHAB_ID=D314606

  • finatra-http: com.twitter.finatra.http.EmbeddedHttpServer methods which previously used the routeToAdminServer parameter have been changed to use a RouteHint instead for added flexibility in controlling where a test request is sent. PHAB_ID=D313984

  • finatra-inject: Feature tests no longer default to printing metrics after tests. This can be enabled on a per-test basis by overriding FeatureTestMixin.printStats and setting it to true. PHAB_ID=D314329

  • finatra-inject: Update com.twitter.inject.utils.RetryPolicyUtils, com.twitter.inject.thrift.modules.FilteredThriftClientModule, and com.twitter.inject.thrift.filters.ThriftClientFilterChain methods to take com.twitter.util.Duration instead of org.joda.time.Duration. PHAB_ID=D313153

  • finatra: Fix Commons FileUpload vulnerability. Update org.apache.commons-fileupload from version 1.3.1 to version 1.4. This closes #PR-497. PHAB_ID=D310470

  • finatra-http: Replace all usages of guava’s with String. You can migrate by calling MediaType#toString everywhere you passed a MediaType before. PHAB_ID=D308761

  • finatra-http: Add http scope to shutdown.time flag, making it http.shutdown.time. PHAB_ID=D307552

  • finatra-http: Remove deprecated DefaultExceptionMapper. Extend c.t.finatra.http.exceptions.ExceptionMapper[Throwable] directly instead. PHAB_ID=D307520

  • inject-app: Move override of up from c.t.inject.server.TwitterServer to such that all Finatra-based applications default to this behavior. PHAB_ID=D307858

  • inject-app|server: change capturing of flag ordering from Modules for adding to the App’s instance to match the semantics of directly calling Prefer AtomicBoolean instances over where we currently use mutable Boolean instances in,, and c.t.inject.server.EmbeddedTwitterServer. PHAB_ID=D306897

  • finatra-examples: Update “twitter-clone” example to use Dtabs instead of the deprecated resolverMap. Move the “hello-world” example to “http-server”. PHAB_ID=D303813


  • finatra-jackson: Properly account for timezone in Joda DateTime deserialization. PHAB_ID=D312027

  • finatra-http: EmbeddedHttpServer’s httpGetJson method now properly passes all parameters through to the underlying client call. PHAB_ID=D312151




  • inject-server: Add globalFlags argument to EmbeddedTwitterServer, which will allow for scoping a c.t.a.GlobalFlag property change to the lifecycle of the underlying TwitterServer, as a c.t.a.GlobalFlag is normally scoped to the JVM/process. This change is also reflected in EmbeddedHttpServer and EmbeddedThriftServer constructors. PHAB_ID=D288032

  • inject-utils: add toOrderedMap implicit conversion for java.util.Map PHAB_ID=D295005

  • finatra-kafka-streams: Add flag rocksdb.manifest.preallocation.size with default value 4.megabytes to c.t.f.k.c.RocksDbFlags and set value in c.t.f.k.c.FinatraRocksDBConfig. PHAB_ID=D290130

  • finatra-http: Add commaSeparatedList boolean parameter to QueryParams, for parsing comma-separated query parameters into collection types. PHAB_ID=D268989


  • finatra: Update snakeyaml to version 1.24. PHAB_ID=D232547

  • finatra-kafka: Upgraded kafka libraries from 2.0.0 to 2.2.0. - Kafka 2.0.1 Release Notes - Kafka 2.1.0 Release Notes - Kafka 2.1.1 Release Notes - Kafka 2.2.0 Release Notes PHAB_ID=D248171

  • finatra-thrift: Removed c.t.finatra.thrift.exceptions.FinatraThriftExceptionMapper, c.t.finatra.thrift.filters.ClientIdAcceptlistFilter, c.t.finatra.thrift.modules.ClientIdAcceptlistModule, c.t.finatra.thrift.filters.ClientIdWhitelistFilter, c.t.finatra.thrift.modules.ClientIdWhitelistModule, and the finatra/finatra_thrift_exceptions.thrift IDL. PHAB_ID=D278231

  • finatra-thrift: Constructing a ThriftRouter now requires serverName. PHAB_ID=D294345

  • finatra-examples: Updated StreamingController to use Reader instead of AsyncStream PHAB_ID=D295227

  • finatra-kafka-streams: Implement FinatraKeyValueStore as custom store. PHAB_ID=D277612

  • finatra-thrift: Constructing a ThriftRouter now requires c.t.f.StackTransformer. PHAB_ID=D277493


  • finatra-kafka: Ensure that EmbeddedKafka implementation of beforeAll() makes call to super.beforeAll() so hooks registered in super class get executed. PHAB_ID=D296643

  • finatra-kafka-streams: FinatraTransformer.timerStore config object references immutable map which causes exception thrown if user code calls AbstractStoreBuilder.withLoggingDisabled. Fixed FinatraTransformer.timerStore to convert from immutable map to mutable map before forwarding config object to kafka library. PHAB_ID=D293979



  • finatra-kafka-streams: Exposing additional consumer configuration flags. - Maximum delay between invocations of poll() when using consumer group management. - kafka.consumer.max.partition.fetch.bytes Consumer’s maximum amount of data per-partition the server will return. - Consumer’s maximum amount of time to wait for the response of a request. - Consumer’s maximum idle time for connections before closing the connection. PHAB_ID=D287371

  • finatra-kafka: FinagleKafka clients pass correct deadline for close to underlying Kafka clients. PHAB_ID=D261115

  • finatra-kafka-streams: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Create flags for common consumer and producer configs. KafkaFlagUtils#kafkaDocumentation and getKafkaDefault are no longer public methods. PHAB_ID=D277044

  • finatra-kafka: Added support to fetch end offset for a given partition. PHAB_ID=D283813

  • finatra-http: Added HttpServerTrait which allows for a simple way to serve a Finagle Service[Request, Response] on an external interface without the need to configure the Finatra HttpRouter. PHAB_ID=D280896

  • finatra-http: Added support to serve as a streaming request. PHAB_ID=D278988


  • finatra-kafka-streams: finatra-kafka-streams: Refactor queryable state management PHAB_ID=D277594

  • finatra-kafka-streams: Improve querying of windowed stores. PHAB_ID=D277553

  • inject-utils: Mark c.t.inject.utils.StringUtils#snakify,camelify,pascalify as deprecated as their implementations have moved to util/util-core c.t.conversions.StringOps. Encourage users to switch usages to c.t.conversions.StringOps#toSnakeCase,toCamelCase,toPascalCase. PHAB_ID=D280886

  • finatra-thrift: Changed c.t.finatra.thrift.ThriftServerTrait#service to #thriftService to not collide with the serving of a Finagle service from the HttpServer when a server extends both HttpServer and ThriftServer. PHAB_ID=D280896





  • finatra-kafka: Expose timeout duration in FinagleKafkaConsumerBuilder dest(). PHAB_ID=D269701

  • finatra-kafka-streams: Expose all existing RocksDb configurations. See c.t.f.k.config.FinatraRocksDBConfig for details on flag names, descriptions and default values. PHAB_ID=D272068

  • finatra-kafka-streams: Added two RocksDB flags related to block cache tuning, cache_index_and_filter_blocks and pin_l0_filter_and_index_blocks_in_cache. PHAB_ID=D269516

  • finatra-kafka: Adding an implicit implementation of[c.t.finatra.kafka.domain.SeekStrategy] and[org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.OffsetResetStrategy]. PHAB_ID=D271098

  • finatra-http: Added support to serve as a streaming response in c.t.finatra.http.internal.marshalling.CallbackConverter. PHAB_ID=D266863

