
class TransactionalClient extends BaseClient with NormalCommands

Client connected over a single connection to a single redis instance, supporting transactions

Linear Supertypes
NormalCommands, StreamCommands, ConnectionCommands, BasicConnectionCommands, ScriptCommands, ServerCommands, BasicServerCommands, PubSubCommands, GeoCommands, HyperLogLogCommands, TopologyCommands, BtreeSortedSetCommands, SetCommands, ListCommands, SortedSetCommands, HashCommands, StringCommands, KeyCommands, BaseClient, Closable, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. TransactionalClient
  2. NormalCommands
  3. StreamCommands
  4. ConnectionCommands
  5. BasicConnectionCommands
  6. ScriptCommands
  7. ServerCommands
  8. BasicServerCommands
  9. PubSubCommands
  10. GeoCommands
  11. HyperLogLogCommands
  12. TopologyCommands
  13. BtreeSortedSetCommands
  14. SetCommands
  15. ListCommands
  16. SortedSetCommands
  17. HashCommands
  18. StringCommands
  19. KeyCommands
  20. BaseClient
  21. Closable
  22. AnyRef
  23. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new TransactionalClient(factory: ServiceFactory[Command, Reply])

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. val FutureFalse: Future[Boolean]
    Definition Classes
  5. val FutureTrue: Future[Boolean]
    Definition Classes
  6. def append(key: Buf, value: Buf): Future[Long]

    Appends value at the given key.

    Appends value at the given key. If key doesn't exist, behavior is similar to SET command


    length of string after append operation

    Definition Classes
  7. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  8. def auth(password: Buf): Future[Unit]

    Authorizes to db

    Authorizes to db

    Definition Classes
  9. def bAdd(key: Buf, field: Buf, value: Buf): Future[Long]

    Sets field : value pair in the given btree sorted set key.

    Sets field : value pair in the given btree sorted set key.


    1 if field is new, 0 if field was updated.

    Definition Classes
  10. def bCard(key: Buf): Future[Long]

    Returns the btree sorted set cardinality for the given key.

    Returns the btree sorted set cardinality for the given key. Returns 0 if key does not exist.

    Definition Classes
  11. def bGet(key: Buf, field: Buf): Future[Option[Buf]]

    Gets the value for the field from the given btree sorted set key.

    Gets the value for the field from the given btree sorted set key.


    Some if the field exists, None otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  12. def bMergeEx(key: Buf, fv: Map[Buf, Buf], milliseconds: Long): Future[Unit]
    Definition Classes
  13. def bRange(key: Buf, count: Int, startField: Option[Buf], endField: Option[Buf]): Future[Seq[(Buf, Buf)]]

    Gets all field value pairs for the given btree sorted order key from startField to endField.

    Gets all field value pairs for the given btree sorted order key from startField to endField.

    Definition Classes
  14. def bRem(key: Buf, fields: Seq[Buf]): Future[Long]

    Deletes fields from the given btree sorted set key.

    Deletes fields from the given btree sorted set key.


    The number of fields deleted.

    Definition Classes
  15. def bitCount(key: Buf, start: Option[Int], end: Option[Int]): Future[Long]
    Definition Classes
  16. def bitCount(key: Buf): Future[Long]
    Definition Classes
  17. def bitOp(op: Buf, dstKey: Buf, srcKeys: Seq[Buf]): Future[Long]
    Definition Classes
  18. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
  19. def close(deadline: Time): Future[Unit]

    Releases underlying service factory object

    Releases underlying service factory object

    Definition Classes
    BaseClient → Closable
  20. def close(after: Duration): Future[Unit]
    Definition Classes
  21. final def close(): Future[Unit]
    Definition Classes
  22. def dbSize(): Future[Long]
    Definition Classes
  23. def decr(key: Buf): Future[Long]

    Decrements number stored at key by 1.

    Decrements number stored at key by 1.


    value after decrement.

    Definition Classes
  24. def decrBy(key: Buf, amount: Long): Future[Long]

    Decrements number stored at key by given amount.

    Decrements number stored at key by given amount. If key doesn't exist, value is set to 0 before the operation


    value after decrement. Error if key contains value of the wrong type

    Definition Classes
  25. def dels(keys: Seq[Buf]): Future[Long]

    Removes keys

    Removes keys


    list of keys to remove


    Number of keys removed

    Definition Classes
  26. def discard(): Future[Unit]
  27. def dump(key: Buf): Future[Option[Buf]]

    Serialize the value stored at key in a Redis-specific format and returns it to the user

    Serialize the value stored at key in a Redis-specific format and returns it to the user


    bytes, or none if the key did not exist

    Definition Classes
  28. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  29. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  30. def eval(script: Buf, keys: Seq[Buf], argv: Seq[Buf]): Future[Reply]

    Executes EVAL command returns the raw redis-server Reply.

    Executes EVAL command returns the raw redis-server Reply.

    User may convert this Reply to type T by calling their Scripts.castReply[T](reply), or "reply.cast[T]" which is an implicit conversion through Scripts.CastableReply helper class.

    An idiomatic usage:

    import Scripts._
    client.eval(script, keys, argv).map { _.cast[Long] }

    returns a Future[Long], and is equivalent to

    client.eval(script, keys, argv).map(Scripts.castReply[Long])

    the script to execute


    the redis keys that the script may have access to


    the array of arguments that the script takes


    redis-server Reply

    Definition Classes
  31. def evalSha(sha: Buf, script: Buf, keys: Seq[Buf], argv: Seq[Buf]): Future[Reply]

    Executes EVALSHA command, and if redis-server complains about NOSCRIPT, execute EVAL with fallback "script" instead.

    Executes EVALSHA command, and if redis-server complains about NOSCRIPT, execute EVAL with fallback "script" instead.

    Similar to evalSha, but this takes a fallback "script" parameter in addition to "sha", so that any ErrorReply("NOSCRIPT...") will be silently caught and a corresponding EVAL command will be retried.


