util-jackson Guide¶
The library builds upon the excellent jackson-module-scala for JSON support by wrapping the Jackson ScalaObjectMapper to provide an API very similar to the Jerkson Parser.
Additionally, the library provides a default improved case class deserializer which accumulates deserialization errors while parsing JSON into a case class instead of failing-fast, such that all errors can be reported at once.
🚨 This documentation assumes some level of familiarity with Jackson JSON Processing
Specifically Jackson databinding and the Jackson ObjectMapper.
There are several tutorials (and external documentation) which may be useful if you are unfamiliar with Jackson.
Additionally, you may want to familiarize yourself with the Jackson Annotations as they allow for finer-grain customization of Jackson databinding.
Case Classes¶
As mentioned, Jackson is a JSON processing library. We generally use Jackson for databinding, or more specifically:
object serialization: converting an object into a JSON String and
object deserialization: converting a JSON String into an object
This library integration is primarily centered around serializing and deserializing Scala case classes. This is because Scala case classes map well to the two JSON structures [reference]:
A collection of name/value pairs. Generally termed an object. Here, the name/value pairs are the case field name to field value but can also be an actual Scala Map[T, U] as well.
An ordered list of values. Typically an array, vector, list, or sequence, which for case classes can be represented by a Scala Iterable.
Library Features¶
Usable as a replacement for the jackson-module-scala or Jerkson in many cases.
A c.t.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper which provides additional Scala friendly methods not found in the jackson-module-scala ScalaObjectMapper.
A custom case class deserializer which overcomes some of the limitations in jackson-module-scala.
Integration with the util-validator Bean Validation 2.0 (beanvalidation.org) style validations during JSON deserialization.
Utility for quick JSON parsing with c.t.util.jackson.JSON
Utility for easily comparing JSON strings.
Basic Usage¶
Let’s assume we have these two case classes:
case class Bar(d: String)
case class Foo(a: String, b: Int, c: Bar)
To serialize a case class into a JSON string, use
ScalaObjectMapper#writeValueAsString(any: Any): String // or
JSON#write(any: Any)
For example:
Welcome to Scala 2.12.12 (JDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_242).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
scala> val foo = Foo("Hello, World", 42, Bar("Goodbye, World"))
foo: Foo = Foo(Hello, World,42,Bar(Goodbye, World))
scala> import com.twitter.util.jackson.JSON
import com.twitter.util.jackson.JSON
scala> JSON.write(foo)
res3: String = {"a":"Hello, World","b":42,"c":{"d":"Goodbye, World"}}
scala> // or use the configured "pretty print mapper"
scala> JSON.prettyPrint(foo)
res4: String =
"a" : "Hello, World",
"b" : 42,
"c" : {
"d" : "Goodbye, World"
scala> // or use a configured ScalaObjectMapper
scala> import com.twitter.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper
import com.twitter.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper
scala> val mapper = ScalaObjectMapper()
mapper: com.twitter.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper = com.twitter.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper@490d9c41
scala> mapper.writeValueAsString(foo)
res0: String = {"a":"Hello, World","b":42,"c":{"d":"Goodbye, World"}}
scala> // or use the configured "pretty print mapper"
scala> mapper.writePrettyString(foo)
res1: String =
"a" : "Hello, World",
"b" : 42,
"c" : {
"d" : "Goodbye, World"
To deserialize a JSON string into a case class, use
ScalaObjectMapper#parse[T](s: String): T // or
JSON#parse[T](s: String): T
For example, assuming the same Bar and Foo case classes defined above:
Welcome to Scala 2.12.12 (JDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_242).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
scala> val s = """{"a": "Hello, World", "b": 42, "c": {"d": "Goodbye, World"}}"""
s: String = {"a": "Hello, World", "b": 42, "c": {"d": "Goodbye, World"}}
scala> import com.twitter.util.jackson.JSON
import com.twitter.util.jackson.JSON
scala> val foo = JSON.parse[Foo](s)
foo: Option[Foo] = Some(Foo(Hello, World,42,Bar(Goodbye, World)))
scala> // or use a configured ScalaObjectMapper
scala> import com.twitter.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper
import com.twitter.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper
scala> val mapper = ScalaObjectMapper()
mapper: com.twitter.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper = com.twitter.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper@3b64f131
scala> val foo = mapper.parse[Foo](s)
foo: Foo = Foo(Hello, World,42,Bar(Goodbye, World))
As seen above you can use the c.t.util.jackson.JSON utility for general JSON serde operations with a default configured ScalaObjectMapper.
