
Modules are used in conjunction with dependency injection to specify how to instantiate an instance of a given type. They are especially useful when instantiation of an instance is dependent on some type of external configuration (see: Flags).


We provide the c.t.inject.TwitterModule base class which extends the capabilities of the excellent Scala extensions for Google Guice provided by codingwell/scala-guice.

Best Practices

See the Best Practices section for general guidelines on working with Modules in Finatra.

Differences with Google Guice Modules

The c.t.inject.TwitterModule differs from the regular Google Guice Module in two important ways:

  • It layers in the application lifecycle. That is, a TwitterModule has lifecycle functions which are exposed to users in order to tie Module behavior to the application lifecycle.

  • Integration with Flags.

These differences are why it is strongly encouraged that users do not manually install TwitterModules. That is, do not use Binder#install inside of Module#configure().

import{AbstractModule, Provides}
import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule
import com.twitter.inject.annotations.Flag
import javax.inject.Singleton

object MyModule1 extends TwitterModule {
    name = "some.flag",
    default = "defaultOfSomeFlag",
    help = "The value of a flag to use."

  def providesFooInstance(
    @Flag("some.flag") someFlag: String,
    @Flag("client.label") label: String
  ): Foo = new Foo(someFlag)


object MyModule2 extends TwitterModule {
  override def configure(): Unit = {
    bind[Bar].toInstance(new Bar())
    install(MyModule1) // DO NOT DO THIS

class MyModule2 extends AbstractModule {
  override def configure(): Unit = {
    install(MyModule1) // NOR THIS

Installing a TwitterModule this way will cause lifecycle functions as well as Flag parsing of Flag instances defined within the installed TwitterModule to be skipped. In cases where your TwitterModule only does instance binding, installing a TwitterModule can work but it is strongly recommended to follow the guidelines on how to add a TwitterModule to your application or how to have one TwitterModule depend on another TwitterModule (which is akin to installing a Module inside the configure() of another Module like above).


Reminder: It is important that the framework install all TwitterModules such that the lifecycle functions are executed in the proper sequence and any TwitterModule defined Flags are parsed properly.

More information on defining Flags within a TwitterModule and the TwitterModule lifecycle below.

Defining Modules

Generally, Modules are for helping the Injector instantiate classes that you don’t control. Otherwise, you would simply add the JSR-330 annotations (e.g., @Inject, @Singleton) directly to the class definition.

For example, if we wanted to declare an HTTP Finagle Client of type Service[Request, Response] as a constructor-arg to a MyService class:

import com.twitter.finagle.Service
import com.twitter.finagle.http.{Request, Response}
import javax.inject.Inject

class MyService @Inject() (
  httpClient: Service[Request, Response]) {

Adding the @Inject documents that the MyService class participates in dependency injection. Note that the @Inject annotation can be considered “metadata”. Nothing prevents you from instantiating MyService manually and passing it a Service[Request, Response] instance.

val httpClient: Service[Request, Response] = ???

val svc: MyService = new MyService(httpClient)

However, when an instance of MyService is requested to be provided by the Injector, the Injector will attempt to provide all constructor arguments from the object graph – instantiating classes as necessary.

val svc: MyService = injector.instance[MyService]

// or

class MyFoo @Inject()(svc: MyService) {

The Injector will look for public no-arg constructors. If the Injector cannot find a public no-arg constructor, it attempts to find a Provider of the instance. In this case, c.t.finagle.Service does not have a public no-arg constructor so the Injector needs help to satisfy the MyService constructor (for more information on constructor injection see the Guice documentation).