    SHA-1 digest of the script to execute


    the fallback script. User must guarantee that

    sha == SHA1(script)

    where "SHA1" computes the SHA-1 digest (as a HEX string) of script.


    the redis keys that the script may have access to


    the array of arguments that the script takes


    redis-server Reply

    Definition Classes
  32. def evalSha(sha: Buf, keys: Seq[Buf], argv: Seq[Buf]): Future[Reply]

    Executes EVALSHA command and returns the raw redis-server Reply.

    Executes EVALSHA command and returns the raw redis-server Reply.

    Similar to eval, but takes "sha" (SHA-1 digest of a script) as the first parameter. If the script cache on redis-server does not contain a script whose SHA-1 digest is "sha", this will return ErrorReply(message) where message starts with "NOSCRIPT".


    SHA-1 digest of the script to execute


    the redis keys that the script may have access to


    the array of arguments that the script takes


    redis-server Reply

    Definition Classes
  33. def exec(): Future[Seq[Reply]]
  34. def exists(key: Buf): Future[Boolean]

    Checks if given key exists

    Checks if given key exists


    true if key exists, false otherwise

    Definition Classes
  35. def expire(key: Buf, ttl: Long): Future[Boolean]

    Sets how long it will take the key to expire

    Sets how long it will take the key to expire


    boolean, true if it successfully set the ttl (time to live) on a valid key, false otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  36. def expireAt(key: Buf, ttl: Long): Future[Boolean]

    Same effect and semantic as "expire", but takes an absolute Unix timestamp

    Same effect and semantic as "expire", but takes an absolute Unix timestamp


    time-to-live as unix timestamp


    boolean, true if it successfully set the ttl (time to live) on a valid key, false otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  37. val factory: ServiceFactory[Command, Reply]
    Definition Classes
  38. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  39. def flushAll(): Future[Unit]

    Deletes all keys in all databases

    Deletes all keys in all databases

    Definition Classes
  40. def flushDB(): Future[Unit]

    Deletes all keys in current DB

    Deletes all keys in current DB

    Definition Classes
  41. def geoAdd(key: Buf, members: GeoMember*): Future[Long]

    Adds member -> score pair members to sorted set under the key.

    Adds member -> score pair members to sorted set under the key.


    The number of elements added to sorted set.

    Definition Classes

    Adding multiple elements only works with redis 2.4 or later.

  42. def geoDistance(key: Buf, fromMember: Buf, toMember: Buf, distanceUnit: GeoUnit = GeoUnit.Meter): Future[Option[Double]]


    the GeoSet to search


    the first member in the query


    the second member in the query


    the units used for distance


    distance between two GeoSet members

    Definition Classes
  43. def geoHash(key: Buf, members: Buf*): Future[Seq[Option[String]]]

    Gets the geohash of members in sorted set at the key.

    Gets the geohash of members in sorted set at the key.


    the GeoSet to search for the member


    the GeoSet members whose geo hash we want

    Definition Classes
  44. def geoPosition(key: Buf, members: Buf*): Future[Seq[Option[(Double, Double)]]]


    the GeoSet to search


    the members to get lat/lon for


    the lon/lat of the queried member

    Definition Classes
  45. def geoRadius(key: Buf, longitude: Double, latitude: Double, radius: Double, unit: GeoUnit, withCoord: Boolean = false, withDist: Boolean = false, withHash: Boolean = false, count: Option[Int] = None, sort: Option[Sort] = None, store: Option[Buf] = None, storeDist: Option[Buf] = None): Future[Seq[Option[GeoRadiusResult]]]

    Get the members of a sorted set which are within the borders of the area specified with the center location * and the maximum distance from the center (the radius).

    Get the members of a sorted set which are within the borders of the area specified with the center location * and the maximum distance from the center (the radius).


    Future of an array where each member represents element. Each element additionally contains coordinate, distance and geohash if options are specified

    Definition Classes
  46. def geoRadiusByMember(key: Buf, member: Buf, radius: Double, unit: GeoUnit, withCoord: Boolean = false, withDist: Boolean = false, withHash: Boolean = false, count: Option[Int] = None, sort: Option[Sort] = None, store: Option[Buf] = None, storeDist: Option[Buf] = None): Future[Seq[Option[GeoRadiusResult]]]

    Get the members of a sorted set which are within the borders of the area specified with the center location of a member.

    Get the members of a sorted set which are within the borders of the area specified with the center location of a member.


    Future of an array where each member represents element. Each element additionally contains coordinate, distance and geohash if options are specified

    Definition Classes
  47. def geoRem(key: Buf, members: Seq[Buf]): Future[Long]

    Geo removal, equivalent to sorted set removal as GeoSets are SortedSets underneath

    Geo removal, equivalent to sorted set removal as GeoSets are SortedSets underneath


    the GeoSet to remove members from


    the members to remove


    the number of members removed from the set

    Definition Classes
  48. def get(key: Buf): Future[Option[Buf]]

    Gets the value associated with the given key

    Gets the value associated with the given key


    value, or none if key doesn't exist

    Definition Classes
  49. def getBit(key: Buf, offset: Int): Future[Long]

    Returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key.

    Returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key.


    the bit value stored at offset.

    Definition Classes
    See also

  50. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  51. def getRange(key: Buf, start: Long, end: Long): Future[Option[Buf]]

    Gets the substring of the value associated with given key

    Gets the substring of the value associated with given key


    substring, or none if key doesn't exist

    Definition Classes
  52. def getSet(key: Buf, value: Buf): Future[Option[Buf]]

    Atomically sets key to value and returns the old value stored at key.

    Atomically sets key to value and returns the old value stored at key. Returns an error when key exists but does not hold a string value.


    the old value stored at key wrapped in Some, or None when key did not exist.

    Definition Classes
    See also

  53. def hDel(key: Buf, fields: Seq[Buf]): Future[Long]

    Deletes fields from given hash key.

    Deletes fields from given hash key. Returns the number of fields deleted.