This can be useful when you do not need to use a specifically configured ScalaObjectMapper or do not wish to perform any Bean Validation 2.0 style validations during JSON deserialization since the c.t.util.jackson.JSON utility specifically disables validation support on its underlying c.t.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper.
See the documentation for more information.
You can find many examples of using the ScalaObjectMapper in the various framework tests:
As mentioned above, there is also a plethora of Jackson tutorials and HOW-TOs available online which provide more in-depth examples of how to use a Jackson ObjectMapper.
The ScalaObjectMapper is a thin wrapper around a configured jackson-module-scala ScalaObjectMapper. However, the util-jackson ScalaObjectMapper comes configured with several defaults when instantiated.
The following integrations are provided by default when using the ScalaObjectMapper:
The Jackson DefaultScalaModule.
The Jackson JSR310 c.f.jackson.datatype.jsr310.JavaTimeModule.
A LongKeyDeserializer which allows for deserializing Scala Maps with Long keys.
A WrappedValueSerializer (more information on “WrappedValues” here).
Twitter c.t.util.Time and c.t.util.Duration serializers [1, 2] and deserializers [1, 2].
An improved CaseClassDeserializer: see details below.
Integration with the util-validator Bean Validation 2.0 style validations during JSON deserialization.
Instantiation of a new ScalaObjectMapper can done either via a companion object method or via the ScalaObject#Builder to specify custom configuration.
The companion object defines apply methods for creation of a ScalaObjectMapper configured with the defaults listed above:
import com.twitter.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.{ObjectMapper => JacksonObjectMapper}
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.{ScalaObjectMapper => JacksonScalaObjectMapper}
val objectMapper: ScalaObjectMapper = ScalaObjectMapper()
val underlying: JacksonObjectMapper with JacksonScalaObjectMapper = ???
val objectMapper: ScalaObjectMapper = ScalaObjectMapper(underlying)
The above #apply which takes an underlying Jackson ObjectMapper will mutate the configuration of the underlying Jackson ObjectMapper to apply the default configuration to the given Jackson ObjectMapper. Thus it is not expected that this underlying Jackson ObjectMapper be a shared resource.
Companion Object Wrappers¶
The companion object also defines other methods to easily obtain some specifically configured ScalaObjectMapper which wraps an already configured Jackson ObjectMapper:
import com.twitter.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.{ObjectMapper => JacksonObjectMapper}
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.{ScalaObjectMapper => JacksonScalaObjectMapper}
val underlying: JacksonObjectMapper with JacksonScalaObjectMapper = ???
// different from `#apply(underlying)`. wraps a copy of the given Jackson mapper
// and does not apply any configuration.
val objectMapper: ScalaObjectMapper = ScalaObjectMapper.objectMapper(underlying)
// merely wraps a copy of the given Jackson mapper that is expected to be configured
// with a YAMLFactory, does not apply any configuration.
val objectMapper: ScalaObjectMapper = ScalaObjectMapper.yamlObjectMapper(underlying)
// only sets the PropertyNamingStrategy to be PropertyNamingStrategy.LOWER_CAMEL_CASE
// to a copy of the given Jackson mapper, does not apply any other configuration.
val objectMapper: ScalaObjectMapper = ScalaObjectMapper.camelCaseObjectMapper(underlying)
// only sets the PropertyNamingStrategy to be PropertyNamingStrategy.SNAKE_CASE
// to a copy of the given Jackson mapper, does not apply any other configuration.
val objectMapper: ScalaObjectMapper = ScalaObjectMapper.snakeCaseObjectMapper(underlying)
You can use the ScalaObjectMapper#Builder for more advanced control over configuration options for producing a configured ScalaObjectMapper. For example, to create an instance of a ScalaObjectMapper with case class validation via the util-validator ScalaValidator disabled:
import com.twitter.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper
val objectMapper: ScalaObjectMapper = ScalaObjectMapper.builder.withNoValidation.objectMapper
See the Advanced Configuration section for more information.
Advanced Configuration¶
To apply more custom configuration to create a ScalaObjectMapper, there is a builder for constructing a customized mapper.
