“Cubes” a case class or tuple, i.e. for a tuple of type (T1, T2, ... , TN)
generates all 2^N
possible combinations of type (Option[T1], Option[T2], ... , Option[TN])
This is useful for comparing some metric across all possible subsets.
For example, suppose we have a set of people represented as
case class Person(gender: String, age: Int, height: Double)
and we want to know the average height of
- people, grouped by gender and age
- people, grouped by only gender
- people, grouped by only age
- all people
Then we could do
import com.twitter.algebird.macros.Cuber.cuber
val people: List[People]
val averageHeights: Map[(Option[String], Option[Int]), Double] =
people.flatMap { p => cuber((p.gender, p.age)).map((_,p)) }
.mapValues { xs => val heights =; heights.sum / heights.length }
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