To help the Injector, we can create a Module which defines a provider of this type to the object graph for the Injector to use.

import com.twitter.finagle.Service
import com.twitter.finagle.http.{Request, Response}
import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule
import com.twitter.inject.annotations.Flag
import javax.inject.Singleton

object MyModule1 extends TwitterModule {
    name = "client.dest",
    default = "defaultDestIfNoneProvided",
    help = "The client dest to use."
    name = "client.label",
    default = "defaultLabelIfNoneProvided",
    help = "The client label to use."

  def providesHttpClient(
    @Flag("client.dest") dest: String,
    @Flag("client.label") label: String
  ): Service[Request, Response] =
    Http.newClient(dest = dest, label = label)

or in Java:

import com.twitter.finagle.Service;
import com.twitter.finagle.http.Request;
import com.twitter.finagle.http.Response;
import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule;
import com.twitter.inject.annotations.Flag;
import javax.inject.Singleton;

public class MyModule1 extends TwitterModule {

  public MyModule1() {
      /* name      = */ "client.dest",
      /* default   = */ "defaultDestIfNoneProvided",
      /* help      = */ "The client dest to use.",
      /* flaggable = */ Flaggable.ofString()

      /* name      = */ "client.label",
      /* default   = */ "defaultLabelIfNoneProvided",
      /* help      = */ "The client label to use.",
      /* flaggable = */ Flaggable.ofString()

  public Service<Request, Response> providesHttpClient(
    @Flag("client.dest") String dest,
    @Flag("client.label") String label) {
    return Http.newClient(dest, label);

Here we define a Module to construct a Singleton Finagle Client of type Service[Request, Response] which uses parsed Flag values provided through command line arguments for the values of label and dest.


The instance is provided by a Module method annotated with @Provides (source) which serves as a provider of the type to the object graph.

Thus, we have now provided a way for the Injector to construct an instance of type Service[Request, Response] allowing the Injector to satisfy construction of MyService when the MyModule1 is added to the server’s list of Modules.

val svc: MyService = injector.instance[MyService]

Note: if your Module method annotated with @Provides has an argument list, all arguments to the method are provided by the Injector (since it is the Injector calling the method in the first place).

Much like an @Inject annotated constructor, the Injector will attempt to provide all of the method arguments from the object graph – instantiating classes as necessary.

For example:

 import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule
 import javax.inject.Singleton

 object MyModule1 extends TwitterModule {

   def providesBar(foo: Foo): Bar = {
     new Bar(foo)

or in Java:

 import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule;
 import javax.inject.Singleton;

 public final class MyModule1 extends TwitterModule {

   public Bar providesBar(Foo foo) {
     return new Bar(foo);

The argument foo: Foo will be “injected” in the sense that the Injector will attempt to provide an instance of foo when invoking the method.

See Module Configuration in Servers.

Flags in Modules

As seen in the example above, TwitterUtil Flags can be defined inside Modules. This allows for re-usable scoping of external configuration that can be composed into a server via the Module. See the documentation on Flags for more information.


In Java, Flag creation is implemented with two explicit methods: createFlag<T> and createMandatoryFlag<T>. Where “mandatory” means a Flag defined with no default value and thus a command line value is required, or “mandatory” in order to use the Flag.

Module Configuration in Servers

A server can be configured with a list of Modules:

import com.twitter.finatra.http.HttpServer

class Server extends HttpServer {

  override val modules: Seq[Module] = Seq(


and in Java:

import com.twitter.finatra.http.AbstractHttpServer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;

public class Server extends AbstractHttpServer {

  public Collection<Module> javaModules() {
    return Collections.unmodifiableList(


How explicit to be in listing the Modules for your server is up to you. If you include a Module that is already included by another Module, Finatra will de-duplicate the Module list so there is no penalty, but you may want to prefer to define your list of Modules as DRY as possible.

Much like declaring dependencies, we recommend that you be explicit in listing all the Modules that provide bindings used directly by your code.

For more information on server configuration see the HTTP or Thrift sections.

Module Lifecycle

Modules can hook into the Server lifecycle through the c.t.inject.TwitterModuleLifecycle which allows for a Module to specify startup and shutdown functionality that is re-usable and scoped to the context of the Module.

