
package modules

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. abstract class JavaDarkTrafficFilterModule extends TwitterModule with DarkTrafficFilterModuleTrait

    A com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule which configures and binds a JavaDarkTrafficFilter to the object graph.

    A com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule which configures and binds a JavaDarkTrafficFilter to the object graph.


    This is only applicable with code that uses generated Java classes as it expects to configure the JavaDarkTrafficFilter over a com.twitter.finagle.Service that is generated from Finagle via generated Java code. Users of generated Scala code should use the ReqRepDarkTrafficFilterModule.

  2. abstract class ReqRepDarkTrafficFilterModule[MethodIface <: Filterable[MethodIface]] extends TwitterModule with DarkTrafficFilterModuleTrait

    A com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule which configures and binds a DarkTrafficFilter to the object graph.

    A com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule which configures and binds a DarkTrafficFilter to the object graph.


    This DarkTrafficFilter module is to be used with Controllers which are constructed by extending Controller(GeneratedThriftService).


    This is only applicable in Scala as it uses generated Scala classes and expects to configure the DarkTrafficFilter over a com.twitter.finagle.Service that is generated from Finagle via generated Scala code. Users of generated Java code should use the JavaDarkTrafficFilterModule.

  3. class ThriftClientIdModule extends TwitterModule

    Provides a com.twitter.finagle.thrift.ClientId binding with a value configurable via a

    Provides a com.twitter.finagle.thrift.ClientId binding with a value configurable via a

    See also


  4. abstract class ThriftClientModule[ThriftService] extends TwitterModule with ThriftClientModuleTrait

    A TwitterModule allows users to configure a Finagle ThriftMux client and does NOT provide ability to filter or configure per-method Scrooge-generated interfaces.

    A TwitterModule allows users to configure a Finagle ThriftMux client and does NOT provide ability to filter or configure per-method Scrooge-generated interfaces. The client interface can be expressed as a MethodPerEndpoint or higher-kinded interface.

    Provides bindings for a Scrooge-generated MethodPerEndpoint or higher-kinded interface.

    See the ThriftMethodBuilderClientModule for building a ThriftMux client that allows for filtering and configuration per-method of the Scrooge-generated interface.


    A Scrooge-generated MethodPerEndpoint or the higher-kinded type of the Scrooge-generated service, e.g., MyService.MethodPerEndpoint.


    This TwitterModule expects a com.twitter.finagle.thrift.ClientId to be bound to the object graph but does not assume how it is done. A com.twitter.finagle.thrift.ClientId can be bound by including the ThriftClientIdModule in your server configuration.

    See also

    String, label: String)

    Finagle Clients

    What is ThriftMux?

  5. abstract class ThriftMethodBuilderClientModule[ServicePerEndpoint <: Filterable[ServicePerEndpoint], MethodPerEndpoint] extends TwitterModule with ThriftClientModuleTrait

    A TwitterModule which allows for configuration of a ThriftMux client.

    A TwitterModule which allows for configuration of a ThriftMux client. The client interface can be expressed as a service-per-endpoint or a MethodPerEndpoint.

    Provides bindings for a Scrooge-generated service-per-endpoint and MethodPerEndpoint. The MethodPerEndpoint is constructed via the MethodPerEndpointBuilder and is thus implemented as a thin wrapper over the service-per-endpoint.

    This TwitterModule allows users to configure and filter a Scrooge-generated service-per-endpoint per-method which can then be used directly or can be wrapped by a MethodPerEndpoint.


    A Scrooge-generated ServicePerEndpoint


    A Scrooge-generated MethodPerEndpoint


    When applying filters, filter order matters. The order in which filters are applied is the order in which requests will flow through to the service and the opposite of the order in which responses return. See the ThriftMethodBuilderFactory for more information.


    This TwitterModule expects a com.twitter.finagle.thrift.ClientId to be bound to the object graph but does not assume how it is done. A com.twitter.finagle.thrift.ClientId can be bound by including the ThriftClientIdModule in your server configuration.

    See also




    Finagle Clients

    What is ThriftMux?

Value Members

  1. object ThriftClientIdModule extends ThriftClientIdModule

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object AndThenServiceModule extends TwitterModule

    (Since version 2022-03-03) No replacement.
