
Finatra builds on the support of TwitterUtil Flags from TwitterServer, adding the ability to inject parsed Flag values into your classes.

Flags by their definition represent some external configuration that is passed to the server and are thus an excellent way to parameterize configuration that may be environment specific, e.g., a database host or URL that is different per environment: production, staging, development, or jills-staging. Having a strict separation of configuration from code allows for deploying the exact same application code across different execution environments which maximizes the portability of your code.

This type of configuration parameterization is generally preferred over hardcoding logic by a type of “environment” string within code, e.g.

if (env == "production") { ... }

It is generally good practice to make Flags granular controls that are fully orthogonal to one another. They can then be independently managed for each deploy and this scales consistently as the number of supported “environments” scales.

Best Practices

See the Best Practices section for general guidelines on working with Flags in Finatra.

Global Flags

TwitterUtil Flags also has the concept of a “global” flag. That is, a flag that is “global” to the JVM process (as it is generally defined as a Scala object). In the discussion of Flags with Finatra we do not mean “global” flags unless it is explicitly stated.

See the scaladoc for c.t.app.GlobalFlag for more information.

But I have a lot of Flags

If you find that you end up with a lot of Flags to configure for your service and your deployment system provides no relief – there are still alternatives to moving external configuration into code.

See this thread on using Lightbend Config with Finatra.

When Are Flags Parsed?

It is important to understand when in the application lifecycle Flag values are parsed from command line input into an instance of the the Flag’s defined Flaggable[T] type T.


Flag values are parsed from command line input after the c.t.app.App#init application lifecycle phase and before the c.t.app.App#premain lifecycle phase.

Flags are not parsed during class loading or initialization, rather, Flag parsing happens in-between the running of all registered init() functions and the running of all registered premain functions. Thus care should be taken when attempting to access a Flag value to ensure it is not done until at least the premain application lifecycle phase.

For more information on the application lifecycle see the documentation here.


Note that Finatra defaults the c.t.app.App#failfastOnFlagsNotParsed option as mentioned in the TwitterServer documentation to ‘true’. This is done in the Finatra extension c.t.inject.app.App which overrides the superclass implementation with ‘true’.

Having this option turned on means that if a Flag value is accessed before the Flag has been parsed then an IllegalStateException will be thrown. This “fail fast” behavior is preferable over silently reading a default value by mistake and not a parsed value from the command line.


Flags created within a Finatra TwitterModule are collected and added to the application’s c.t.app.Flags collection during the init lifecycle phase. Thus, they will not inherit the application’s setting for “fail fast” until then.

The default for the “fail fast” behavior of Flags created within a Finatra TwitterModule is governed by the value set for c.t.inject.TwitterModuleFlags#failfastOnFlagsNotParsed in the TwitterModule which is also defaulted to ‘true’ to mirror the application container default.

This means that like a Flag created with the application, any attempt to access a TwitterModule created Flag’s value too eagerly will also result in an IllegalStateException being thrown.


We highly recommend that all applications keep c.t.inject.app.App#failfastOnFlagsNotParsed and c.t.inject.TwitterModuleFlags#failfastOnFlagsNotParsed not only set to the same value but also kept to their default of ‘true’.

This should arguably be the default behavior for Flag instances but for legacy reasons is not.

Flags With No Command Line Value

If no command line input is given for a defined Flag, accessing the Flag value should still not occur until after parsing of command line input has been attempted. The c.t.app.Flags instance within your application is stateful and is only fully initialized after parsing of any command line input and thus Flags should not be considered “ready” for accessing until this step has completed.

If the Flag defines a default, the default value will be returned when no command line value is given. If the Flag is defined without a default and no command line value is given, any attempt to read the Flag’s value via the apply() function will fail with an IllegalArgumentException.

It is, however, possible to inject Flags without default values as options (both scala.Option and java.util.Optional). For more information on defining and accessing Flags without default values, see here.

How To Define Flags

Flags should be defined as part of instance creation/instantiation (i.e., via the constructor) in either a c.t.inject.TwitterModule or an application (any extension of c.t.app.App) and thus declared before command line input has been parsed.

Within an App or a Server

While Flags are most typically defined within a TwitterModule to allow for scoping of reusable external configuration (since Modules are meant to be re-usable), you can also choose to define a Flag directly in an or a server.