  • finatra-kafka: Expose endOffsets() in FinagleKafkaConsumer. PHAB_ID=D263573

  • finatra-kafka-streams: Adding missing ScalaDocs. Adding metric for elapsed state restore time. RocksDB configuration now contains a flag for adjusting the number of cache shard bits, rocksdb.block.cache.shard.bits. PHAB_ID=D255771

  • finatra-jackson: Added @Pattern annotation to support finatra/jackson for regex pattern validation on string values. PHAB_ID=D259719


  • finatra-kafka-streams: Refactor package names. All classes moved from com.twitter.finatra.streams to com.twitter.finatra.kafkastreams. PHAB_ID=D268027

  • finatra-kafka-streams: Delete deprecated and unused classes. PHAB_ID=D267921

  • finatra-kafka-streams: c.t.finatra.streams.transformer.domain.Time is now the canonical

    representation of time for watermarks and timers. RichLong implicit from com.twitter.finatra.streams.converters.time has been renamed to RichFinatraKafkaStreamsLong. PHAB_ID=D255736

  • finatra-jackson: Fix CaseClassField annotation reflection for Scala 2.12. PHAB_ID=D264423

  • finatra-kafka-streams: Combine FinatraTransformer with FinatraTransformerV2. PHAB_ID=D254411

  • finatra-thrift: The return type of ReqRepDarkTrafficFilterModule#newFilter has been changed from DarkTrafficFilter[MethodIface] to Filter.TypeAgnostic. PHAB_ID=D261868

  • finatra-kafka: Add lookupBootstrapServers function that takes timeout as a parameter. PHAB_ID=D256997

  • finatra-thrift: If a Controller is not configured with exactly one endpoint per method, it will throw an AssertionError instead of logging an error message. An attempt to use non-legacy functionality with a legacy Controller will throw an AssertionError. PHAB_ID=D260230

  • finatra-kafka: Add flags for controlling rocksdb internal LOG file growth. - Allows the setting of rocks log levels


    • rocksdb.log.max.file.size The maximal size of the info log file.

    • rocksdb.log.keep.file.num Maximal info log files to be kept.


  • finatra-kafka: Add admin routes for properties and topology information - /admin/kafka/streams/properties Dumps the

    KafkaStreamsTwitterServer#properties as plain text in the TwitterServer admin page.

    • /admin/kafka/streams/topology Dumps the KafkaStreamsTwitterServer#topology as plain text in the TwitterServer admin page.


  • inject-server: EmbeddedTwitterServer that fails to start will now continue to throw the startup failure on calls to methods that require a successfully started server. PHAB_ID=D265543


  • finatra-kafka-streams: FinatraTopologyTester did not set TopologyTestDriver#initialWallClockTimeMs on initialization causing diverging wall clock time when TopologyTestDriver#advanceWallClockTime advanced time. The divergence was between system time set by org.joda.time.DateTimeUtils.setCurrentMillisFixed and internal mock timer TopologyTestDriver#mockWallClockTime. FinatraTopologyTester.inMemoryStatsReceiver is reset on TopologyFeatureTest#beforeEach for all test that extend TopologyFeatureTest. PHAB_ID=D269013

  • finatra-kafka-streams: Improve watermark assignment/propagation upon reading the first message and when caching key value stores are used. PHAB_ID=D262054

  • finatra-jackson: Support inherited annotations in case class deserialization. Case class deserialization support does not properly find inherited Jackson annotations. This means that code like this:

    ``` trait MyTrait {

    @JsonProperty(“differentName”) def name: String

    } case class MyCaseClass(name: String) extends MyTrait ```

    would not properly expect an incoming field with name differentName to parse into the case class name field. This commit provides support for capturing inherited annotations on case class fields. Annotations processed in order, thus if the same annotation appears in the class hierarchy multiple times, the value configured on the class will win otherwise will be in the order of trait linearization with the “last” declaration prevailing. PHAB_ID=D260376

  • finatra: Remove extraneous dependency on old javax.servlet ServletAPI dependency. The fixes #478. PHAB_ID=D259671




  • finatra-kafka-streams: SumAggregator and CompositeSumAggregator only support enhanced window aggregations for the sum operation. Deprecate SumAggregator and CompositeSumAggregator and create an AggregatorTransformer class that can perform arbitrary aggregations. PHAB_ID=D257138

  • finatra-streams: Open-source Finatra Streams. Finatra Streams is an integration between Kafka Streams and Finatra which we’ve been using internally at Twitter for the last year. The library is not currently open-source. PHAB_ID=D248408

  • inject-server: Add lint rule to alert when deprecated util-logging JUL flags from the c.t.inject.server.DeprecatedLogging trait are user defined. This trait was mixed-in only for backwards compatibility when TwitterServer was moved to the slf4j-api and the flags are not expected to be configured. By default, util-app based applications will fail to start if they are passed a flag value at startup which they do not define. Users should instead configure their chosen slf4j-api logging implementation directly. PHAB_ID=D256489

  • finatra-thrift: c.t.finatra.thrift.Controllers now support per-method filtering and access to headers via c.t.scrooge.{Request, Response} wrappers. To use this new functionality, create a Controller which extends the c.t.finatra.thrift.Controller(SomeThriftService) abstract class instead of constructing a Controller that mixes in the SomeThriftService.BaseServiceIface trait. With this, you can now provide implementations in form of c.t.scrooge.Request/c.t.scrooge.Response wrappers by calling the handle(ThriftMethod) method. Note that a Controller constructed this way cannot also extend a BaseServiceIface.

    handle(SomeMethod).filtered(someFilter).withFn { req: Request[SomeMethod.Args] =>

    val requestHeaders = req.headers // .. implementation here

    // response: Future[Response[SomeMethod.SuccessType]]


    Note that if Request/Response based implementations are used the types on any existing ExceptionMappers should be adjusted accordingly. Also, if a DarkTrafficFilterModule was previously used, it must be swapped out for a ReqRepDarkTrafficFilterModule PHAB_ID=D236724


  • inject-core, inject-server: Remove deprecated @Bind support from test mixins. Users should instead prefer using the bind[T] DSL in tests. PHAB_ID=D250325

  • inject-app: Remove deprecated bind[T] DSL methods from

    Instead of:

    injector.bind[T, Ann](instance)
    injector.bind[T](ann, instance)

    Users should instead use the more expressive forms of these methods, e.g.,:


    which more closely mirrors the scala-guice binding DSL. PHAB_ID=D255591

  • finatra-thrift: For services that wish to support dark traffic over c.t.scrooge.Request/c.t.scrooge.Response-based services, a new dark traffic module is available: c.t.finatra.thrift.modules.ReqRepDarkTrafficFilterModule PHAB_ID=D236724

  • finatra-thrift: Creating a c.t.finatra.thrift.Controller that extends a ThriftService.BaseServiceIface has been deprecated. See the related bullet point in “Added” with the corresponding PHAB_ID to this one for how to migrate. PHAB_ID=D236724

  • inject-core, inject-server: Remove deprecated WordSpec testing utilities. The framework default ScalaTest testing style is FunSuite though users are free to mix their testing style of choice with the framework provided test mixins as per the documentation. PHAB_ID=D255094

  • finatra-thrift: Instead of failing (potentially silently) c.t.finatra.thrift.routing.ThriftWarmup now explicitly checks that it is using a properly configured c.t.finatra.thrift.routing.Router PHAB_ID=D253603

  • finatra-inject: c.t.finatra.inject.server.PortUtils has been modified to work with c.t.f.ListeningServer only. Methods which worked with the now-removed c.t.f.b.Server have been modified or removed. PHAB_ID=D254339