If your Module provides a resource that requires one-time start-up or initialization you can do this by implementing the singletonStartup method in your TwitterModule. Conversely, if you want to clean up resources on graceful shutdown of the server you can implement the singletonShutdown method of your TwitterModule to close or shutdown any resources provided by the Module. Thus, you are able to bind closable resources with a defined way to release them. This allows users to overcome some of the limitations of a standard

Additionally, there is also the TwitterModule#singletonPostWarmupComplete method which allows Modules to hook into the server lifecycle after external ports have been bound, clients have been resolved, and the server is ready to accept traffic but before the App#run or Server#start callbacks are invoked.


import com.twitter.inject.{Injector, TwitterModule}

object MyModule extends TwitterModule {

  override def singletonStartup(injector: Injector) {
    // initialize JVM-wide resources

  override def singletonShutdown(injector: Injector) {
    // shutdown JVM-wide resources

  override def singletonPostWarmupComplete(injector: Injector) {
    // perform functions that need to happen after we've bound
    // ports but before the server has started


Please note that the lifecycle is for Singleton-scoped resources and users should still avoid binding unscoped resources without ways to shutdown or close them.

There is also the option to inline the logic for closing your resource using the TwitterModuleLifecycle#onExit(f: => Unit) function.

For example, assume we have a class, SomeClient with a close() method that returns a Future[Unit]:

class SomeClient(
  configurationParam1: Int,
  configurationParam2: Double) {

  def withAnotherParam(b: Boolean): SomeClient = ???
  def withSomeOtherConfiguration(i: Int): SomeClient = ???

  /** Closes this client, freeing any held resources */
  def close(): Future[Unit] = {

We could then register a function to close it, which will be run upon graceful shutdown of the application by doing the following:

import com.twitter.conversions.DurationOps._
import com.twitter.inject.{Injector, TwitterModule}
import com.twitter.inject.annotations.Flag
import com.twitter.util.Await
import javax.inject.Singleton

object MyModule extends TwitterModule {
  flag[Int]("configuration.param1", 42, "This is used to configure an instance of a Wicket")
  flag[Double]("configuration.param2", 123.45d, "This is also used to configure an instance of a Wicket")

  def providesSomeClient(
    @Flag("configuration.param1") configurationParam1: Int,
    @Flag("configuration.param2") configurationParam2: Double
  ): SomeClient = {
    val client =
      new SomeClient(configurationParam1, configurationParam2)
        .withAnotherParam(b = true)

    onExit {
       Await.result(client.close(), 2.seconds)


or in Java:

import com.twitter.inject.Injector;
import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule;
import com.twitter.inject.annotations.Flag;
import com.twitter.util.Await;
import com.twitter.util.Duration;
import com.twitter.util.Function0;
import javax.inject.Singleton;

public final class MyModule extends TwitterModule {

  public MyModule() {
      /* name      = */ "configuration.param1",
      /* default   = */ 42,
      /* help      = */ "This is used to configure an instance of a Wicket",
      /* flaggable = */ Flaggable.ofJavaInteger());

      /* name      = */ "configuration.param2",
      /* default   = */ 123.45d,
      /* help      = */ "This is also used to configure an instance of a Wicket",
      /* flaggable = */ Flaggable.ofJavaDouble());

  public SomeClient providesSomeClient(
    @Flag("configuration.param1") int configurationParam1,
    @Flag("configuration.param2") double configurationParam2) {
    SomeClient client =
      new SomeClient(configurationParam1, configurationParam2)

    onExit(() -> Await.result(client.close(), Duration.fromSeconds(2)));;

    return client;

This allows for not needing to implement the singletonShutdown method which would require that you obtain an instance of the singleton resource from the Injector to then call the close() function.

Any logic passed to the onExit function is added to the application’s list of onExit functions to be run in the order registered upon graceful shutdown of the application.

For an example, see the c.t.inject.thrift.modules.ThriftMethodBuilderClientModule where we use onExit to ensure that any bound ThriftClient will be closed when the application gracefully exits.

See the Application and Server Lifecycle section for more information on the application and server lifecycle.

Lastly, see Guice’s documentation on Modules should be fast and side-effect free and Avoid Injecting Closable Resources for more thoughts on providing resources with modules.

Modules Depending on Other Modules

As noted in the Differences with Google Guice Modules section, a c.t.inject.TwitterModule has an associated lifecycle and thus you should prefer to not install an instance of a c.t.inject.TwitterModule using Binder#install inside of Module#configure().

However, we recognize that there may be times where you would like to reuse types bound by one Module inside another Module. For instance, you may have a Module which provides a type Foo and need that instance when constructing a type Bar in another Module. E.g.

import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule
import javax.inject.Singleton

object FooModule extends TwitterModule {

  def providesFoo: Foo = {
    new Foo(???)