E.g., to set a PropertyNamingStrategy different than the default:
val objectMapper: ScalaObjectMapper =
Or to set additional modules or configuration:
val objectMapper: ScalaObjectMapper =
_.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, true)
You can also get a camelCase, snake_case, or even a YAML configured mapper.
val camelCaseObjectMapper: ScalaObjectMapper =
_.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, true)
val snakeCaseObjectMapper: ScalaObjectMapper =
_.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, true)
val yamlObjectMapper: ScalaObjectMapper =
_.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, true)
Access to the underlying Jackson Object Mapper¶
The ScalaObjectMapper is a thin wrapper around a configured Jackson jackson-module-scala com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.ScalaObjectMapper, thus you can always access the underlying Jackson object mapper by calling underlying:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.{ScalaObjectMapper => JacksonScalaObjectMapper}
import com.twitter.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper
val objectMapper: ScalaObjectMapper = ???
val jacksonObjectMapper: ObjectMapper with JacksonScalaObjectMapper = objectMapper.underlying
Adding a Custom Serializer or Deserializer¶
For more information see the Jackson documentation for Custom Serializers.
Add a Jackson Module to a ScalaObjectMapper¶
Follow the steps to create a Jackson Module for the custom serializer or deserializer then register the module to the underlying Jackson mapper from the ScalaObjectMapper instance:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonDeserializer
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.Deserializers
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.module.SimpleModule
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.JacksonModule
import com.twitter.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper
// custom deserializer
class FooDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer[Foo] {
override def deserialize(...)
// Jackson SimpleModule for custom deserializer
class FooDeserializerModule extends SimpleModule {
// custom parameterized deserializer
class MapIntIntDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer[Map[Int, Int]] {
override def deserialize(...)
// custom parameterized deserializer resolver
class MapIntIntDeserializerResolver extends Deserializers.Base {
override def findBeanDeserializer(
javaType: JavaType,
config: DeserializationConfig,
beanDesc: BeanDescription
): MapIntIntDeserializer = {
if (javaType.isMapLikeType && javaType.hasGenericTypes && hasIntTypes(javaType)) {
new MapIntIntDeserializer
} else null
private[this] def hasIntTypes(javaType: JavaType): Boolean = {
val k = javaType.containedType(0)
val v = javaType.containedType(1)
k.isPrimitive && k.getRawClass == classOf[Integer] &&
v.isPrimitive && v.getRawClass == classOf[Integer]
// Jackson SimpleModule for custom deserializer
class MapIntIntDeserializerModule extends JacksonModule {
override def getModuleName: String = this.getClass.getName
this += {
_.addDeserializers(new MapIntIntDeserializerResolver)
val mapper: ScalaObjectMapper = ???
mapper.registerModules(new FooDeserializerModule, new MapIntIntDeserializerModule)
Improved case class deserializer¶
The library provides a case class deserializer which overcomes some limitations in jackson-module-scala:
Throws a JsonMappingException when required fields are missing from the parsed JSON.
Uses specified case class default values when fields are missing in the incoming JSON.
Properly deserializes a Seq[Long] (see: https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-module-scala/issues/62).
Supports “wrapped values” using c.t.util.jackson.WrappedValue.
Support for field and method level validations via integration with the util-validator Bean Validation 2.0 style validations during JSON deserialization.
Accumulates all JSON deserialization errors (instead of failing fast) in a returned sub-class of JsonMappingException (see: CaseClassMappingException).
The case class deserializer is added by default when constructing a new ScalaObjectMapper.
Note: with the util-jackson case class deserializer, non-option fields without default values are considered required. If a required field is missing, a CaseClassMappingException is thrown.
JSON null values are not allowed and will be treated as a “missing” value. If necessary, users can specify a custom deserializer for a field if they want to be able to parse a JSON null into a Scala null type for a field. Define your deserializer, NullAllowedDeserializer then annotate the field with @JsonDeserialize(using = classOf[NullAllowedDeserializer]).
@JsonCreator Support¶
The util-jackson case class deserializer supports specification of a constructor or static factory method annotated with the Jackson Annotation, @JsonCreator (an annotation for indicating a specific constructor or static factory method to use for instantiation of the case class during deserialization).