In this case within an HttpServer,

import DoEverythingModule
import ExampleController
import com.twitter.finatra.http.{Contoller, HttpServer}
import com.twitter.finatra.http.filters.{CommonFilters, LoggingMDCFilter, TraceIdMDCFilter}
import com.twitter.finatra.http.routing.HttpRouter
import com.twitter.inject.annotations.Flag
import javax.inject.Inject

class ExampleController @Inject()(
  @Flag("magic.num") magicNum: Int
) extends Controller {
    get("/foo") { request: Request =>

object ExampleServerMain extends ExampleServer

class ExampleServer extends HttpServer {

  flag("magic.num", 42, "Defines a magic number flag.")

  override val modules = Seq(

  override def configureHttp(router: HttpRouter): Unit =
      .filter[LoggingMDCFilter[Request, Response]]
      .filter[TraceIdMDCFilter[Request, Response]]

or in Java:

import DoEverythingModule;
import ExampleController;
import com.google.inject.Module;
import com.twitter.finagle.http.Request;
import com.twitter.finatra.http.AbstractController;
import com.twitter.finatra.http.AbstractHttpServer;
import com.twitter.finatra.http.filters.CommonFilters;
import com.twitter.finatra.http.filters.LoggingMDCFilter;
import com.twitter.finatra.http.filters.TraceIdMDCFilter;
import com.twitter.finatra.http.routing.HttpRouter;
import com.twitter.inject.annotations.Flag
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import scala.reflect.ManifestFactory;

public class ExampleController extends AbstractController {
  private final Integer magicNum;

  public ExampleController() {
    @Flag("magic.num") Integer magicNum) {
    this.magicNum = magicNum;

  public void configureRoutes() {
    get("/foo", (Request request) -> magicNum.toString)


public final class ExampleServerMain {
  private ExampleServerMain() {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    new ExampleServer().main(args);


public class ExampleServer extends AbstractHttpServer {

  public ExampleServer() {
      /* name      = */ "magic.num",
      /* default   = */ 42,
      /* help      = */ "Defines a magic number flag.",
      /* flaggable = */ Flaggable.ofJavaInteger());

  public Collection<Module> javaModules() {
    return Collections.singletonList((
        new DoEverythingModule());

  public void configureHttp(HttpRouter router) {

The parsed value of the Flag, magic.num would be available to be injected where necessary using the @Flag binding annotation.

Or it can be obtained directly from the Injector:

import DoEverythingModule
import ExampleController
import com.twitter.finatra.http.HttpServer
import com.twitter.finatra.http.filters.{CommonFilters, LoggingMDCFilter, TraceIdMDCFilter}
import com.twitter.finatra.http.routing.HttpRouter
import com.twitter.inject.annotations.Flags
import javax.inject.Inject

// Note: we define our Controller without the `@Inject()` annotation on the construction,
// thus args need to always be passed in since the injector will not be able to instantiate.
// Also note: this is just an example.
class ExampleController(magicNum: String) {
    get("/foo") { request: Request =>

object ExampleServerMain extends ExampleServer

class ExampleServer extends HttpServer {

  flag("magic.num", 42, "Defines a magic number flag.")

  override val modules = Seq(

  override def configureHttp(router: HttpRouter): Unit =
      .filter[LoggingMDCFilter[Request, Response]]
      .filter[TraceIdMDCFilter[Request, Response]]
      .add(new ExampleController(injector.instance[Int](Flags.named("magic.num"))))

Within a TwitterModule

When defined within a TwitterModule, Flags can be used to aid in the construction of an instance to be provided to the object graph, e.g., a DatabaseConnection instance with the database URL specified by a Flag. The module is then able to tell the Injector how to provide an instance of this type when necessary by defining an @Provides annotated method. More information on defining Modules can be found here.

In Finatra, we also provide a way to override bound instances in the object graph when testing through Override Modules or by using Embedded Server #bind[T].

import com.google.inject.Provides
import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule
import com.twitter.inject.annotations.Flag
import javax.inject.Singleton

class MyModule extends TwitterModule {
  flag(name = "key", default = "default", help = "The key to use")

  def provideFoo(
    @Flag("key") key: String): Foo = {
    new Foo(key)

and in Java:

import com.google.inject.Provides;
import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule;
import com.twitter.inject.annotations.Flag;
import javax.inject.Singleton;

public class MyModule extends TwitterModule {

  public MyModule() {
      /* name      = */ "key",
      /* default   = */ "default",
      /* help      = */ "The key to use",
      /* flaggable = */ Flaggable.ofString());

  public Foo provideFoo(
    @Flag("key") String key) {
    return new Foo(key);

In the examples above, notice that we do not save a local reference to the created Flag but instead reference its value by use of the @Flag binding annotation or by obtaining the parsed value directly from the Injector.

