package redis
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- abstract class BaseClient extends Closable
Connects to a single Redis host
- class Client extends BaseClient with NormalCommands with SubscribeCommands with Transactions
- case class ClientError(message: String) extends Exception with Product with Serializable
- case class ClusterDecodeError(message: String) extends Exception with Product with Serializable
Thrown when the response from a cluster management command could not be decoded correctly.
- trait ConnectionCommands extends BasicConnectionCommands
- trait NormalCommands extends KeyCommands with StringCommands with HashCommands with SortedSetCommands with ListCommands with SetCommands with BtreeSortedSetCommands with TopologyCommands with HyperLogLogCommands with GeoCommands with PubSubCommands with ServerCommands with ScriptCommands with ConnectionCommands with StreamCommands
- class PartitionedClient extends BaseClient with NormalCommands
A redis client that uses a consistent hash ring to do key-based routing between multiple backend nodes.
A redis client that uses a consistent hash ring to do key-based routing between multiple backend nodes. Use com.twitter.finagle.redis.PartitionedClient.apply to create a new instance
- case class ReplyCastFailure(message: String) extends Exception with Product with Serializable
An error caused by failing to cast com.twitter.finagle.redis.protocol.Reply to a target type
- class SentinelClient extends BaseClient with SentinelCommands with ServerCommands
- trait ServerCommands extends BasicServerCommands
- case class ServerError(message: String) extends Exception with Product with Serializable
- case class StreamEntryReply(id: Buf, fields: Seq[(Buf, Buf)]) extends Product with Serializable
- class TransactionalClient extends BaseClient with NormalCommands
Client connected over a single connection to a single redis instance, supporting transactions
- trait Transactions extends AnyRef
- case class XPendingAllReply(count: Long, start: Option[Buf], end: Option[Buf], pendingByConsumer: Seq[(Buf, Buf)]) extends Product with Serializable
- case class XPendingRangeReply(id: Buf, consumer: Buf, millisSinceLastDeliver: Long, numDeliveries: Long) extends Product with Serializable
- case class XReadStreamReply(stream: Buf, entries: Seq[StreamEntryReply]) extends Product with Serializable
Value Members
- object Client
- object PartitionedClient
- object ScriptCommands
- object SentinelClient
- object TransactionalClient