  • finatra-kafka-streams: Finatra Queryable State methods currently require the window size to be passed into query methods for windowed key value stores. This is unnecessary, as the queryable state class can be passed the window size at construction time. We also now save off all FinatraKeyValueStores in a global manager class to allow query services (e.g. thrift) to access the same KeyValueStore implementation that the FinatraTransformer is using. PHAB_ID=D256920


  • finatra-kafka-streams: Fix bug where KeyValueStore#isOpen was throwing an exception when called on an uninitialized key value store PHAB_ID=D257635





  • finatra-thrift: c.t.finatra.thrift.Controller is now an abstract class rather than a trait. PHAB_ID=D251314

  • finatra-thrift: c.t.finatra.thrift.internal.ThriftMethodService is now private. PHAB_ID=D251186

  • finatra-thrift: c.t.finatra.thrift.exceptions.FinatraThriftExceptionMapper and c.t.finatra.thrift.exceptions.FinatraJavaThriftExceptionMapper now extend ExceptionManager[Throwable, Nothing] since the return type was never used. They are now also final. PHAB_ID=D249011

  • finatra-thrift: Remove c.t.finatra.thrift.routing.JavaThriftRouter#beforeFilter. This method adds too much confusion to the Router API and users are encouraged to instead apply their TypeAgnostic Filters directly to the resultant Service[-R, +R] by overriding the c.t.finatra.thrift.AbstractThriftServer#configureService method instead. PHAB_ID=D245424

  • finatra-thrift: c.t.finagle.Filter.TypeAgnostic filters are now the standard type of filter that can be added by configuring a ThriftRouter. c.t.finatra.thrift.ThriftFilter has been deprecated. PHAB_ID=D238666

  • finatra-thrift: c.t.finatra.thrift.ThriftRequest has been deprecated. All of the information contained in a ThriftRequest can be found in other ways:

    methodName -> traceId -> clientId -> ClientId.current



  • finatra-http: Validate headers to prevent header injection vulnerability. PHAB_ID=D246889





  • finatra-thrift: Fixes and improvements for better Java support. ExceptionMappingFilter now works properly with generated Java controllers, added an exception mapper for the exceptions defined in finatra_thrift_exceptions.thrift which works on the geneated Java code for these exceptions. Better Java API separation to make usage less error prone and confusing. PHAB_ID=D237483

  • finatra-thrift: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Update DarkTrafficFilter#handleFailedInvocation to accept the request type for more fidelity in handling the failure. PHAB_ID=D237484

  • finatra-http: Move request.ContentType and response.Mustache Java annotations to com.twitter.finatra.http package namespace. PHAB_ID=D237485

  • finatra-jackson: Move away from deprecated code and update error handling and exceptions post Jackson 2.9.x upgrade. PHAB_ID=D229601

  • inject-core: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Remove c.t.inject.TestMixin#sleep. We do not want to promote this usage of Thread blocking in testing utilities. Add a new testing function: c.t.inject.TestMixin#await which will perform Await.result on a given c.t.util.Awaitable. This function was duplicated across tests in the codebase. We also introduce an overridable default timeout on the underlying Await.result call: c.t.inject.TestMixin#defaultAwaitTimeout. PHAB_ID=D231717


  • finatra-http: Fix registration of HTTP Routes in the Library registry to properly account for Routes that duplicate a URI with a different HTTP verb. That is, a Route should be considered unique per URI + HTTP verb combination. PHAB_ID=D232014





  • finatra-http, finatra-thrift: Make HTTP and Thrift StatsFilters “Response Classification” aware. PHAB_ID=D219116

  • finatra-http, finatra-thrift: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Update the DarkTrafficFilterModule in both HTTP and Thrift to allow for specifying further configuration of the underlying Finagle client. This allows users the ability to set Finagle client concerns like ResponseClassification or other configuration not expressed by the DarkTrafficFilterModule’s API.

    Additionally, the Thrift DarkTrafficFilterModule has been updated to be ThriftMux only. For more information on mux see: What is ThriftMux.

    We also update the enableSampling method to accept a c.t.inject.Injector to aid in the decision-making for if a given request should be “sampled” by the filter. PHAB_ID=D225897

  • finatra-thrift: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Update c.t.finatra.thrift.routing.ThriftRouter API for adding Java Thrift controllers. The service: Class[_] was rendered unnecessary some time ago but not removed from the API signature. Because this parameter is useless and it shadows another variable inside of the code we remove it from the signature altogether rather than deprecating the API. PHAB_ID=D224336

  • finatra-thrift: Rename defaultFinatraThriftPort to defaultThriftPort. PHAB_ID=D224735


  • finatra-thrift: Set the bound StatsReceiver in the underlying Finagle ThriftMux server in the c.t.finatra.thrift.ThriftServer. This prevented testing of underlying Finagle server stats as the InMemoryStatsReceiver used by the EmbeddedThriftServer was not properly passed all the way through the stack. PHAB_ID=D228494





  • finatra-thrift: Allow java classes to extend ThriftFilter via AbstractThriftFilter. PHAB_ID=D221534

  • http/thrift: Update Library registry route information to include controller class name. PHAB_ID=D216425






  • inject-core: Remove unnecessary Await.result Future.Value in TestMixin. PHAB_ID=D208995

  • finatra-http: (BREAKING API CHANGE) and are now abstracted over the type they produce/consume (Reader[A] and Writer[A]) and are no longer fixed to Buf. PHAB_ID=D195638






  • finatra-http: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Typical TLS Configuration for an HTTPS server has been moved into a trait, c.t.finatra.http.Tls which also defines the relevant flags (and overridable defaults) for specifying the SSL cert and key paths. Users can choose to mix this trait into their c.t.finatra.http.HttpServer classes in order to specify an HTTPS server. Users who wish to maintain the current HTTPS functionality SHOULD mix in the Tls trait to their HttpServer: e.g., class FooService extends HttpServer with Tls { ...   } Additionally, TLS transport configuration for the underlying Finagle c.t.finagle.Http.Server is no longer done by default when creating and running an HTTPS server. This is to allow for more flexible configuration on the underlying c.t.finagle.Http.Server when setting up TLS. Thus it is recommended that users ensure to either mix in the provided Tls trait or provide the correct c.t.finagle.Http.Server transport configuration via the configureHttpsServer method. PHAB_ID=D193579

  • finatra-http: Rename defaultFinatraHttpPort to defaultHttpPort. PHAB_ID=D193578

  • finatra-utils: Remove deprecated c.t.f.utils.Handler. PHAB_ID=D192288





  • inject-utils: Add ‘toLoggable’ implicit from Array[Byte] to String. PHAB_ID=D182262



  • finatra-http: Fix infinite loop introduced by PHAB D180166. Fix underlying issue of the ResponseBuilder requiring a stored RouteInfo for classifying exceptions for stating. PHAB_ID=D189504

  • finatra-http: Fix FailureExceptionMapper handling of wrapped exceptions. Unwrap cause for all c.t.finagle.Failure exceptions, regardless of flags and add a try-catch to ExceptionManager to remap exceptions thrown by ExceptionMappers PHAB_ID=D180166

  • finatra-http: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Fix HttpResponseFilter to properly respect URI schema during location header overwritingPHAB_ID=D191448




  • finatra: Add HTTP route, Thrift method, and Filter information to the Library registry. PHAB_ID=D177583

  • finatra-inject/inject-logback: Add an c.t.inject.logback.AsyncAppender to provide metrics about the underlying queue. PHAB_ID=D173278


  • inject-slf4j: Move the SLF4J API logging bridges from inject-slf4j to inject-app and inject-server. This allows code in the inject framework to be mostly useful in environments where having the bridges on the classpath causes issues. PHAB_ID=D179652