@Flag annotation

@Flag is a binding annotation. This annotation allows parsed Flag values to be injected into classes (and provider methods).

Understanding Flag Binding

The key component of Flag binding is Flaggable[T], a type-class that defines how a Flag of type T can be parsed from a given string. In Finatra, you can bind / inject any Flag value as long as there is a Flaggable.Typed[T] instance available for it. Otherwise, you’d need to either manually register a flag converter (if you don’t control / can’t change the Flaggable) within a framework middleware or make sure a Flaggable is implemented as Flaggable.Typed[T].

Making a Flaggable Flaggable.Typed[T]

import com.twitter.app.Flaggable
import java.lang.reflect.Type

case class Foo(s: String)
object Foo {
  implicit val flaggable: Flaggable[Foo] = Flaggable.mandatory(s => Foo(s))

Registering a Flag converter

import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule

class MyModule extends TwitterModule {
   def configure(): Unit = {
     addFlagConverter[List[(Int, Int)]]

And in Java:

import java.util.List;
import com.google.inject.TypeLiteral;
import com.google.inject.matcher.Matchers;
import com.twitter.app.Flaggable;
import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule;

public class MyModule extends TwitterModule {

  public void configure() {
      Matchers.only(new TypeLiteral<List<scala.Tuple2<Integer, Integer>>>() {}),
      Flaggable.ofJavaList(Flaggable.ofTuple(Flaggable.ofJavaInteger, Flaggable.ofJavaInteger)

Holding a Reference

When defining a Flag you can also dereference the Flag value directly within the Module or server (in lieu of using the @Flag annotation). However, you should be extremely cautious when doing so.

import com.google.inject.Provides
import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule
import com.foo.bar.ThirdPartyFoo
import javax.inject.Singleton

object MyModule1 extends TwitterModule {
  val key = flag(name = "key", default = "default", help = "The key to use")

  def provideThirdPartyFoo: ThirdPartyFoo = {
    new ThirdPartyFoo(key())


This is potentially dangerous. See the next sections for details.



Flags are distinct by name only.

Note that holding onto a reference of a Flag can be potentially dangerous since Flag definitions can be overridden with another definition. Flags are distinct by name only. The Flag you are referencing can be replaced in the stateful c.t.app.Flags instance of your application with another instance created with the same name. The last Flag added wins and thus when the Flags are parsed your reference may not be updated with the parsed value, resulting in the reference retaining its default value or no value if it has no specified default.

You should only do this if you are guaranteed that the Flag defined for which you keep a reference will not be redefined making your reference obsolete.

Even More Caution


Eagerly evaluating a Flag value before the Flag has been parsed will not always fail.

Additionally, having a reference can lead to unintentionally trying to dereference the Flag value before the command-line value has been parsed. If the Flag has a reasonable default, your code may even appear to work until the passed command-line value is changed, which will have no effect on the Flag because the Flag is being evaluated too early in the Application Lifecycle.

The recommendation is to not hold a reference to a created Flag and instead obtain the parsed Flag value via injection. See the Flag Value Injection section for details.

Ok, But I Want To Live Dangerously

If you find you must keep a local reference to the created Flag, then you can use the Flag#apply, Flag#get or other methods, depending, to obtain the parsed Flag value. Again, this is not recommended and caution should be exercised when using Flags in this manner to respect the application lifecycle with regards to when Flags are parsed.

Flag Value Injection

The parsed value of a Flag can be injected as a constructor-arg to a class using the @Flag binding annotation. When the class is obtained from the Injector, the correctly parsed Flag value will be injected.

import com.twitter.inject.annotations.Flag
import javax.inject.Inject

class MyService @Inject()(
  @Flag("key") key: String) {

Note, you can also always instantiate the above class manually. When doing so, you will need to pass all the constructor args manually including a value for the @Flag annotated argument.

val svc: MyService = new MyService(key = "foo")

You can also ask the Injector directly for a Flag value using Flags.named (similar to Guice’s Names.named):

import com.twitter.inject.Injector
import com.twitter.inject.annotations.Flags

val key: String = injector.instance[String](Flags.named("key"))


Attempting to get a Flag value from the Injector for a Flag without a default nor a user-specified value will result in a ProvisionException.