For example, you can annotate a method on the companion object for the case class as a static factory for instantiation. Any static factory method to use for instantiation MUST be specified on the companion object for case class:
case class MySimpleCaseClass(int: Int)
object MySimpleCaseClass {
def apply(s: String): MySimpleCaseClass = MySimpleCaseClass(s.toInt)
Or to specify a secondary constructor to use for case class instantiation:
case class MyCaseClassWithMultipleConstructors(number1: Long, number2: Long, number3: Long) {
def this(numberAsString1: String, numberAsString2: String, numberAsString3: String) {
this(numberAsString1.toLong, numberAsString2.toLong, numberAsString3.toLong)
If you define multiple constructors on a case class, it is required to annotate one of the constructors with @JsonCreator.
To annotate the primary constructor (as the syntax can seem non-intuitive because the () is required):
case class MyCaseClassWithMultipleConstructors @JsonCreator()(number1: Long, number2: Long, number3: Long) {
def this(numberAsString1: String, numberAsString2: String, numberAsString3: String) {
this(numberAsString1.toLong, numberAsString2.toLong, numberAsString3.toLong)
The parens are needed because the Scala class constructor syntax requires constructor annotations to have exactly one parameter list, possibly empty.
If you define multiple case class constructors with no visible @JsonCreator constructor or static factory method via a companion, deserialization will error.
@JsonFormat Support¶
The util-jackson case class deserializer supports @JsonFormat-annotated case class fields to properly contextualize deserialization based on the values in the annotation.
A common use case is to be able to support deserializing a JSON string into a “time” representation class based on a specific pattern independent of the time format configured on the ObjectMapper or even the default format for a given deserializer for the type.
For instance, the library provides a specific deserializer for the com.twitter.util.Time class. This deserializer is a Jackson ContextualDeserializer and will properly take into account a @JsonFormat-annotated field.
However, the util-jackson case class deserializer is invoked first and acts as a proxy for deserializing the time value. The case class deserializer properly contextualizes the field for correct deserialization by the TimeStringDeserializer.
Thus if you had a case class defined:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat
import com.twitter.util.Time
case class Event(
id: Long,
description: String,
@JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX") when: Time
The following JSON:
"id": 42,
"description": "Something happened.",
"when": "2018-09-14T23:20:08.000-07:00"
Will always deserialize properly into the case class regardless of the pattern configured on the ObjectMapper or as the default of a contextualized deserializer:
Welcome to Scala 2.12.13 (JDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_242).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
scala> import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat
scala> import com.twitter.util.Time
import com.twitter.util.Time
scala> case class Event(
| id: Long,
| description: String,
| @JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX") when: Time
| )
defined class Event
scala> val json = """
| {
| "id": 42,
| "description": "Something happened.",
| "when": "2018-09-14T23:20:08.000-07:00"
| }""".stripMargin
json: String =
"id": 42,
"description": "Something happened.",
"when": "2018-09-14T23:20:08.000-07:00"
scala> import com.twitter.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper
import com.twitter.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper
scala> val mapper = ScalaObjectMapper()
mapper: com.twitter.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper = com.twitter.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper@52dc71b2
scala> val event: Event = mapper.parse[Event](json)
event: Event = Event(42,Something happened.,2018-09-15 06:20:08 +0000)
Jackson InjectableValues Support¶
By default, the library does not configure any com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.InjectableValues implementation.
It does however provide the c.t.util.jackson.annotation.InjectableValue annotation which can be used to mark other java.lang.annotation.Annotation interfaces as annotations which support case class field injection via Jackson com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.InjectableValues.
That is, users can create custom annotations and annotate them with @InjectableValue. This then allows for a configured Jackson com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.InjectableValues implementation to be able to treat these annotations similar to the @JacksonInject.
This means a custom Jackson InjectableValues implementation can use the @InjectableValue marker annotation to resolve fields annotated with annotations that have the @InjectableValue marker annotation as injectable fields.
For more information on the Jackson @JacksonInject or c.f.databind.InjectableValues support see the tutorial here.
Mix-in Annotations¶
The Jackson Mix-in Annotations provide a way to associate annotations to classes without needing to modify the target classes themselves. It is intended to help support 3rd party datatypes where the user cannot modify the sources to add annotations.
The util-jackson case class deserializer supports Jackson Mix-in Annotations for specifying field annotations during deserialization with the case class deserializer.