  • finatra-http: Fail startup for incorrect Controller callback functions. Controller route callback functions that do not specify an input parameter or specify an incorrect input parameter should fail server startup but were not correctly detected when building routes in the CallbackConverter. The route building logic has been patched to correctly detect these routes which would fail at runtime to ensure we fail fast at server startup (and can thus be caught by StartupTests). PHAB_ID=D178330

  • finatra-http: Change exceptions emitted from c.t.f.http.filter.HttpNackFilter to not extend from HttpException and add a specific mapper over HttpNackException such that Nack exceptions are handled distinctly from HttpExceptions and thus more specifically. Handling of Nack exceptions should not be conflated with handling of the more generic HttpExceptions and it should be clear if a new mapper is desired that it is specifically for changing how Nack exceptions are handled. PHAB_ID=D172456




  • examples: Add external TwitterServer example. PHAB_ID=D161204


  • inject-utils: Remove deprecated c.t.inject.RootMonitor. PHAB_ID=D161036

  • finatra-http: Updated c.t.finatra.http.AdminHttpServer to isolate routes added to the admin. PHAB_ID=D157818


  • inject-slf4j, finatra-http: Fix c.t.inject.logging.FinagleMDCAdapter to initialize properly. We were lazily initializing the backing java.util.Map of the FinagleMDCAdapter which could cause values to disappear when the map was not created eagerly enough. Typical usage would add one of the MDC logging filters to the top of the request filter chain which would put a value into the MDC thus creating the backing java.util.Map early in the request chain. However, if a filter which puts to the MDC was not included and the first put happened in a Future closure the map state would be lost upon exiting the closure.

    This change updates how the MDC mapping is stored to move from a Local to a LocalContext and introduces new ergonomics for using/initializing the framework MDC integration.

    Initialization of the MDC integration should now go through the c.t.inject.logging.MDCInitializer (that is users are not expected to need to interact directly with the FinagleMDCAdapter). E.g., to initialize the MDC:


    This will initialize the org.slf4j.MDC and swap out the default org.slf4j.spi.MDCAdapter with an instance of the c.t.inject.logging.FinagleMDCAdapter allowing for reading/writing MDC values across Future boundaries.

    Then to start the scoping of an MDC context, use c.t.inject.logging.MDCInitializer#let:

    com.twitter.inject.logging.MDCInitializer.let {     // operations which set and read MDC values     ???   } Typically, this is done in a Filter wrapping the execution of the service in the Filter’s apply, For example, the framework provides this initialization and scoping in both the c.t.finatra.http.filters.LoggingMDCFilter and the c.t.finatra.thrift.filters.LoggingMDCFilter.

    Simply including these at the top of the request filter chain for a service will allow MDC integration to function properly. PHAB_ID=D159536

  • inject-app: Ensure that installed modules are de-duped before creating injector. PHAB_ID=D160955




  • finatra-http: Added the ability for requests to have a maximum forward depth to c.t.finatra.http.routing.HttpRouter, which prevents requests from being forwarded an infinite number of times. By default the maximum forward depth is 5. PHAB_ID=D154737

  • inject-thrift-client: Update configureServicePerEndpoint and configureMethodBuilder in ThriftMethodBuilderClientModule to also pass a c.t.inject.Injector instance which allows users to use bound instances from the object graph when providing further thriftmux.MethodBuilder or ThriftMethodBuilderFactory configuration. PHAB_ID=D155451

  • inject-thrift-client: Update configureThriftMuxClient in ThriftClientModuleTrait to also pass a c.t.inject.Injector instance which allows users to use bound instances from the object graph when providing further ThriftMux.client configuration. PHAB_ID=D152973

  • inject-server: Capture errors on close of the underlying TwitterServer. The embedded testing utilities can now capture and report on an exception that occurs during close of the underlying TwitterServer. EmbeddedTwitterServer#assertCleanShutdown inspects for any Throwable captured from closing the underlying server which it will then throw. PHAB_ID=D148946

  • finatra-http: Created a new API into c.t.f.h.response.StreamingResponse which permits passing a transformer which is an AsynStream[T] => AsyncStream[(U, Buf)] for serialization purposes, as well as two callbacks -* onDisconnect, called when the stream is disconnected, and onWrite, which is a respond side-effecting callback to every individual write to the stream. PHAB_ID=D147925


  • inject-app: Update and improve the test #bind[T] DSL. The testing #bind[T] DSL is lacking in its ability to be used from Java and we would like to revise the API to be more expressive such that it also includes binding from a Type to a Type. Due to wanting to also support the ability to bind a Type to a Type, the DSL has been re-worked to more closely match the actual Guice binding DSL.

    For Scala users the #bind[T] DSL now looks as follows:

    bind[T].to[U <: T]
    bind[T].to[Class[U <: T]]
    bind[T].annotatedWith[Ann].to[U <: T]
    bind[T].annotatedWith[Ann].to[Class[U <: T]]
    bind[T].annotatedWith[Class[Ann]].to[U <: T]
    bind[T].annotatedWith[Class[Ann]].to[Class[U <: T]]
    bind[T].annotatedWith(Annotation).to[U <: T]
    bind[T].annotatedWith(Annotation).to[Class[U <: T]]
    bindClass(Class[T]).to[Class[U <: T]]
    bindClass(Class[T]).annotatedWith[Class[Ann]].[Class[U <: T]]
    bindClass(Class[T]).annotatedWith(Annotation).[Class[U <: T]]

    For Java users, there are more Java-friendly methods:

    bindClass(Class[T], T)
    bindClass(Class[T], Annotation, T)
    bindClass(Class[T], Class[Annotation], T)
    bindClass(Class[T], Class[U <: T])
    bindClass(Class[T],  Annotation, Class[U <: T])
    bindClass(Class[T], Class[Annotation], Class[U <: T])

    Additionally, these changes highlighted the lack of Java-support in the TwitterModule for creating injectable Flags. Thus c.t.inject.TwitterModuleFlags has been updated to also provide Java-friendly flag creation methods:

    protected def createFlag[T](name: String, default: T, help: String, flggble: Flaggable[T]): Flag[T]
    protected def createMandatoryFlag[T](name: String, help: String, usage: String, flggble: Flaggable[T]): Flag[T]``


  • inject-thrift-client: The “retryBudget” in the c.t.inject.thrift.modules.ThriftMethodBuilderClientModule should be a RetryBudget and not the generic Budget configuration Param. Updated the type. PHAB_ID=D151938

  • inject-server: Move HTTP-related concerns out of the embedded testing utilities into specific HTTP “clients”. The exposed httpAdminClient in the EmbeddedTwitterServer and the httpClient and httpsClient in the EmbeddedHttpServer are no longer just Finagle Services from Request to Response, but actual objects. The underlying Finagle Service[Request, Response] can be accessed via Client.service. PHAB_ID=D148946





  • inject-server: Add a lint rule in c.t.inject.server.TwitterServer#warmup. If a server does not override the default implementation of TwitterServer#warmup a lint rule violation will appear on the lint page of the HTTP admin interface. PHAB_ID=D141267

  • inject-server: Add c.t.inject.server.TwitterServer#setup lifecycle callback method. This is run at the end of the postInjectorStartup phase and is primarily intended as a way for servers to start pub-sub components on which the server depends. Users should prefer this method over overriding the c.t.inject.server.TwitterServer#postWarmup @Lifecycle-annotated method as the callback does not require a call its super implementation for the server to correctly start and is ideally less error-prone to use. PHAB_ID=D135827

  • inject-app: Add c.t.inject.annotations.Flags#named for getting an implementation of an @Flag annotation. This is useful when trying to get or bind an instance of an @Flag annotated type. PHAB_ID=D140831


  • finatra-http: ReaderDiscarded failures writing in c.t.f.http.StreamingResponse now only log at the info level without a stack trace, while other failures log at the error level with a stacktrace. PHAB_ID=D141453

  • inject-thrift-client: Removed withBackupRequestFilter method on deprecated c.t.inject.thrift.filters.ThriftClientFilterChain. Instead of c.t.inject.thrift.modules.FilteredThriftClientModule, use c.t.inject.thrift.modules.ThriftMethodBuilderClientModule and use the idempotent method on c.t.inject.thrift.ThriftMethodBuilder to configure backup requests. PHAB_ID=D142049.