Flag Value Injection Benefits

A side-effect of not holding onto Flag references in a TwitterModule is that it increases the possibility of using the @Provides-annotated method in a non-injection context. Everything needed to construct the returned type can be defined as an argument to the method, essentially making the @Provides-annotated method a type of Factory method.

When the @Provides-annotated method directly applies a held Flag reference it means the method is tied to the lifecycle of the Flag reference. The method cannot be properly called until the Flag reference has been parsed.

Removing usage of a held Flag reference and instead allowing the Flag value to be injected (like any other needed dependency) means the method can be used independently of the Flag lifecycle or even injection.

For example, if we had a class Notifier:

import com.twitter.util.Duration

class Notifier(
  connection: DatabaseConnection,
  emailer: Emailer ,
  serializer: Serializer,
  notificationFrequency: Duration)

and a module, NotifierModule:

import com.google.inject.Provides
import com.twitter.conversions.DurationOps._
import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule
import com.twitter.inject.annotations.Flag
import com.twitter.util.Duration
import javax.inject.Singleton

object NotifierModule extends TwitterModule {
  flag(name = "frequency.interval.minutes", default = 60.minutes, help = "Interval for notifications")

  def provideNotifier(
    connection: DatabaseConnection,
    emailer: Emailer ,
    serializer: Serializer,
    @Flag("frequency.interval.minutes") interval: Duration): Notifier = {
    new Notifier(

You could use this Module in non-injection context – like providing a test fixture, since you have static utility to construct a Notifier over its necessary parts. That is, you could do something along the lines of:

import com.twitter.conversions.DurationOps._

val mockDatabaseConnection: DatabaseConnection = mock[DatabaseConnection]
val mockEmailer: Emailer = mock[Emailer]
val mockSerializer: Serializer = mock[Serializer]

val notifierStub: Notifier =
    connection = mockDatabaseConnection,
    emailer = mockEmailer
    serializer = mockSerializer
    notificationFrequency = 10.seconds)

See the The Tao of Testing: Chapter 3 - Dependency Injection for more information and examples of Dependency Injection approaches to writing testable code.

Flags Without Defaults

Flags without a default nor a user-supplied value will fail injection (since de-referencing the value in this case results in an IllegalArgumentException), unless they are injected as optional flags. This means if you try to inject the value of a non-defaulted Flag that has not been supplied a value from the command-line using the @Flag binding annotation, a ProvisionException will be thrown caused by the IllegalArgumentException here.

import com.foo.bar.ThirdPartyFoo
import com.google.inject.Provides
import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule
import com.twitter.inject.annotations.Flag
import javax.inject.Singleton

object MyModule1 extends TwitterModule {
  flag[String](name = "key", help = "The key to use")

  def provideThirdPartyFoo(@Flag("key") myKey: String): ThirdPartyFoo =
    new ThirdPartyFoo(myKey)

and in Java:

import com.foo.bar.ThirdPartyFoo;
import com.google.inject.Provides;
import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule;
import com.twitter.inject.annotations.Flag;
import javax.inject.Singleton;

public final class MyModule1 extends TwitterModule {

  public MyModule1() {
      /* name      = */ "key",
      /* help      = */ "The key to use",
      /* usage     = */ "Pass -key=value",
      /* flaggable = */ Flaggable.ofString());

  public ThirdPartyFoo provideThirdPartyFoo(@Flag("key") String myKey) {
    return new ThirdPartyFoo(myKey);

In this example, we are assured that we will have the parsed Flag value obtained from the Injector in our @Provides-annotated method. If there is no supplied command-line value this will fail (as mentioned previously) at server startup with a ProvisionException. Thus, this ensures that we cannot start the server without a command-line value being supplied.

Injecting Optional Flags

@Flag API allows querying the value as an Option, where None means a Flag was neither supplied via CLI nor had a default value. To replicate this functionality and allow users to define their flags without a forced default, Finatra binds such flags as both scala.Option[T] or java.util.Optional[T], in addition to just T. Note: if a Flag had a default value, it’s only bound as T.