How do you get access to the bound instance of Foo inside of another Module?

Most often you are trying to inject the bound instance into a class as a class constructor-arg. E.g.,

import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton}

class MyClassFoo @Inject()(foo: Foo) {

You can do something similar in a Module. However, instead of the injection point being the constructor annotated with @Inject, it is the argument list of any @Provides-annotated method. So to get an instance of a provided Foo inside of our BarModule we can do:

import{Module, Provides}
import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule
import javax.inject.Singleton

object BarModule extends TwitterModule {

  override val modules: Seq[Module] = Seq(FooModule)

  def providesBar(foo: Foo): Bar = {
    new Bar(foo)

in Java:

import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule;
import javax.inject.Singleton;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;

public class BarModule extends TwitterModule {

  public Collection<Module> javaModules() {
    return Collections.singletonList(

  public Bar providesBar(Foo foo) {
    return new Bar(foo);

What’s happening here?

Firstly, we’ve defined a BarModule that overrides the modules val with a Seq (or the javaModules def with a Collection in Java) of Modules that includes the FooModule. This guarantees that if the FooModule is not mixed into the list of Modules for a server, the BarModule ensures it will be installed since it’s declared as a dependency and thus there will be a bound instance of Foo available for use in providing an instance of Bar.

Finatra will de-duplicate all Modules before installing, so it is OK if a Module appears twice in the server configuration, though you should strive to make this the exception.


Reminder: It is important that the framework install all TwitterModules such that the lifecycle functions are executed in the proper sequence and any TwitterModule defined Flags are parsed properly.

Secondly, we’ve defined a method which provides a Bar instance and add an argument of type Foo which will be provided by the Injector since injection is by type and the argument list to an @Provides annotated method in a Module is an injection point.


Because the Injector is what calls the providesBar method. When the Injector needs to provide an instance of Bar it looks for a “provider” of Bar in the list of Modules. It will thus try to supply all arguments to the function from the object graph.

We could continue this through another Module. For example, if we wanted to provide a Baz which needs both a Foo and a Bar instance we could define a BazModule:

import{Module, Provides}
import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule
import javax.inject.Singleton

object BazModule extends TwitterModule {

  override val modules: Seq[Module] = Seq(

  def providesBaz(
    foo: Foo,
    bar: Bar): Baz = {
    new Baz(foo, bar)

in Java:

import com.twitter.inject.TwitterModule;
import javax.inject.Singleton;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;

public class BazModule extends TwitterModule {

  public Collection<Module> javaModules() {
    return Collections.unmodifiableList(

  public Baz providesBaz(Foo foo, Bar bar) {
    return new Baz(foo, bar);

Notice that we have chosen to list both the FooModule and BarModule in the Modules for the BazModule. Yet, since we know that the BarModule includes the FooModule we could have chosen to leave it out. The providesBaz method in the Module above takes in both Foo and a Bar instances as arguments.

Since it declares the two Modules, we’re assured that instances of these types will be available from the Injector for our providesBaz method to use.


Users should prefer this method of depending on the bindings provided by another Module over using Binder#install as this will ensure that the lifecycle of a c.t.inject.TwitterModule is properly exercised when the Module is installed.

Best Practices

  • Do not install a TwitterModule within another Module via Module#configure using Binder#install. Installing a TwitterModule with this mechanism will skip all lifecycle functions and any Flags defined within the TwitterModule will not be parsed.

  • We recommend that you prefer using @Provides-annotated methods over using the toInstance bind DSL.

  • In Scala, Modules should usually be defined as Scala objects as they typically contain no state and using an object makes use of the Module less verbose.

  • Remember to add @Singleton to your @Provides method if you require only one instance per JVM process.

  • Avoid cyclic dependencies.

  • Avoid conditional logic in a TwitterModule.

  • Make use of the TwitterModule lifecycle.

  • Make use of the TestInjector for integration testing with TwitterModules as this will correctly handle the lifecycle and Flag parsing of TwitterModules to create a c.t.inject.Injector.