For example, to deserialize JSON into the following classes that are not yours to annotate:
case class Point(x: Int, y: Int) {
def area: Int = x * y
case class Points(points: Seq[Point])
However, you want to enforce field constraints with validations during deserialization. You can define a Mix-in,
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore
import jakarta.validation.constraints.{Max, Min}
trait PointMixIn {
@Min(0) @Max(100) def x: Int
@Min(0) @Max(100) def y: Int
@JsonIgnore def area: Int
Then register this Mix-in for the Point class type. There are several ways to do this:
Follow the steps to create a Jackson Module for the Mix-in then register the module to the underlying Jackson mapper from the ScalaObjectMapper instance:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.module.SimpleModule
import com.twitter.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper
object PointMixInModule extends SimpleModule {
setMixInAnnotation(classOf[Point], classOf[PointMixIn]);
val objectMapper: ScalaObjectMapper = ???
Or register the Mix-in for the class type directly on the underlying Jackson mapper (without a Jackson Module):
import com.twitter.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper
val objectMapper: ScalaObjectMapper = ???
objectMapper.underlying.addMixin[Point, PointMixIn]
Deserializing this JSON would then error with failed validations:
"points": [
{"x": -1, "y": 120},
{"x": 4, "y": 99}
Welcome to Scala 2.12.13 (JDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_242).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
scala> case class Point(x: Int, y: Int) {
| def area: Int = x * y
| }
defined class Point
scala> case class Points(points: Seq[Point])
defined class Points
scala> import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore
scala> import jakarta.validation.constraints.{Max, Min}
import jakarta.validation.constraints.{Max, Min}
scala> trait PointMixIn {
| @Min(0) @Max(100) def x: Int
| @Min(0) @Max(100) def y: Int
| @JsonIgnore def area: Int
| }
defined trait PointMixIn
scala> import com.twitter.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper
import com.twitter.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper
scala> val objectMapper: ScalaObjectMapper = ScalaObjectMapper()
objectMapper: com.twitter.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper = com.twitter.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper@2389f546
scala> objectMapper.underlying.addMixin[Point, PointMixIn]
res0: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper = com.twitter.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper$Builder$$anon$1@5ae22651
scala> val json = """
| {
| "points": [
| {"x": -1, "y": 120},
| {"x": 4, "y": 99}
| ]
| }""".stripMargin
json: String =
"points": [
{"x": -1, "y": 120},
{"x": 4, "y": 99}
scala> val points = objectMapper.parse[Points](json)
com.twitter.util.jackson.caseclass.exceptions.CaseClassMappingException: 2 errors encountered during deserialization.
Errors: com.twitter.util.jackson.caseclass.exceptions.CaseClassFieldMappingException: points.x: must be greater than or equal to 0
com.twitter.util.jackson.caseclass.exceptions.CaseClassFieldMappingException: points.y: must be less than or equal to 100
at com.twitter.util.jackson.caseclass.exceptions.CaseClassMappingException$.apply(CaseClassMappingException.scala:21)
at com.twitter.util.jackson.caseclass.CaseClassDeserializer.deserialize(CaseClassDeserializer.scala:431)
at com.twitter.util.jackson.caseclass.CaseClassDeserializer.deserializeNonWrapperClass(CaseClassDeserializer.scala:408)
at com.twitter.util.jackson.caseclass.CaseClassDeserializer.deserialize(CaseClassDeserializer.scala:373)
at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper._readMapAndClose(ObjectMapper.java:4524)
at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper.readValue(ObjectMapper.java:3466)
at com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.ScalaObjectMapper.readValue(ScalaObjectMapper.scala:191)
at com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.ScalaObjectMapper.readValue$(ScalaObjectMapper.scala:190)
at com.twitter.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper$Builder$$anon$1.readValue(ScalaObjectMapper.scala:382)
at com.twitter.util.jackson.ScalaObjectMapper.parse(ScalaObjectMapper.scala:463)
... 34 elided
As the first Point instance has an x-value less than the minimum of 0 and a y-value greater than the maximum of 100.
Known CaseClassDeserializer Limitations¶
The util-jackson case class deserializer provides a fair amount of utility but can not and does not support all Jackson Annotations. The behavior of supporting a Jackson Annotation can at times be ambiguous (or even nonsensical), especially when it comes to combining Jackson Annotations and injectable field annotations.