Rephrasing the example from above:

import com.foo.bar.{ForthPartyFoo, ThirdPartyFoo, XPartyFoo}
import com.google.inject.Provides
import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule
import com.twitter.inject.annotations.Flag
import javax.inject.Singleton

object MyModule1 extends TwitterModule {
  flag[String](name = "key", help = "The key to use")

  def provideXPartyFoo(
    @Flag("key") myKey: Option[String]): XPartyFoo = myKey match {
      case Some(v) => new ThirdPartyFoo(v)
      case None => new ForthPartyFoo()

And in Java:

import com.foo.bar.ThirdPartyFoo;
import com.foo.bar.ForthPartyFoo;
import com.google.inject.Provides;
import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule;
import com.twitter.inject.annotations.Flag;
import java.util.Optional;
import javax.inject.Singleton;

public final class MyModule1 extends TwitterModule {

  public MyModule1() {
      /* name      = */ "key",
      /* help      = */ "The key to use",
      /* usage     = */ "Pass -key=value",
      /* flaggable = */ Flaggable.ofString());

  public XPartyFoo provideXPartyFoo(
    @Flag("key") Optional<String> myKey) {
    if (myKey.isPresent()) {
      return new ThirdPartyFoo(myKey.get());
    } else {
      return new ForthPartyFoo();

Modules Depending on Other Modules - Flags Edition

As we saw in the Modules section, Modules can “depend” on other Modules. In that case we wanted an already bound type for use in another Module.

Flags are special since they are bound to the object graph by the framework due to the fact that their values are parsed from the command line at a specific point in the server lifecycle. But the principle is the same. What if we have a Module which defines a configuration Flag that is useful in other contexts?

As an example, let’s assume we have a Module which defines a Flag for the service’s “Client Id” String – how it identifies itself as a client to other services – that is necessary for constructing different clients:

import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule

object ClientIdModule extends TwitterModule {
  flag[String]("client.id", "System-wide client id for identifying this server as a client to other services.")

You could choose to build and provide every client which needs the client.id Flag value in the same Module, e.g.,

import com.google.inject.Provides
import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule
import javax.inject.Singleton

object ClientsModule extends TwitterModule {
  val clientIdFlag = flag[String]("client.id", "System-wide client id for identifying this server as a client to other services.")

  def provideClientA: ClientA = {
    new ClientA(clientIdFlag())

  def provideClientB: ClientB = {
    new ClientB(clientIdFlag())

  def provideClientC: ClientC = {
    new ClientA(clientIdFlag())

But this starts to break down as your add more clients, especially if each client in turn requires specific configuration or Flags in order to be constructed. For the purposes of encapsulation, we’d want to collocate all the relevant Flags and logic to create a given client into it’s own re-usable Module, thus allowing them to be used and tested independently.

If we do so, then how do we get access to the parsed client.id Flag value from the ClientIdModule inside of another Module?

Most often you are trying to inject the Flag value into a class using the @Flag binding annotation on a class constructor-arg. E.g.,

import com.twitter.inject.annotations.Flag
import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton}

class MyClassFoo @Inject() (
  @Flag("client.id") clientId: String) {

You can do something similar in a Module. However, instead of the injection point being the constructor annotated with @Inject, it is the argument list of any @Provides-annotated method.


import ClientIdModule
import com.google.inject.{Module, Provides}
import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule
import com.twitter.inject.annotations.Flag
import javax.inject.Singleton

object ClientAModule extends TwitterModule {
  override val modules: Seq[Module] = Seq(ClientIdModule)

  def provideClientA(
    @Flag("client.id") clientId: String): ClientA = {
    new ClientA(clientId)

of in Java:

import ClientIdModule$;
import com.google.inject.Module;
import com.google.inject.Provides;
import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule;
import com.twitter.inject.annotations.Flag;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import javax.inject.Singleton;

public final class ClientAModule extends TwitterModule {

  public Collection<Module> javaModules() {
    return Collections.singletonList((

  public ClientA provideClientA(
    @Flag("client.id") String clientId) {
    return new ClientA(clientId);

What’s happening here?

Firstly, we’ve defined a ClientAModule and override the modules val to be a Seq of Modules that includes the ClientIdModule. This guarantees that if the ClientIdModule is not mixed into the list of Modules for a server, the ClientAModule ensures it will be installed since it’s declared as a dependency.