  • inject-app: c.t.inject.annotations.FlagImpl is no longer public and should not be used directly. Use c.t.inject.annotations.Flags#named instead. PHAB_ID=D140831


  • inject-thrift-client: Fix for duplicate stack client registration. The c.t.inject.thrift.modules.ThriftMethodBuilderClientModule was incorrectly calling the ThriftMux.client twice. Once to create a MethodBuilder and once to create a ServicePerEndpoint. Now, the ServicePerEndpoint is obtained from the configured MethodBuilder. PHAB_ID=D141304

  • inject-thrift-client: Convert non-camel case ThriftMethod names, e.g., “get_tweets” to camelCase, e.g., “getTweets” for reflection lookup on generated ServicePerEndpoint interface in c.t.inject.thrift.ThriftMethodBuilder. PHAB_ID=D138499




  • inject-thrift-client: Add methods to c.t.inject.thrift.filters.ThriftClientFilterChain to allow Tunable timeouts and request timeouts. PHAB_ID=D128506

  • inject-thrift-client: Add idempotent and nonIdempotent methods to c.t.inject.thrift.ThriftMethodBuilder, which can be used to configure retries and the sending of backup requests. PHAB_ID=D129959

  • inject-thrift-client: Add c.t.inject.thrift.modules.ServicePerEndpointModule for building ThriftMux clients using the thriftmux.MethodBuilder. PHAB_ID=D128196


  • inject-thrift: Update c.t.inject.thrift.PossibleRetryable to specify a ResponseClassifier and update usages in inject-thrift-client to use it. PHAB_ID=D134328

  • inject-thrift-client: Un-deprecate c.t.inject.thrift.modules.ThriftClientModule and update for parity with ServicePerEndpointModule in regards to ThriftMux client configuration. Update documentation. Rename ServicePerEndpointModule to the more descriptive and consistently named ThriftMethodBuilderClientModule. PHAB_ID=D129891





  • finatra-thrift: Add support for building all types of Finagle Thrift clients to the underlying embedded TwitterServer with the c.t.finatra.thrift.ThriftClient test utility. See: Creating a client PHAB_ID=D123915

  • finatra-jackson: Added support to finatra/jackson for de-serializing com.twitter.util.Duration instances from their String representations. PHAB_ID=D122366


  • finatra-http: Change visibility of internal class c.t.finatra.http.internal.marshalling.RequestInjectableValues to be correctly specified as private to the http package. PHAB_ID=D127975


  • finatra-http: Ensure we close resources in the ResponseBuilder. Addresses #440. PHAB_ID=D120779




  • finatra-thrift: Add tests for new Scrooge ReqRepServicePerEndpoint functionality. PHAB_ID=D107397


  • finatra-http: add a multipart = true arg to EmbeddedHttpServer.httpMultipartFormPost `PHAB_ID=D113151

  • inject-sever: Do not use the c.t.inject.server.EmbeddedTwitterServer InMemoryStatsReceiver for embedded http clients. The http client stats are emitted with the server under test stats which can be confusing, thus we now create a new InMemoryStatsReceiver when creating an embedded http client. PHAB_ID=D112024






  • EmbeddedTwitterServer, EmbeddedHttpServer, and EmbeddedThriftServer flags and args parameters changed to call-by-name. `PHAB_ID=D104733`


  • inject-server: Ensure EmbeddedTwitterServer has started before trying to close httpAdminClient. PHAB_ID=D111294




  • inject-core: Remove deprecated c.t.inject.TestMixin#resetMocks. Properly use c.t.inject.Mockito trait in tests. Deprecate resetting of mocks and resettables in c.t.inject.IntegrationTestMixin. PHAB_ID=D93876

  • finatra-http: Parameterize @RouteParam,@QueryParam,@FormParam, and @Header to allow specifying the field name to read from the params or header map. Previously these annotations only looked for values by the case class field name leading to possible ugliness when defining case class fields (especially with @Header). `PHAB_ID=D94220`

  • finatra: Add support for using a java.lang.annotation.Annotation instance with the #bind[T] testing DSL. This adds a way to bind instances in tests that use the @Named binding annotation. PHAB_ID=D91330

  • finatra-http: Allow setting the content type of a Mustache view. PHAB_ID=D91949


  • finatra-http: Move FileResolver to finatra/utils. PHAB_ID=D103536

  • finatra-utils: Move ResponseUtils to finatra/http. PHAB_ID=D103507

  • From now on, release versions will be based on release date in the format of YY.MM.x where x is a patch number. PHAB_ID=D101244

  • finatra-utils: Remove deprecated ExternalServiceExceptionMatcher. PHAB_ID=D98343

  • finatra-jackson: ScalaType’s isMap and isCollection methods now check that the given object’s class is a subclass of scala.collection.Map[Any, Any] and scala.collection.Iterable[Any], respectively. Previously the superclasses’ packages were unspecified. This is a runtime behavior change. PHAB_ID=D93104

  • finatra-http: Require that route URIs and prefixes begin with forward slash (/). PHAB_ID=D90895

  • inject-utils: (BREAKING API CHANGE) RichOption toFutureOrFail, toTryOrFail, and toFutureOrElse signature changed to take the fail or else parameter by name. PHAB_ID=D89544

  • inject-server: Remove usage of deprecated c.t.inject.logging.Slf4jBridgeUtility. Change usages to c.t.util.logging.Slf4jBridgeUtility. PHAB_ID=D88095

  • finatra-http, inject-thrift-client: Remove netty3 specific types and dependency. In finatra-http, the code using these types is deprecated and can be removed allowing us to remove netty3-specific dependencies. In inject-thrift-client we can default to use the DefaultTimer for the backupRequestFilter method param instead of the HashedWheelTimer. PHAB_ID=D88025


  • finatra-http: Parameterized route callback inputs fail because the lookup of a corresponding MessageBodyManager reader lookup does not properly handle parameterized types such as collections. This change updates the MessageBodyManager MessageBodyReader lookup to take into account parameterized types. This allows for a user to parse a Seq[T], or Map[K, V] as a route callback input type using the default Finatra MessageBodyReader. PHAB_ID=D104277

  • finatra-jackson: Fix issue causing IllegalArgumentException from Validations to be swallowed. A catch clause in the c.t.finatra.json.internal.caseclass.jackson.FinatraCaseClassDeserializer is too broad as it catches thrown IllegalArgumentExceptions from field validations when the annotation is applied to a field of the incorrect type, e.g., when @Max is applied to a String field. PHAB_ID=D95306




  • inject-server: Add ability to fail embedded server startup on lint rule violation. There is now a flag in the embedded servers that when set to true will fail server startup if a lint rule violation is detected. This will then fail the running test. PHAB_ID=D82399


  • finatra-http: No longer depend on bijection-util. PHAB_ID=D86640

  • finatra-jackson: Deprecate c.t.finatra.json.utils.CamelCasePropertyNamingStrategy. This object was created to reduce ambiguity with previous releases of Jackson in which the default PropertyNamingStrategy was an abstract class with a default of camel case. Users are encouraged to use the Jackson PropertyNamingStrategy constants directly. PHAB_ID=D81707





  • finatra-jackson: Add support for injecting a snake case FinatraObjectMapper by annotating parameters with a new @SnakeCaseMapper binding annotation. PHAB_ID=D7798