    Definition Classes
  54. def hExists(key: Buf, field: Buf): Future[Boolean]

    Determines if a hash field exists on a given hash key.

    Determines if a hash field exists on a given hash key. Returns boolean signaling whether the field exists.

    Definition Classes
  55. def hGet(key: Buf, field: Buf): Future[Option[Buf]]

    Gets field from a given hash key.

    Gets field from a given hash key.

    Definition Classes
  56. def hGetAll(key: Buf): Future[Seq[(Buf, Buf)]]

    Gets all field value pairs for given hash key.

    Gets all field value pairs for given hash key.

    Definition Classes
  57. def hIncrBy(key: Buf, field: Buf, amount: Long): Future[Long]

    Increments a field on a given hash key by amount.

    Increments a field on a given hash key by amount. Returns new field value.

    Definition Classes
  58. def hKeys(key: Buf): Future[Seq[Buf]]

    Returns all field names stored at the hash key.

    Returns all field names stored at the hash key.

    Definition Classes
  59. def hLen(key: Buf): Future[Long]

    Returns the number of fields stored at the hash key.

    Returns the number of fields stored at the hash key.

    Definition Classes
  60. def hMGet(key: Buf, fields: Seq[Buf]): Future[Seq[Buf]]

    Gets values for given fields stored at the hash key.

    Gets values for given fields stored at the hash key.

    Definition Classes
  61. def hMSet(key: Buf, fv: Map[Buf, Buf]): Future[Unit]

    Sets values for given fields stored at the hash key.

    Sets values for given fields stored at the hash key.

    Definition Classes
  62. def hMSetEx(key: Buf, fv: Map[Buf, Buf], milliseconds: Long): Future[Unit]

    Sets values for given fields stored at the hash key and sets the ttl.

    Sets values for given fields stored at the hash key and sets the ttl.

    Definition Classes
  63. def hMergeEx(key: Buf, fv: Map[Buf, Buf], milliseconds: Long): Future[Unit]

    Adds values for given fields stored at the hash key if it doesn't exist and sets the ttl.

    Adds values for given fields stored at the hash key if it doesn't exist and sets the ttl. Version set at the destination is retained if it already exists.

    Definition Classes
  64. def hScan(key: Buf, cursor: Long, count: Option[Long], pattern: Option[Buf]): Future[Seq[Buf]]

    Returns keys in given hash key, starting at cursor.

    Returns keys in given hash key, starting at cursor.

    Definition Classes
  65. def hSet(key: Buf, field: Buf, value: Buf): Future[Long]

    Sets field stored at given hash key to a given value.

    Sets field stored at given hash key to a given value. Returns 1 if fields is new, 0 if field was updated.

    Definition Classes
  66. def hSetNx(key: Buf, field: Buf, value: Buf): Future[Long]

    Sets field stored at given hash key to a given value only if the field Returns 1 if fields is new, 0 no operation was performed.

    Sets field stored at given hash key to a given value only if the field Returns 1 if fields is new, 0 no operation was performed.

    Definition Classes
  67. def hStrlen(key: Buf, field: Buf): Future[Long]
    Definition Classes
  68. def hVals(key: Buf): Future[Seq[Buf]]

    Gets the values of all fields in given hash key.

    Gets the values of all fields in given hash key. Returns empty list if key does not exist.

    Definition Classes
  69. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  70. def incr(key: Buf): Future[Long]

    Increments the number stored at key by one.

    Increments the number stored at key by one.


    the value of key after the increment.

    Definition Classes
    See also

  71. def incrBy(key: Buf, increment: Long): Future[Long]

    Increments the number stored at key by increment.

    Increments the number stored at key by increment.


    the value of key after the increment.

    Definition Classes
    See also

  72. def info(section: Buf): Future[Option[Buf]]

    Returns information and statistics about the server

    Returns information and statistics about the server


    used to select a specific section of information.


    a collection of \r\n terminated lines if server has info on the section

    Definition Classes
  73. def info(): Future[Option[Buf]]

    Returns information and statistics about the server

    Returns information and statistics about the server


    Buf with collection of \r\n terminated lines of the default info section

    Definition Classes
  74. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  75. def keys(pattern: Buf): Future[Seq[Buf]]

    Returns all keys matching pattern

    Returns all keys matching pattern


    list of keys matching pattern

    Definition Classes
  76. def lIndex(key: Buf, index: Long): Future[Option[Buf]]

    Gets the value of the element at the index position in the list stored at the hash key.

    Gets the value of the element at the index position in the list stored at the hash key. If the key is a non-list element, an exception will be thrown.


    Some if the given element exists, None otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  77. def lInsertAfter(key: Buf, pivot: Buf, value: Buf): Future[Option[Long]]

    Inserts a given value after another pivot value in the list stored at the hash key.

    Inserts a given value after another pivot value in the list stored at the hash key. If the key is a non-list element, an exception will be thrown.


    Some of the new length of the list. None if the pivot is not found, or the list is empty.

    Definition Classes
  78. def lInsertBefore(key: Buf, pivot: Buf, value: Buf): Future[Option[Long]]

    Inserts a value before another pivot value in the list stored at the hash key.

    Inserts a value before another pivot value in the list stored at the hash key. If the key is a non-list element, an exception will be thrown.


    Some of the new length of the list, or None if the pivot is not found, or the list is empty.

    Definition Classes
  79. def lLen(key: Buf): Future[Long]

    Gets the length of the list stored at the hash key.

    Gets the length of the list stored at the hash key. If the key is a non-list element, an exception will be thrown. Unassigned keys are considered empty lists (has size 0).

    Definition Classes
  80. def lPop(key: Buf): Future[Option[Buf]]

    Pops a value off the front of the list stored at the hash key.

    Pops a value off the front of the list stored at the hash key. If the key is a non-list element, an exception will be thrown.


    Some of the value of the popped element, or None if the list is empty.

    Definition Classes
  81. def lPush(key: Buf, values: List[Buf]): Future[Long]

    Pushes a list of value onto the front of the list stored at the hash key.