Java Enums¶
We recommend the use of Java Enums for representing enumerations since they integrate well with Jackson’s ObjectMapper and have exhaustiveness checking as of Scala 2.10.
The following Jackson annotations may be useful when working with Enums:
@JsonValue: can be used for an overridden toString method.
@JsonEnumDefaultValue: can be used for defining a default value when deserializing unknown Enum values. Note that this requires READ_UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUES_USING_DEFAULT_VALUE feature to be enabled.
The library provides a utility for default mapping of JSON to an object or writing an object as a JSON string. This is largely inspired by the scala.util.parsing.json.JSON from the Scala Parser Combinators library.
However, the c.t.util.jackson.JSON utility uses a default configured ScalaObjectMapper and is thus more full featured than the scala.util.parsing.json.JSON utility.
The c.t.util.jackson.JSON API does not return an exception when parsing but rather returns an Option[T] result. When parsing is successful, this is a Some(T), otherwise it is a None. But note that the specifics of any failure are lost.
It is thus also important to note that for this reason that the c.t.util.jackson.JSON uses a default configured ScalaObjectMapper with validation specifically disabled, such that no Bean Validation 2.0 style validations are performed when parsing with c.t.util.jackson.JSON.
Users should prefer using a configured ScalaObjectMapper to perform validations in order to be able to properly handle validation exceptions.
Welcome to Scala 2.12.13 (JDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_242).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
scala> import com.twitter.util.jackson.JSON
import com.twitter.util.jackson.JSON
scala> val result = JSON.parse[Map[String, Int]]("""{"a": 1, "b": 2}""")
result: Option[Map[String,Int]] = Some(Map(a -> 1, b -> 2))
scala> case class FooClass(id: String)
defined class FooClass
scala> val result = JSON.parse[FooClass]("""{"id": "abcd1234"}""")
result: Option[FooClass] = Some(FooClass(abcd1234))
scala> result.get
res0: FooClass = FooClass(abcd1234)
scala> val f = FooClass("99999999")
f: FooClass = FooClass(99999999)
scala> JSON.write(f)
res1: String = {"id":"99999999"}
scala> JSON.prettyPrint(f)
res2: String =
"id" : "99999999"
Similarly, there is also a utility for YAML serde operations with many of the same methods as c.t.util.jackson.JSON using a default ScalaObjectMapper configured with a YAMLFactory.
Welcome to Scala 2.12.13 (JDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_242).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
scala> import com.twitter.util.jackson.YAML
import com.twitter.util.jackson.YAML
scala> val result =
| YAML.parse[Map[String, Int]]("""
| |---
| |a: 1
| |b: 2
| |c: 3""".stripMargin)
result: Option[Map[String,Int]] = Some(Map(a -> 1, b -> 2, c -> 3))
scala> case class FooClass(id: String)
defined class FooClass
scala> val result = YAML.parse[FooClass]("""
| |---
| |id: abcde1234""".stripMargin)
result: Option[FooClass] = Some(FooClass(abcde1234))
scala> result.get
res0: FooClass = FooClass(abcde1234)
scala> val f = FooClass("99999999")
f: FooClass = FooClass(99999999)
scala> YAML.write(f)
res1: String =
id: "99999999"
Like with c.t.util.jackson.JSON, the c.t.util.jackson.YAML API does not return an exception when parsing but rather returns an Option[T] result.
Users should prefer using a configured ScalaObjectMapper to perform validations in order to be able to properly handle validation exceptions.
The library provides a utility for comparing JSON strings, or structures that can be serialized as JSON strings, via the c.t.util.jackson.JsonDiff utility.
JsonDiff provides two functions: diff and assertDiff. The diff method allows the user to decide how to handle JSON differences by returning an Option[JsonDiff.Result] while assertDiff throws an AssertionError when a difference is encountered.
The JsonDiff.Result#toString contains a textual representation meant to indicate where the expected and actual differ semantically. For this representation, both expected and actual are transformed to eliminate insigificant lexical diffences such whitespace, object key ordering, and escape sequences. Only the first difference in this representation is indicated. When an AssertError is thrown, the JsonDiff.Result#toString is used to populate the exception message.