  • finatra-http: Add close hook when constructing a StreamingResponse to allow for resource release without consuming an entire AsyncStream. PHAB_ID=D64013

  • finatra-http: Unmarshalling JSON no longer consumes the body of a HTTP Request. PHAB_ID=D74519

  • finatra-inject: RetryUtil.retry has been removed because it used a blocking call to Thread.sleep. Blocking Finagle threads results in poor performance and RetryUtil.retryFuture should be used instead. PHAB_ID=D73949







  • finatra-jackson: Fix JSON deserialization of scala.util.Either type in FinatraObjectMapper for Scala 2.12. RB_ID=917699





  • finatra-http: Increase composability and flexibility of RouteDSL. RB_ID=912095

  • inject-app: Run installed modules postInjectorStartup before server function. This makes reasoning about the server lifecycle a bit more straight-forward and simplifies things like the exception manager logic for adding and overridding mappers. RB_ID=911965

  • finatra-jackson: Update framework tests to FunSuite ScalaTest testing style. RB_ID=911745

  • finatra: Move finatra/benchmarks and finatra/utils framework tests to FunSuite ScalaTest testing style. RB_ID=910680


  • finatra-http: Correctly return a JsonParseException when the incoming JSON is not parsable as an expected custom case class request object. RB_ID=912529

  • finatra-http: Ensure underlying members are injected for AbstractControllers. RB_ID=911635

  • finatra-jackson: Patch FinatraDatetimeDeserializer to support parsing of Long value passed as String, e.g., when parsing a query parameter.RB_ID=911162

  • finatra: Close embedded server clients on embedded server close. RB_ID=910862





  • inject-core: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Allow for binding of higher-kinded types when testing. Deprecated @Bind mechanism for replacing bound types in an object graph. Now instead of using @Bind like this:

class DarkTrafficCanonicalResourceHeaderTest
  extends FeatureTest
  with Mockito {

  val darkTrafficService: Option[Service[Request, Response]] =
    Some(smartMock[Service[Request, Response]])

  /* mock request */

  override val server = new EmbeddedHttpServer(
    twitterServer = new DarkTrafficTestServer)

  test("DarkTrafficServer#has Canonical-Resource header correctly set") {

Users can instead do:

class DarkTrafficCanonicalResourceHeaderTest
extends FeatureTest
with Mockito {
 val darkTrafficService: Option[Service[Request, Response]] =
   Some(smartMock[Service[Request, Response]])

 /* mock request */

 override val server = new EmbeddedHttpServer(
   twitterServer = new DarkTrafficTestServer)
   .bind[Option[Service[Request, Response]], DarkTrafficService](darkTrafficService)

 test("DarkTrafficServer#has Canonical-Resource header correctly set") {

This allows for more flexibility (as the binding is now per object graph, rather than per test files) and is less susceptible to errors due to incorrect usage.

The breaking API change is due to adding this support in the TestInjector, it is now required that users call the TestInjector#create method in order to build the injector and that this is done after calls to TestInjector#bind. Previously, an Injector was directly returned from TestInjector#apply which is no longer true, thus it may look like your IntegrationTests are broken as you now need to add a call to TestInjector#create.

Additionally, this change updates all of the framework tests in the inject modules to the FunSuite testing style from the deprecated WordSpec testing style. RB_ID=910011

  • finatra-thrift: Update framework tests to FunSuite ScalaTest testing style. RB_ID=910262

  • inject-core: Move Logging from grizzled-slf4j to util/util-slf4j-api. c.t.inject.Logger is now deprecated in favor of c.t.util.logging.Logger in util. PHAB_ID=D29713

  • finatra-httpclient: Update framework tests to FunSuite ScalaTest testing style. RB_ID=909526

  • finatra-http: Update framework tests to FunSuite ScalaTest testing style. RB_ID=909349

  • finatra: Bump guava to 19.0. RB_ID=907807

  • inject-thrift-client: Various APIs have changed to work with ThriftMethod.SuccessType instead of ThriftMethod.Result. See ThriftClientFilterChain, Controller, ThriftWarmup, PossiblyRetryable. RB_ID=908846


  • finatra-http: Correctly support adding Java AbstractController by instance. RB_ID=910502




  • finatra-http: Add Java support for declaring admin routes. RB_ID=906264

  • finatra-http: Add AbstractExceptionMapper for ExceptionMapper usage from Java. Also update the HttpRouter to allow for registration of AbstractExceptionMappers. RB_ID=902995

  • finatra-http: Support for JSON Patch ( Utilities are located in package com.twitter.finatra.http.jsonpatch. RB_ID=889152

  • finatra: Created companion trait mixins for Test/FeatureTest/IntegrationTest/HttpTest. RB_ID=897778

  • finatra-http: Support for optional trailing slashes in HTTP routes. Routes can now specify that they allow an optional trailing slash by ending the route URI in the Controller with “/?”. RB_ID=893167

  • finatra-http: Support for Controller route prefixes. This allows users to define a common prefix for a set of routes declaratively inside a controller. RB_ID=894695


  • inject-core: Add back JUNitRUnner to c.t.inject.Test and c.t.inject.WordSpecTest so that tests can be run when building with maven. RB_ID=909789

  • finatra-http: Allow routes which begin with “/admin” to be exposed on the external interface and routes which DO NOT begin with “/admin” to be exposed on the admin interface. NOTE: routes which begin with “/admin/finatra” will continue to be on the admin interface only. Routes which begin with “/admin” that should be served from the admin interface MUST set the flag “admin = true” on the route in the Controller. RB_ID=905225

  • finatra: Move conversions and retry utilities from finatra/utils to finatra/inject/inject-utils. RB_ID=905109

  • finatra: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Rename the existing test helper classes to include their current opinionated testing style, “WordSpec”. These are functionally equivalent as this is just a name change. We also introduce new versions of the test helpers which mix in the recommended FunSuite. Thus it will look like your tests are broken as you will need to update to change to use the new “WordSpec” classes or changed your testing style to the recommended FunSuite style. PHAB_ID=D19822

  • inject-core: Remove JUnitRunner from c.t.inject.Test. This was only necessary for internal building with pants and is no longer required. The sbt build uses the ScalaTest runner and is thus not affected. Additionally, update specs2 to 2.4.17 and to depend on just the specs2-mock dependency where needed. PHAB_ID=D18011


  • finatra-http: Fix issue where added admin routes did not have their HTTP method correctly specified leading to all routes being defaulted to ‘GET’. RB_ID=905887

  • finatra-http: Fix for custom request case class collection-type fields which are annotated with either @RouteParam, @QueryParam, or @FormParam to correctly use a specified default value when a value is not sent in the request. RB_ID=903697

  • inject-app: Fix TestInjector to properly parse flags. The TestInjector didn’t properly handle defaulted boolean flags when defined in Modules. Updated the TestInjector logic to properly parse flags. Fixes Issue #373 RB_ID=901525

  • finatra: Correctly filter published tests-javadocs and tests-sources jars for projects. We are incorrectly publishing tests in the sources and javadocs jars for projects which publish a test-jar dependency (http, httpclient, jackson, thrift, util, inject-app, inject-core, inject-modules, and inject-server). RB_ID=901153




  • finatra-http: Add built-in support for Scala scala.concurrent.Future. The CallbackConverter now supports a return type of Scala scala.concurrent.Future by using a bijection to convert to a Twitter c.t.util.Future. RB_ID=898147

  • finatra-http: Support for request forwarding. Requests can be forwarded from one route to another. Forwarded requests will not go through the server’s defined filter chain again but will pass through any Controller defined filters on the “forwarded to” route. RB_ID=883224






  • finatra: Move the OSS documentation to internal code repository to be co-located with source code. RB_ID=881112