    Pushes a list of value onto the front of the list stored at the hash key. If the key is a non-list element, an exception will be thrown.


    The length of the list.

    Definition Classes
  82. def lRange(key: Buf, start: Long, end: Long): Future[List[Buf]]

    Gets the values in the given range start - end (inclusive) of the list stored at the hash key.

    Gets the values in the given range start - end (inclusive) of the list stored at the hash key. If the key is a non-list element, an exception will be thrown.

    Definition Classes
  83. def lRem(key: Buf, count: Long, value: Buf): Future[Long]

    Removes count elements matching value from the list stored at the hash key.

    Removes count elements matching value from the list stored at the hash key. If the key is a non-list element, an exception will be thrown.


    The number of removed elements.

    Definition Classes

    The sign of count describes whether it will remove them from the back or the front of the list. If count is 0, it will remove all instances.

  84. def lReset(key: Buf, values: List[Buf], ttl: Long = -1, trim: Long = -1): Future[Unit]

    Creates a list at key, pushes given values onto the end of the list, trims the list to trim length, and sets the ttl.

    Creates a list at key, pushes given values onto the end of the list, trims the list to trim length, and sets the ttl. ttl and trim are not used if set to -1. If a list already exists at key, the list will be overwritten. If the key is a non-list element, an exception will be thrown.

    This command is Twitter-specific. Most Redis implementations do not support this method.

    Definition Classes
  85. def lSet(key: Buf, index: Long, value: Buf): Future[Unit]

    Sets the element at index in the list stored under the hash key to a given value.

    Sets the element at index in the list stored under the hash key to a given value. If the key is a non-list element, an exception will be thrown.

    Definition Classes
  86. def lTrim(key: Buf, start: Long, end: Long): Future[Unit]

    Removes all of the elements from the list stored at hash key, except for those in the range: start - end (inclusive).

    Removes all of the elements from the list stored at hash key, except for those in the range: start - end (inclusive).

    Definition Classes
  87. def mGet(keys: Seq[Buf]): Future[Seq[Option[Buf]]]

    Returns the values of all specified keys.

    Returns the values of all specified keys.


    list of values at the specified keys.

    Definition Classes
    See also

  88. def mSet(kv: Map[Buf, Buf]): Future[Unit]

    Sets the given keys to their respective values.

    Sets the given keys to their respective values. MSET replaces existing values with new values, just as regular SET.

    Definition Classes
    See also

  89. def mSetNx(kv: Map[Buf, Buf]): Future[Boolean]

    Sets the given keys to their respective values.

    Sets the given keys to their respective values. MSETNX will not perform any operation at all even if just a single key already exists.


    1 if all keys were set, 0 if no keys were set.

    Definition Classes
    See also

  90. def migrate(destAddr: InetSocketAddress, keys: Seq[Buf], timeout: Duration = 5.seconds): Future[Unit]

    Migrates all keys to the destination server

    Migrates all keys to the destination server


    target redis server


    list of keys to be migrated


    timeout before failing, defaults to 5 seconds



    Definition Classes
  91. def move(key: Buf, db: Buf): Future[Boolean]

    Move key from the currently selected database to the specified destination database.

    Move key from the currently selected database to the specified destination database. When key already exists in the destination database, or it does not exist in the source database, it does nothing.


    true if key was moved. false if key was not moved for any reason.

    Definition Classes
  92. def multi(): Future[Unit]
  93. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  94. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  95. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  96. def pExpire(key: Buf, milliseconds: Long): Future[Boolean]

    Set a key's time to live in milliseconds.

    Set a key's time to live in milliseconds.


    true if the timeout was set. false if key does not exist or the timeout could not be set.

    Definition Classes
    See also

  97. def pExpireAt(key: Buf, timestamp: Long): Future[Boolean]

    Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp specified in milliseconds.

    Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp specified in milliseconds.


    true if the timeout was set. false if key does not exist or the timeout could not be set (see: EXPIRE).

    Definition Classes
    See also

  98. def pSetEx(key: Buf, millis: Long, value: Buf): Future[Unit]

    Works exactly like SETEX with the sole difference that the expire time is specified in milliseconds instead of seconds.

    Works exactly like SETEX with the sole difference that the expire time is specified in milliseconds instead of seconds.

    Definition Classes
    See also

  99. def pTtl(key: Buf): Future[Option[Long]]

    Get the time to live for a key in milliseconds.

    Get the time to live for a key in milliseconds.


    Time to live in milliseconds or None when key does not exist or does not have a timeout.

    Definition Classes
  100. def persist(key: Buf): Future[Long]

    Persist a key by removing it's expiration time

    Persist a key by removing it's expiration time


    1 if ttl was removed, 0 if key doesn't exist or doesn't have a ttl

    Definition Classes
  101. def pfAdd(key: Buf, elements: List[Buf]): Future[Boolean]

    Adds elements to a HyperLogLog data structure stored under hash key.

    Adds elements to a HyperLogLog data structure stored under hash key.


    Whether a bit was set in the HyperLogLog data structure.

    Definition Classes
    See also

  102. def pfCount(keys: Seq[Buf]): Future[Long]

    Gets the approximated cardinality (number of unique elements) of sets observed by the HyperLogLog at keys.

    Gets the approximated cardinality (number of unique elements) of sets observed by the HyperLogLog at keys.

    Definition Classes
    See also

  103. def pfMerge(destKey: Buf, srcKeys: Seq[Buf]): Future[Unit]

    Merges HyperLogLogs at srcKeys to create a new HyperLogLog at destKey.

    Merges HyperLogLogs at srcKeys to create a new HyperLogLog at destKey.

    Definition Classes
    See also

  104. def ping(): Future[Unit]

    Sends a PING to Redis instance

    Sends a PING to Redis instance

    Definition Classes
  105. def pubSubChannels(pattern: Option[Buf] = None): Future[Seq[Buf]]

    Lists the currently active channels.