This ensures that there will be a bound value for the ClientId Flag. Otherwise, our Module definition is brittle in that we are trying to make use of a Flag which may never be defined within the scope of our server. With TwitterUtil Flags, trying to use an undefined Flag could cause your server to fail to start.

Thus we want to ensure that:

  1. we are only using Flags we define in our Module or

  2. we include the Module that does.

Note that it is an error to try to define the same Flag twice.

Finatra will de-dupe all Modules before installing, so it is OK if a Module appears twice in the server configuration, though you should strive to make this the exception.


Reminder: It is important that the framework install all TwitterModules such that the lifecycle functions are executed in the proper sequence and any TwitterModule defined Flags are parsed properly.

Thus users SHOULD NOT install a TwitterModule within another Module via Module#configure using `Binder#install.

Secondly, we’ve defined a method which provides a ClientA. Since injection is by type (and the argument list to an @Provides annotated method in a Module is an injection point) and String is not specific enough we use the @Flag binding annotation.

We could continue this through another Module. For example, if we wanted to provide a ClientB which needs both the ClientId and a ClientA we could define a ClientBModule:

import ClientIdModule
import ClientAModule
import com.google.inject.{Module, Provides}
import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule
import com.twitter.inject.annotations.Flag
import javax.inject.Singleton

object ClientBModule extends TwitterModule {
  override val modules: Seq[Module] = Seq(

  def provideClientB(
    @Flag("client.id") clientId,
    clientA: ClientA): ClientB = {
    new ClientB(clientId, clientA)

or in Java:

import ClientIdModule$;
import com.google.inject.Module;
import com.google.inject.Provides;
import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule;
import com.twitter.inject.annotations.Flag;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import javax.inject.Singleton;

public final class ClientBModule extends TwitterModule {

  public Collection<Module> javaModules() {
    return Collections.unmodifiableList(

  public ClientB provideClientB(
    @Flag("client.id") clientId,
    clientA: ClientA) {
    return new ClientB(clientId, clientA);

Notice that we choose to include both the ClientIdModule and ClientAModule in the list of Modules for the ClientBModule. Yet, since we know that the ClientAModule includes the ClientIdModule we could have chosen to leave it out.

The provideClientB method in the Module above takes in both a ClientId String and a ClientA. Since it declares the two Modules, we’re assured that these types will be available from the Injector for our provideClientB method to use.

This is just an Example

Note that usage of a client.id Flag is just an example. In Finatra, we provide a ThriftClientIdModule for binding a c.t.finagle.thrift.ClientId type so that you do not need to rely on the Flag value.

You’ll see that this type is then expected to be bound in other Modules like the FilteredThriftClientModule which is a utility for building filtered thrift clients.

The framework does not assume that you are using the ThriftClientIdModule for providing the bound ClientId type thus the FilteredThriftClientModule does not specify the ThriftClientIdModule in it’s list of Modules to allow users to bind an instance of the ClientId type in any manner they choose.

Passing Flag Values as Command-Line Arguments

Flags are set by passing them as arguments to your java application. E.g.,

$ java -jar finatra-http-server-assembly-2.0.0.jar -key=value

An example of this is passing the -help Flag to see usage for running a Finatra server, e.g.

$ java -jar finatra-http-server-assembly-2.0.0.jar -help
  -alarm_durations='1.seconds,5.seconds': 2 alarm durations
  -help='false': Show this help
  -admin.port=':8080': Admin http server port
  -bind=':0': Network interface to use
  -log.level='INFO': Log level
  -log.output='/dev/stderr': Output file
  -key='default': The key to use

Best Practices

  • Prefer defining Flags as granular as possible. i.e., do not define an “environment” Flag which is then used to choose application functionality in code. It is considered best practice to keep configuration separated from code [1, 2, 3].

  • Prefer to define all Flags which help to configure an application resource in the TwitterModule which provides the resource to the object graph.

  • Do not hold a reference to a created Flag unless necessary. Prefer obtaining the parsed Flag value from the Injector.

  • If you have a lot of external configuration and your deployment system does not provide ways to manage a large amount of application parameters, consider other mechanisms for reading and parsing external configuration. But prefer to keep the application configuration externalized and not moved into the code.

  • Make use of the TestInjector for integration testing with TwitterModules as this will correctly handle the lifecycle and Flag parsing of TwitterModules to create a c.t.inject.Injector.