For example:
Welcome to Scala 2.12.13 (JDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_242).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
scala> import com.twitter.util.jackson.JsonDiff
import com.twitter.util.jackson.JsonDiff
scala> val a ="""{"a":1,"b":2}"""
a: String = {"a":1,"b":2}
scala> val b ="""{"b": 2,"a": 1}"""
b: String = {"b": 2,"a": 1}
scala> val result = JsonDiff.diff(a, b) // no difference
result: Option[com.twitter.util.jackson.JsonDiff.Result] = None
scala> val b ="""{"b": 3,"a": 1}"""
b: String = {"b": 3,"a": 1}
scala> val result = JsonDiff.diff(a, b) // b-values are different
result: Option[com.twitter.util.jackson.JsonDiff.Result] =
Some( *
Expected: {"a":1,"b":2}
Actual: {"a":1,"b":3})
scala> result.get.toString
res1: String =
" *
Expected: {"a":1,"b":2}
Actual: {"a":1,"b":3}"
scala> result.get.expected
res3: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode = {"a":1,"b":2}
scala> result.get.actual
res4: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode = {"b":3,"a":1}
scala> result.get.expectedPrettyString
res5: String =
"a" : 1,
"b" : 2
scala> result.get.actualPrettyString
res6: String =
"b" : 3,
"a" : 1
scala> import com.twitter.util.Try
import com.twitter.util.Try
scala> val t = Try(JsonDiff.assertDiff(a, b)) // throws an AssertionError
Expected: {"a":1,"b":2}
Actual: {"a":1,"b":3}
scala> t.isThrow
res0: Boolean = true
scala> t.throwable.getMessage
res1: String =
com.twitter.util.jackson.JsonDiff$ failure
Expected: {"a":1,"b":2}
Actual: {"a":1,"b":3}
scala> val expected = """{"t1": "24\u00B0C"}"""
expected: String = {"t1": "24\u00B0C"}
scala> val actual = """{"t1": "24°F", "t2": null}"""
actual: String = {"t1": "24°F", "t2": null}
scala> val t = Try(JsonDiff.assertDiff(expected, actual)) // throws an AssertionError
Expected: {"t1":"24°C"}
Actual: {"t1":"24°F","t2":null}
scala> t.isThrow
res0: Boolean = true
scala> t.throwable.getMessage
res1: String =
com.twitter.util.jackson.JsonDiff$ failure
Expected: {"t1":"24°C"}
Actual: {"t1":"24°F","t2":null}
Both API methods accept a “normalize function” which is a function to apply on the actual to “normalize” any fields – such as a timestamp – before comparing to the expected.
Welcome to Scala 2.12.13 (JDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_242).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
scala> import com.twitter.util.jackson.JsonDiff
import com.twitter.util.jackson.JsonDiff
scala> val a ="""{"a":1,"b":2}"""
a: String = {"a":1,"b":2}
scala> val b ="""{"b": 3,"a": 1}"""
b: String = {"b": 3,"a": 1}
scala> val result = JsonDiff.diff(expected = a, actual = b) // b-values are different
result: Option[com.twitter.util.jackson.JsonDiff.Result] =
Some( *
Expected: {"a":1,"b":2}
Actual: {"a":1,"b":3})
scala> result.get.toString
res1: String =
" *
Expected: {"a":1,"b":2}
Actual: {"a":1,"b":3}"
scala> JsonDiff.assertDiff(expected = a, actual = b) // throws an AssertionError
Expected: {"a":1,"b":2}
Actual: {"a":1,"b":3}
java.lang.AssertionError: com.twitter.util.jackson.JsonDiff$ failure
Expected: {"a":1,"b":2}
Actual: {"a":1,"b":3}
at com.twitter.util.jackson.JsonDiff$.assert(JsonDiff.scala:206)
at com.twitter.util.jackson.JsonDiff$.assertDiff(JsonDiff.scala:114)
... 34 elided
scala> import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode
scala> import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode
scala> val normalizeFn: JsonNode => JsonNode = { jsonNode: JsonNode =>
| jsonNode.asInstanceOf[ObjectNode].put("b", 2)
| }
normalizeFn: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode => com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode = $Lambda$1162/1826212603@3da20c42
scala> val result = JsonDiff.diff(expected = a, actual = b, normalizeFn) // normalize fn updates b-value of 'actual' to match the 'expected'
result: Option[com.twitter.util.jackson.JsonDiff.Result] = None
scala> JsonDiff.assertDiff(expected = a, actual = b, normalizeFn) // no exception when 'actual' is normalized