    Lists the currently active channels. An active channel is a Pub/Sub channel with one or more subscribers (not including clients subscribed to patterns).

    Definition Classes
  106. def pubSubNumPat(): Future[Long]

    Returns the number of subscriptions to patterns (that are performed using the PSUBSCRIBE command).

    Returns the number of subscriptions to patterns (that are performed using the PSUBSCRIBE command).

    Definition Classes
  107. def pubSubNumSub(channels: Seq[Buf]): Future[Map[Buf, Long]]

    Returns the number of subscribers (not counting clients subscribed to patterns) for the specified channels.

    Returns the number of subscribers (not counting clients subscribed to patterns) for the specified channels.

    Definition Classes
  108. def publish(channel: Buf, message: Buf): Future[Long]

    Publishes a message to the specified channel.

    Publishes a message to the specified channel.

    Definition Classes
  109. def quit(): Future[Unit]

    Closes connection to Redis instance

    Closes connection to Redis instance

    Definition Classes
  110. def rPop(key: Buf): Future[Option[Buf]]

    Pops a value off the end of the list stored at hash key.

    Pops a value off the end of the list stored at hash key. If the key is a non-list element, an exception will be thrown.


    Some of the value of the popped element, or None if the list is empty.

    Definition Classes
  111. def rPopLPush(source: Buf, dest: Buf): Future[Option[Buf]]

    Atomically returns and removes the last element (tail) of the list stored at source, and pushes the element at the first element (head) of the list stored at destination

    Atomically returns and removes the last element (tail) of the list stored at source, and pushes the element at the first element (head) of the list stored at destination


    Some of the value of the popped element, or None if the list is empty.

    Definition Classes
  112. def rPush(key: Buf, values: List[Buf]): Future[Long]

    Pushes given values onto the end of the list stored at the hash key.

    Pushes given values onto the end of the list stored at the hash key. If the key is a non-list element, an exception will be thrown.


    The length of the list.

    Definition Classes
  113. def replicaOf(host: Buf, port: Buf): Future[Unit]
    Definition Classes
  114. def sAdd(key: Buf, members: List[Buf]): Future[Long]

    Adds members to the set stored under the key.

    Adds members to the set stored under the key. Throws an exception if the key does not refer to a set.


    The number of new members added to the set.

    Definition Classes
  115. def sCard(key: Buf): Future[Long]

    Returns the size of the set stored under the key.

    Returns the size of the set stored under the key. Throws an exception if the key does not refer to a set.

    Unassigned keys are considered empty sets.

    Definition Classes
  116. def sInter(keys: Seq[Buf]): Future[Set[Buf]]

    Returns the members of the set resulting from the intersection of all the sets stored under keys.

    Returns the members of the set resulting from the intersection of all the sets stored under keys.

    Keys that do not exist are considered to be empty sets. With one of the keys being an empty set, the resulting set is also empty (since set intersection with an empty set always results in an empty set).

    Throws an exception if the keys Seq is empty or if any of the keys passed as params are empty.

    Definition Classes
  117. def sIsMember(key: Buf, member: Buf): Future[Boolean]

    Checks if the given member exists in a set stored under the key.

    Checks if the given member exists in a set stored under the key. Throws an exception if the key does not refer to a set.

    Unassigned keys are considered empty sets.

    Definition Classes
  118. def sMembers(key: Buf): Future[Set[Buf]]

    Gets the members of the set stored under the key.

    Gets the members of the set stored under the key. Throws an exception if the key does not refer to a set.

    Definition Classes
  119. def sPop(key: Buf): Future[Option[Buf]]

    Removes an element randomly from the set stored under the key, and returns it.

    Removes an element randomly from the set stored under the key, and returns it. Throws an exception if the key does not refer to a set.


    Some if the member exists, or None if the set is empty.

    Definition Classes
  120. def sRandMember(key: Buf, count: Option[Int] = None): Future[Seq[Buf]]

    Returns a list of random entries from the set stored under the key.

    Returns a list of random entries from the set stored under the key. If the count is positive, a set is returned, otherwise a list that may contain duplicates is returned.

    Definition Classes
  121. def sRem(key: Buf, members: List[Buf]): Future[Long]

    Removes members from the set stored under the key.

    Removes members from the set stored under the key. Throws an exception if the key does not refer to a set.


    The number of elements removed from the set, can be 0 if the key is unassigned.

    Definition Classes
  122. def sScan(key: Buf, cursor: Long, count: Option[Long], pattern: Option[Buf]): Future[Seq[Buf]]

    Returns keys in given set key, starting at cursor.

    Returns keys in given set key, starting at cursor.

    Definition Classes
  123. def scans(cursor: Long, count: Option[Long], pattern: Option[Buf]): Future[Seq[Buf]]

    Returns keys starting at cursor

    Returns keys starting at cursor


    cursor followed by matching keys

    Definition Classes
  124. def scriptExists(digests: Buf*): Future[Seq[Boolean]]

    Returns whether each sha1 digest in "digests" indicates some valid script on redis-server script cache.

    Returns whether each sha1 digest in "digests" indicates some valid script on redis-server script cache.

    Definition Classes
  125. def scriptFlush(): Future[Unit]

    Flushes the script cache on redis-server.

    Flushes the script cache on redis-server.

    Definition Classes
  126. def scriptLoad(script: Buf): Future[Buf]

    Loads a script to redis-server script cache, and returns its SHA-1 digest as a HEX string.

    Loads a script to redis-server script cache, and returns its SHA-1 digest as a HEX string.

    Note that the SHA-1 digest of "script" (as a HEX string) can also be calculated locally, and it does equal what will be returned by redis-server, but this call, once succeeds, has the side effect of loading the script to the cache on redis-server.

    Definition Classes
  127. def select(index: Int): Future[Unit]

    Select DB with specified zero-based index

    Select DB with specified zero-based index

    Definition Classes
  128. def set(key: Buf, value: Buf): Future[Unit]

    Sets the given value to key.

