package requestscope
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- class FinagleRequestScope extends Scope
A Guice Custom Scope implemented with com.twitter.util.Local to mimic the behavior of the '@RequestScoped' scope using com.twitter.util.Local to work within the context of com.twitter.util.Futures.
A Guice Custom Scope implemented with com.twitter.util.Local to mimic the behavior of the '@RequestScoped' scope using com.twitter.util.Local to work within the context of com.twitter.util.Futures.
- Note
It is expected that users use this in combination with the typed FinagleRequestScopeFilter or the type agnostic FinagleRequestScopeFilter.TypeAgnostic.
- See also
- class FinagleRequestScopeFilter[Req, Rep] extends Filter[Req, Rep, Req, Rep]
A com.twitter.finagle.Filter which is responsible for preparing scoping of the custom com.twitter.inject.requestscope.FinagleRequestScope around this Filter's underlying com.twitter.finagle.Service.
A com.twitter.finagle.Filter which is responsible for preparing scoping of the custom com.twitter.inject.requestscope.FinagleRequestScope around this Filter's underlying com.twitter.finagle.Service.
- Note
if you wish to use a com.twitter.finagle.Filter.TypeAgnostic version of this Filter, please see the com.twitter.inject.requestscope.FinagleRequestScopeFilter.TypeAgnostic
- trait FinagleRequestScoped extends Annotation
- Annotations
- @Target() @Retention() @ScopeAnnotation()
- trait RequestScopeBinding extends TwitterModule
- class UnseededFinagleScopeProvider[T] extends Provider[T]
Value Members
- object FinagleRequestScopeFilter
- object FinagleRequestScopeModule extends TwitterModule