  • finatra-http: Decompose the ThrowableExceptionMapper to allow users to more easily replace the portions they care about. Users can now just replace the functionality per exception type rather than needing to replace the entire ThrowableExceptionMapper. `RB_ID=891666``

  • finatra-http: The ‘cookie’ method of c.t.finatra.http.response.ResponseBuilder#EnrichedResponse that takes a Netty 3 cookie instance has been deprecated. Please use the method which takes a Finagle HTTP cookie instead. RB_ID=888683

  • finatra-http: Update adding routes to the TwitterServer HTTP Admin Interface to use c.t.finagle.http.RouteIndex and remove the c.t.finatra.http.routing.AdminIndexInfo. Also relaxed the rules for what routes can be added to the index to include constant /POST routes. Additionally, no longer fail if you define conflicting admin routes – we will now only warn. It is up to the user to not shoot themselves in the foot. RB_ID=889792

  • finatra-http: Request in request case classes no longer requires Inject annotation. RB_ID=888197

  • inject-utils: Deprecated RootMonitor since finagle DefaultMonitor is implicitly installed and handles all exceptions caught in stack. We provide a monitor method by default is a NullMonitor in c.t.finatra.thrift.modules.DarkTrafficFilterModule and c.t.inject.thrift.modules.FilteredThriftClientModule, users can handle other exceptions (unhandled by DefaultMonitor) by overriding the monitor method RB_ID=886773

  • finatra: We now depend on a fork of libthrift hosted in the Central Repository. The new package lives in the ‘com.twitter’ organization. This removes the necessity of depending on This also means that eviction will not be automatic and using a newer libthrift library requires manual eviction if artifacts are being pulled in transitively. RB_ID=885879

  • inject-thrift-client: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Update filter building API with FilteredThriftClientModule. The c.t.inject.thrift.filters.ThriftClientFilterChain builder API has changed along with the underlying mechanisms to support enforcement of a “correct” filter order when using the helper methods. Methods have been renamed to a ‘with’-syntax to be more inline with other builders and the confusing “globalFilter” method to the more verbose but more accurate “withAgnosticFilter”. RB_ID=878260

  • inject-thrift-client: Remove deprecated package aliases. We’d like people to move the correct packages.RB_ID=879330

  • finatra-http: (BREAKING API CHANGE) Update StreamingResponse to avoid keeping a reference to the head of the AsyncStream. This resolves the memory leak when streaming an infinite stream. The constructor is now private; use the StreamingResponse object methods that take an AsyncStream by-name instead. ``RB_ID=890205’’


  • finatra-http: Allow 0,1,t,f as valid boolean values for QueryParam case class requests. RB_ID=881939




  • finatra-http: Add DarkTrafficFilterModule symmetric with thrift/DarkTrafficFilterModule. Add DarkTrafficService annotation in finatra-utils and a filter function used for requests annotated with Annotation Type in order to add DarkTrafficFilter. RB_ID=878079


  • finatra: No longer need to add an additional resolver that points to RB_ID=878967

  • inject-thrift-client: Stop counting response failures in the c.t.inject.thrift.ThriftClientFilterChain as these are now counted in the c.t.finagle.thrift.ThriftServiceIface. RB_ID=879075

  • finatra-jackson: Fix issue around JsonProperty annotation empty value. In CaseClassField.jsonNameForField, if the @JsonProperty annotation is used without a value, the property name is interpreted as “”. It now follows the default Jackson behavior of using the name field name as the property name when the annotation is empty. RB_ID=877060

  • finatra: Correct instances of misspelled word “converter”. There are several instances where the word “converter” is misspelled as “convertor”. Specifically, TwitterModule.addTypeConvertor has been changed to TwitterModule.addTypeConverter. Other internal renamings are TwitterDurationTypeConverter, JodatimeDurationTypeConverter, and JacksonToGuiceTypeConverter. RB_ID=877736

  • finatra: Move installation of the SLF4JBridgeHandler to the constructor of c.t.inject.server.TwitterServer. The c.t.finatra.logging.modules.Slf4jBridgeModule has been removed as there is now little reason to use it unless you are building an application directly from since the functionality is now provided by default in the constructor of c.t.inject.server.TwitterServer. If using, then users can use the c.t.inject.logging.modules.LoggerModule. The main advantage is that slf4j bridges are now installed earlier in the application or server lifecycle and thus more of the initialization logging is bridged to the slf4j-api. RB_ID=870913


  • finatra-jackson: Test jar is missing files. Classes in the test c.t.finatra.validation package were not properly marked for inclusion in the finatra-jackson tests jar. They’ve now been added. RB_ID=878755




  • finatra-thrift: Enhanced support for Java Thrift services. RB_ID=868254

  • finatra-examples: Add web/UI application example. RB_ID=868027

  • inject-server: Allow for the ability to disable test logging via System property. RB_ID=867344


  • finatra-http: Simplify ExceptionMapper configuration and usage. We are dropping the need for a specialized DefaultExceptionMapper (which was simply an ExceptionMapper[Throwable]). Instead we now allow the configuration of mappers in the ExceptionManager to be much more flexible. Previously, the framework tried to prevent a user from registering a mapper over a given exception type multiple times and specialized a “default” ExceptionMapper to invoke on an exception type of Throwable. The ExceptionManager will now accept any mapper. If a mapper is added over a type already added, the previous mapper will be overwritten.

The last registered mapper for an exception type wins.

The framework adds three mappers to the manager by default. If a user wants
to swap out any of these defaults they simply need add their own mapper to
the manager for the exception type to map. E.g., by default the framework
will add:
Throwable ->
JsonParseException ->
CaseClassMappingException ->
The manager walks the exception type hierarchy starting at the given
exceptiontype and moving up the inheritence chain until it finds mapper
configured for the type. In this manner an ExceptionMapper[Throwable] will
be the last mapper invoked and performs as the “default”.
Thus, to change the “default” mapper, simply adding a new mapper over the
Throwable type will suffice, i.e., ExceptionMapper[Throwable] to the
ExceptionManager. There are multiple ways to add a mapper. Either through
the HttpRouter:
override def configureHttp(router: HttpRouter): Unit = {

Or in a module which is then added to the Server, e.g.,

object MyExceptionMapperModule extends TwitterModule {
  override def singletonStartup(injector: Injector): Unit = {
    val manager = injector.instance[ExceptionManager]

override val modules = Seq(
This also means we can simplify the HttpServer as we no longer need to expose
any “framework” module for overridding the default ExceptionMappers. So the
“def exceptionMapperModule” has also been removed.RB_ID=868614
  • finatra-http: Specify HTTP Java API consistently. RB_ID=868264

  • inject-core: Clean up inject.Logging trait. Remove dead code from Logging. RB_ID=868261

  • finatra-http: Move integration tests to a package under com.twitter.finatra.http. RB_ID=866487


  • finatra-http: Fix issue with unimplemented methods in NonValidatingHttpHeadersResponse. RB_ID=868480




  • finatra-thrift: Add non-guice method to add controller to ThriftRouter RB_ID=863977

  • finatra-thrift: Add support for a “dark” traffic filter in thrift routing. Add a Finatra implementation of the Finagle AbstractDarkTrafficFilter which sub-classes ThriftFilter and will work in the Finatra filter chain. This will allow users to play incoming requests to a configured “dark” service. RB_ID=852338


  • finatra-http: Performance improvements from latest micro-benchmarking run.