    Sets the given value to key. If a value already exists for the key, the value is overwritten with the new value

    Definition Classes
  129. def setBit(key: Buf, offset: Int, value: Int): Future[Long]

    Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key.

    Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key.


    the original bit value stored at offset.

    Definition Classes
    See also

  130. def setEx(key: Buf, seconds: Long, value: Buf): Future[Unit]

    Set key to hold the string value and set key to timeout after a given number of seconds.

    Set key to hold the string value and set key to timeout after a given number of seconds.

    Definition Classes
    See also

  131. def setExNx(key: Buf, seconds: Long, value: Buf): Future[Boolean]

    Set key to hold the string value with the specified expire time in seconds only if the key does not already exist.

    Set key to hold the string value with the specified expire time in seconds only if the key does not already exist.


    true if the key was set, false if condition was not met.

    Definition Classes
    See also

  132. def setExXx(key: Buf, seconds: Long, value: Buf): Future[Boolean]

    Set key to hold the string value with the specified expire time in seconds only if the key already exist.

    Set key to hold the string value with the specified expire time in seconds only if the key already exist.


    true if the key was set, false if condition was not met.

    Definition Classes
    See also

  133. def setNx(key: Buf, value: Buf): Future[Boolean]

    Set key to hold string value if key does not exist.

    Set key to hold string value if key does not exist. In that case, it is equal to SET. When key already holds a value, no operation is performed.


    1 if the key was set, 0 if the key was not set.

    Definition Classes
    See also

  134. def setPx(key: Buf, millis: Long, value: Buf): Future[Unit]

    Set key to hold the string value with the specified expire time in milliseconds.

    Set key to hold the string value with the specified expire time in milliseconds.

    Definition Classes
    See also

  135. def setPxNx(key: Buf, millis: Long, value: Buf): Future[Boolean]

    Set key to hold the string value with the specified expire time in milliseconds only if the key does not already exist.

    Set key to hold the string value with the specified expire time in milliseconds only if the key does not already exist.


    true if the key was set, false if condition was not met.

    Definition Classes
    See also

  136. def setPxXx(key: Buf, millis: Long, value: Buf): Future[Boolean]

    Set key to hold the string value with the specified expire time in milliseconds only if the key already exist.

    Set key to hold the string value with the specified expire time in milliseconds only if the key already exist.


    true if the key was set, false if condition was not met.

    Definition Classes
    See also

  137. def setRange(key: Buf, offset: Int, value: Buf): Future[Long]

    Overwrites part of the string stored at key, starting at the specified offset, for the entire length of value.

    Overwrites part of the string stored at key, starting at the specified offset, for the entire length of value.


    the length of the string after it was modified.

    Definition Classes
    See also

  138. def setXx(key: Buf, value: Buf): Future[Boolean]

    Set key to hold the string value only if the key already exist.

    Set key to hold the string value only if the key already exist.


    true if the key was set, false if condition was not met.

    Definition Classes
    See also

  139. def slaveOf(host: Buf, port: Buf): Future[Unit]
    Definition Classes
  140. def strlen(key: Buf): Future[Long]

    returns the length of the string value stored at key.

    returns the length of the string value stored at key.


    the length of the string at key, or 0 when key does not exist.

    Definition Classes
    See also

  141. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  142. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  143. def topologyAdd(key: Buf, value: Buf): Future[Unit]

    Adds a key : value pair to a topology.

    Adds a key : value pair to a topology.

    Definition Classes
  144. def topologyDelete(key: Buf): Future[Unit]

    Deletes a pair with a key from a topology.

    Deletes a pair with a key from a topology.

    Definition Classes
  145. def topologyGet(key: Buf): Future[Option[Buf]]

    Gets a value stored under key from a topology.

    Gets a value stored under key from a topology.

    Definition Classes
  146. def transaction[T](f: => Future[_]): Future[Seq[Reply]]
  147. def transaction[T](cmds: Seq[Command]): Future[Seq[Reply]]
  148. def ttl(key: Buf): Future[Option[Long]]

    Gets the ttl of the given key.

    Gets the ttl of the given key.


    Option containing either the ttl in seconds if the key exists and has a timeout, or else nothing.

    Definition Classes
  149. def unwatch(): Future[Unit]

    Flushes all previously watched keys for a transaction

  150. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  151. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  152. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  153. def watches(keys: Seq[Buf]): Future[Unit]

    Marks given keys to be watched for conditional execution of a transaction

    Marks given keys to be watched for conditional execution of a transaction


    to watch

  154. def xAck(key: Buf, group: Buf, ids: Seq[Buf]): Future[Long]

    Removes entries from the pending list with ids from the stream at key within the context of group

    Removes entries from the pending list with ids from the stream at key within the context of group


    The stream the entry belongs to


    The consumer group to ACK the entries on behalf of


    The entry IDs to ACK


    The number of messages acked

    Definition Classes
    See also

  155. def xAdd(key: Buf, id: Option[Buf], fv: Map[Buf, Buf]): Future[Buf]

    Pushes the fields and values in fv onto the stream at key.

    Pushes the fields and values in fv onto the stream at key. If id is None an ID will be generated for the message, otherwise the passed id will be used


    The key of the stream to add the key-pairs to


    The ID to use for the new record. Pass "*" to make Redis generate a unique ID for the record


    A Map of key-value pairs representing the record


    The ID for the message

    Definition Classes
    See also

  156. def xClaim(key: Buf, group: Buf, consumer: Buf, minIdleTime: Long, ids: Seq[Buf], idle: Option[XClaimMillisOrUnixTs], retryCount: Option[Long], force: Boolean, justId: Boolean): Future[Seq[StreamEntryReply]]

    Changes the ownership of pending entries to consumer with ids within the stream at key within the context of group.

    Changes the ownership of pending entries to consumer with ids within the stream at key within the context of group.


    The stream key the consumer group is consuming


    The consumer group the consumer belongs to


    The consumer that is claiming ownership of the entry


    The minimum idle time an entry must have to be claimed


    The entry IDs to "claim"


    Sets the idle time of the pending messages. Can be specified in milliseconds of millisecond-unix-time


    Sets the retry counter for the entries


    If true, creates entries in the pending entry list for IDs that did not already exist in the list


    If true, returns just the pending message IDs in the response


    If justId is true, a sequence of claimed IDs, otherwise claimed IDs and the contents of the entries

    Definition Classes
    See also

  157. def xDel(key: Buf, ids: Seq[Buf]): Future[Long]

    Removes specified entries from the stream at key

    Removes specified entries from the stream at key


    The key of the stream to delete records from


    The keys to delete from the stream


    The number of entries deleted

    Definition Classes
    See also

  158. def xGroupCreate(key: Buf, groupName: Buf, id: Buf): Future[Unit]

    Creates a new consumer group named groupName for stream key starting at entry id

    Creates a new consumer group named groupName for stream key starting at entry id


    The stream key that the group will consume


    The name of the new consumer group


    The ID of the last delivered item from the stream, i.e. where the group begins consuming from


    Successful if the group is successfully created

    Definition Classes
    See also

  159. def xGroupDelConsumer(key: Buf, groupName: Buf, consumerName: Buf): Future[Unit]

    Deletes a specific consumer within a consumer group

    Deletes a specific consumer within a consumer group


    The stream the group consumes


    The group the consumer belongs to


    The consumer to delete


    Successful if the group was deleted

    Definition Classes
    See also

  160. def xGroupDestroy(key: Buf, groupName: Buf): Future[Unit]

    Deletes a consumer group

    Deletes a consumer group


    The stream the group consumes


    The group to delete


    Successful if the group was deleted

    Definition Classes
    See also

  161. def xGroupSetId(key: Buf, id: Buf): Future[Unit]

    Sets the ID of the next item to deliver to consumers within a group

    Sets the ID of the next item to deliver to consumers within a group


    The stream key the group consumes


    The new ID that the consumer groups begins consuming from


    Successful if the ID is successfully changed

    Definition Classes
    See also

  162. def xLen(key: Buf): Future[Long]

    Retrieve the length of a stream

    Retrieve the length of a stream


    The key of the stream to retrieve records from


    The number of entries in the stream

    Definition Classes
    See also

  163. def xPending(key: Buf, group: Buf, start: Buf, end: Buf, count: Long, consumer: Option[Buf]): Future[Seq[XPendingRangeReply]]

    Returns all pending messages within a range, optionally for a specific consumer.

    Returns all pending messages within a range, optionally for a specific consumer. Includes additional details about the pending messages relatieve to XPENDING called without an ID-range.


    The stream the group consumes


    The consumer group consuming the stream


    The inclusive, minimum stream record ID to start retrieving records from


    The inclusive, maximum stream record ID to start retrieving records from


    The maximum number of pending entries to retrieve


    If specified, retrieves only pending entries for a given consumer


    A sequence of pending entries which include details about the pending messages

    Definition Classes
    See also

  164. def xPending(key: Buf, group: Buf): Future[XPendingAllReply]

    Retrieves all pending messages within the stream at key for group

    Retrieves all pending messages within the stream at key for group


    The stream the group consumes


    The consumer group consuming the stream


    A listing of pending entries for the particular consumer group

    Definition Classes
    See also

  165. def xRange(key: Buf, start: Buf, end: Buf, count: Option[Long]): Future[Seq[StreamEntryReply]]

    Returns entries from the stream at key in the range of start to end.

    Returns entries from the stream at key in the range of start to end. If count is specified no more than count items will be returned


    The key of the stream to retrieve records from


    The inclusive, minimum stream record ID to start retrieving records from


    The inclusive, maximum stream record ID to start retrieving records from


    The maximum number of entries to retrieve from the stream


    A sequence of entries

    Definition Classes
    See also

  166. def xRead(count: Option[Long], blockMs: Option[Long], keys: Seq[Buf], ids: Seq[Buf]): Future[Seq[XReadStreamReply]]

    Reads entries from one or many streams

    Reads entries from one or many streams


    The maximum amount of messages to return per-stream


    If no messages are available on the given streams, block for this many millis to awai entries


    The keys of the streams to retrieve records from


    The last ID retrieved for each stream. On the first call to XREAD, "$" should be passed as the first ID for each stream


    A sequence of streams each containing a sequence of read entries

    Definition Classes
    See also

  167. def xReadGroup(group: Buf, consumer: Buf, count: Option[Long], blockMs: Option[Long], keys: Seq[Buf], ids: Seq[Buf]): Future[Seq[XReadStreamReply]]

    Reads from one or many streams within the context group for consumer.

    Reads from one or many streams within the context group for consumer.


    The group identifier that the consumer belongs to


    The consumer ID to consume on behalf of


    The maximum amount of messages to return per-stream


    If no messages are available on the given streams, block for this many millis to awai entries


    The keys of the streams to retrieve records from


    The last ID retrieved for each stream. On the first call to XREAD, "$" should be passed as the first ID for each stream


    A sequence of streams each containing a sequence of read entries

    Definition Classes
    See also

  168. def xRevRange(key: Buf, start: Buf, end: Buf, count: Option[Long]): Future[Seq[StreamEntryReply]]

    Like XRANGE, but returns entries in reverse order

    Like XRANGE, but returns entries in reverse order


    The key of the stream to retrieve records from


    The inclusive, maximum stream record ID to start retrieving records from


    The inclusive, minimum stream record ID to start retrieving records from


    The maximum number of entries to retrieve from the stream


    A sequence of entries

    Definition Classes
    See also

  169. def xTrim(key: Buf, size: Long, exact: Boolean): Future[Long]

    Trims the stream at key to a particular number of items indicated by size.