  • BREAKING API CHANGE: Removed HttpHeaders#setDate, HttpHeaders#set and HttpHeaders#GMT. RB_ID=865247

  • finatra-thrift: Provide access to statsReceiver argument in ThriftClientFilterBuilder. RB_ID=857286


  • finatra-http: Add content headers for EmbeddedHttpServer #httpDelete and #httpPatch methods. RB_ID=862200




  • finatra-thrift: Add python namespace to finatra_thrift_exceptions.thrift. RB_ID=844668

  • finatra-http: Support ANY method in HTTP Controllers. Adds support for defining routes which will answer to “any” HTTP method. RB_ID=830429


  • finatra: Address lifecycle around

  • (BREAKING CHANGE) EmbeddedApp has been completely re-written to be a better utility for testing command-line applications, as a result there are transparent changes to EmbeddedTwitterServer.

  • is now and com.twitter.inject.server.TwitterServer#start.

    run() is used for “running” applications and #start() is used for “starting” servers. In the lifecycle TwitterServer implements

    App#run() as final and simply delegates to the start() method.

  • Server await callback for adding server Awaitables to a list so that the server will now Await.all on all collected Awaitables.

  • Added a new TwitterModuleLifecycle method: singletonPostWarmupComplete.

  • More documentation around server and app Lifecycle methods, their intended usages, and usages of callback functions.RB_ID=844303

  • finatra: Narrow visibility on classes/objects in internal packages. Classes/objects in internal packages are not intended for use outside of the framework. RB_ID=845278

  • finatra-http: fix HttpHeaders’s Date locale problem. RB_ID=843966

  • inject-thrift: Address issues with com.twitter.inject.exceptions.PossiblyRetryable. PossiblyRetryable does not correctly determine what is retryable. Updated to correct the logic for better default retry utility. RB_ID=843428

  • finatra: finatra: Move com.twitter.finatra.annotations.Flag|FlagImpl to com.twitter.inject.annotations.Flag|FlagImpl. RB_ID=843383

  • finatra: Remove This was necessary for Scala 2.10 support since #getOrElseUpdate was not atomic until Scala 2.11.6. See: RB_ID=842684

  • finatra: Upgrade to Jackson 2.6.5. RB_ID=836819

  • inject: Introduce inject/inject-thrift module to undo cyclic dependency introduced in RB 839427. RB_ID=841128

  • inject-thrift-client: Improvements to FilteredThriftClientModule to provide finer-grain insight on ThriftClientExceptions. NOTE: previously per-route failure stats were in the form: route/add1String/GET/status/503/handled/ThriftClientException/Adder/add1String/com.twitter.finatra.thrift.thriftscala.ServerError

These will now split across per-route and detailed “service component” failure stats, e.g.,

// per-route
// service component
Where the latter is in the form “service/failure/SOURCE/THRIFT_SERVICE_NAME/THRIFT_METHOD/NAME/details”.
“SOURCE” is by default the thrift client label, however, users are able to map this to something else.RB_ID=839427
  • finatra: Renamed Embedded testing utilities constructor args, clientFlags –> flags and extraArgs –> args. RB_ID=839537

  • finatra-http: Set Content-Length correctly in EmbeddedHttpServer, to support multi-byte characters in the request body. RB_ID=837438

  • finatra-http: No longer special-case NoSuchMethodException in the ExceptionMappingFilter. RB_ID=837369

  • finatra-http: Remove deprecated package objects in com.twitter.finatra. Callers should be using code in the com.twitter.finatra.http package. RB_ID=836194

  • finatra-http: Removed deprecated ExceptionBarrierFilter. NOTE: The ExceptionBarrierFilter produced stats in the form: “server/response/status/RESPONSE_CODE”. Using the replacement StatsFilter (in combination with the ExceptionMappingFilter) will produce more granular per-route stats. The comparable stats from the StatsFilter will be in the form: “route/ROUTE_URI/HTTP_METHOD/status/RESPONSE_CODE” with an additional aggregated total stat. RB_ID=836073 E.g, server/response/status/200: 5, server/response/status/201: 5, server/response/status/202: 5, server/response/status/403: 5,

will now be:
route/bar_uri/GET/status/200: 5,
route/bar_uri/GET/status/2XX: 5,
route/bar_uri/GET/status/400: 5,
route/bar_uri/GET/status/401: 5,
route/bar_uri/GET/status/403: 5,
route/bar_uri/GET/status/4XX: 15,
route/foo_uri/POST/status/200: 5,
route/foo_uri/POST/status/2XX: 5,
route/foo_uri/POST/status/400: 5,
route/foo_uri/POST/status/401: 5,
route/foo_uri/POST/status/403: 5,
route/foo_uri/POST/status/4XX: 15,
  • finatra: Made implicit classes extend AnyVal for less runtime overhead. RB_ID=835972

  • finatra-http: Remove deprecated package objects in com.twitter.finatra. Callers should be using code in the com.twitter.finatra.http package. RB_ID=836194

  • finatra: Publish all artifacts under com.twitter organization. RB_ID=834484

  • finatra: Update sbt memory settings. RB_ID=834571

  • inject-server: Rename com.twitter.inject.server.TwitterServer#run to com.twitter.inject.server.TwitterServer#handle. RB_ID=833965

  • finatra-http: Move test utilities in com.twitter.finatra.http.test.* to com.twitter.finatra.http.*. RB_ID=833170

  • finatra: Update SLF4J to version 1.7.21 and Logback to 1.1.7. Also update example logging configurations for best practices. RB_ID=832633

  • Builds are now only for Java 8 and Scala 2.11. See the blog post <>_ for details. RB_ID=828898


  • finatra-examples: Add sbt-revolver to the hello-world example. Fixes GH-209. RB_ID=838215

  • finatra: Fix to properly support Java controllers that return Futures in their route callbacks. RB_ID=834467



Full Changelog


  • finatra-thrift: Add ThriftWarmup for thrift servers. RB_ID=820771

  • finatra-inject/inject-server: Register framework in Library registry. RB_ID=809458

  • finatra-http: Support for trace, connect & options in RequestBuilder. RB_ID=811102

  • finatra-thrift: Allow for thrift server configuration. RB_ID=811126


  • finatra/twitter-server: Update to register TwitterServer as library in /admin/registry.json. RB_ID=825129

  • finatra-inject/inject-server: Deprecate PromoteToOldGenUtils in favor of twitter-server’s prebindWarmup event. RB_ID=819411

  • finatra-http: Move HttpServer to new Http stack API. RB_ID=812718


  • finatra: Revert sbt-scoverage plugin to 1.2.0. RB_ID=812098

  • finatra-http: Ensure headers are set correctly in requests and responses. RB_ID=813969


v2.1.5 (2016-03-15)

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  • finatra-http: Ability to access the finagle request in the ResponseBuilder for templating. RB_ID=805317

  • finatra-http: Added ability to register routes into the TwitterServer admin UI. RB_ID=808272

  • finatra: Added PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE RB_ID=808946


  • finatra: Move to develop branch as default branch for Github. RB_ID=810088

  • finatra: Updated test jars to only contain test utility code. RB_ID=809803


  • finatra-http; finatra-thrift: Slf4JBridgeModule is added by default and no longer breaks services which use the slf4k-jdk14 logging implementation. RB_ID=807171

  • finatra-http: Fixed incorrect (or missing) content-type on some http responses. RB_ID=807773

  • finatra-jackson: Fix to support doubles/floats in the jackson Min/Max/Range validations. RB_ID=809821

v2.1.4 (2016-02-25)

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v2.1.3 (2016-02-05)

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v2.1.2 (2015-12-09)

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v2.1.1 (2015-10-29)

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v2.1.0 (2015-10-01)

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v2.0.1 (2015-09-21)

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v2.0.0 (2015-09-09)

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v2.0.0.M2 (2015-06-12)

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v2.0.0.M1 (2015-04-30)

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  • Make mustache factory use baseTemplatePath local docroot and template path Github Issue 56

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