    Trims the stream at key to a particular number of items indicated by size. If exact is false, Redis will trim to approximately the indicated size (which is more efficient)


    The key of the stream to trim


    The size to trim the stream to


    If true, trims the stream exactly. Otherwise, Redis internally approximates the size and optionally trims based on the approximation


    The number of items removed from the stream

    Definition Classes
    See also

  170. def zAdd(key: Buf, score: Double, member: Buf): Future[Long]

    Adds a member with score to a sorted set under the key.

    Adds a member with score to a sorted set under the key.


    The number of elements added to sorted set.

    Definition Classes
  171. def zAddMulti(key: Buf, members: Seq[(Double, Buf)]): Future[Long]

    Adds member -> score pair members to sorted set under the key.

    Adds member -> score pair members to sorted set under the key.


    The number of elements added to sorted set.

    Definition Classes

    Adding multiple elements only works with redis 2.4 or later.

  172. def zCard(key: Buf): Future[Long]

    Returns cardinality of the sorted set under the key, or 0 if key does not exist.

    Returns cardinality of the sorted set under the key, or 0 if key does not exist.

    Definition Classes
  173. def zCount(key: Buf, min: ZInterval, max: ZInterval): Future[Long]

    Gets number of elements in sorted set under the key with score between min and max.

    Gets number of elements in sorted set under the key with score between min and max.

    Definition Classes
  174. def zIncrBy(key: Buf, amount: Double, member: Buf): Future[Option[Double]]

    Increments the member in sorted set at the key by a given amount.

    Increments the member in sorted set at the key by a given amount. Returns Some of the new value of the incremented member or None if the member is not found or the set is empty. Throws an exception if the key refers to a structure that is not a sorted set.

    Definition Classes
  175. def zPopMax(key: Buf, count: Option[Long]): Future[Either[ZRangeResults, Seq[Buf]]]

    Removes and returns up to count members with the highest scores in the sorted set stored at key.

    Removes and returns up to count members with the highest scores in the sorted set stored at key.

    Definition Classes
  176. def zPopMin(key: Buf, count: Option[Long]): Future[Either[ZRangeResults, Seq[Buf]]]

    Removes and returns up to count members with the lowest scores in the sorted set stored at key.

    Removes and returns up to count members with the lowest scores in the sorted set stored at key.

    Definition Classes
  177. def zRange(key: Buf, start: Long, stop: Long, withScores: Boolean): Future[Either[ZRangeResults, Seq[Buf]]]

    Returns specified range (from start to stop) of elements in sorted set at the key.

    Returns specified range (from start to stop) of elements in sorted set at the key. Elements are ordered from lowest to highest score.

    Definition Classes
  178. def zRangeByScore(key: Buf, min: ZInterval, max: ZInterval, withScores: Boolean, limit: Option[Limit]): Future[Either[ZRangeResults, Seq[Buf]]]

    Gets member -> score pairs from sorted set under the key between min and max.

    Gets member -> score pairs from sorted set under the key between min and max. Results are limited by limit.

    Definition Classes
  179. def zRank(key: Buf, member: Buf): Future[Option[Long]]

    Gets the rank of the member in the sorted set at the key, or None if it doesn't exist.

    Gets the rank of the member in the sorted set at the key, or None if it doesn't exist.

    Definition Classes
  180. def zRem(key: Buf, members: Seq[Buf]): Future[Long]

    Removes specified members from sorted set at key.

    Removes specified members from sorted set at key.


    The number of members removed.

    Definition Classes
  181. def zRemRangeByRank(key: Buf, start: Long, stop: Long): Future[Long]

    Removes members from sorted set at the key by sort order, from start to stop, inclusive.

    Removes members from sorted set at the key by sort order, from start to stop, inclusive.


    The number of members removed from sorted set.

    Definition Classes
  182. def zRemRangeByScore(key: Buf, min: ZInterval, max: ZInterval): Future[Long]

    Removes members from sorted set at the key by score, from min to max, inclusive.

    Removes members from sorted set at the key by score, from min to max, inclusive.


    The number of members removed from sorted set.

    Definition Classes
  183. def zRevRange(key: Buf, start: Long, stop: Long, withScores: Boolean): Future[Either[ZRangeResults, Seq[Buf]]]

    Returns specified range (from start to end) of elements in sorted set at key.

    Returns specified range (from start to end) of elements in sorted set at key. Elements are ordered from highest to lowest score.

    Definition Classes
  184. def zRevRangeByScore(key: Buf, max: ZInterval, min: ZInterval, withScores: Boolean, limit: Option[Limit]): Future[Either[ZRangeResults, Seq[Buf]]]

    Returns elements in sorted set at key with a score between max and min.

    Returns elements in sorted set at key with a score between max and min. Elements are ordered from highest to lowest score Results are limited by limit.

    Definition Classes
  185. def zRevRank(key: Buf, member: Buf): Future[Option[Long]]

    Gets the rank of a member in the sorted set at the key, or None if it doesn't exist.

    Gets the rank of a member in the sorted set at the key, or None if it doesn't exist.

    Definition Classes
  186. def zScan(key: Buf, cursor: Long, count: Option[Long], pattern: Option[Buf]): Future[Seq[Buf]]

    Returns keys in given set key, starting at cursor.

    Returns keys in given set key, starting at cursor.

    Definition Classes
  187. def zScore(key: Buf, member: Buf): Future[Option[Double]]

    Gets the score of a member in sorted set at the key.

    Gets the score of a member in sorted set at the key.

    Definition Classes

Inherited from NormalCommands

Inherited from StreamCommands

Inherited from ConnectionCommands

Inherited from BasicConnectionCommands

Inherited from ScriptCommands

Inherited from ServerCommands

Inherited from BasicServerCommands

Inherited from PubSubCommands

Inherited from GeoCommands

Inherited from HyperLogLogCommands

Inherited from TopologyCommands

Inherited from BtreeSortedSetCommands

Inherited from SetCommands

Inherited from ListCommands

Inherited from SortedSetCommands

Inherited from HashCommands

Inherited from StringCommands

Inherited from KeyCommands

Inherited from BaseClient

Inherited from Closable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
