
package jvm

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. class ContentionSnapshot extends AnyRef

    A thread contention summary providing a brief overview of threads that are BLOCKED, WAITING, or TIMED_WAITING

    A thread contention summary providing a brief overview of threads that are BLOCKED, WAITING, or TIMED_WAITING

    While this could be an object, we use instantiation as a signal of intent and enable contention monitoring.


    users should ensure that the"control") is allowed via the java.lang.SecurityManager.

  2. case class CpuProfile(counts: Map[Seq[StackTraceElement], Long], duration: Duration, count: Int, missed: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    A CPU profile.

  3. trait Estimator[T] extends AnyRef

    An estimator for values of type T.

  4. case class Gc(count: Long, name: String, timestamp: Time, duration: Duration) extends Product with Serializable
  5. class GcPredictor extends AnyRef

    A Gc predictor.

    A Gc predictor. This predicts a time based on measuring rates, which are reported to the given estimator. Rates are measured every period. The estimated GC time is based on interpolating the rate estimated by estimator.

  6. case class Heap(allocated: Long, tenuringThreshold: Long, ageHisto: Seq[Long]) extends Product with Serializable

    Information about the Heap

    Information about the Heap


    Estimated number of bytes that have been allocated so far (into eden)


    How many times an Object needs to be copied before being tenured.


    Histogram of the number of bytes that have been copied as many times. Note: 0-indexed.

  7. class Heapster extends AnyRef

    Support for heapster profiling (google perftools compatible):

    Support for heapster profiling (google perftools compatible):

  8. class Hotspot extends Jvm
  9. trait Jvm extends AnyRef

    Access JVM internal performance counters.

    Access JVM internal performance counters. We maintain a strict interface so that we are decoupled from the actual underlying JVM.

  10. class Kalman extends AnyRef

    A simple Kalman filter to estimate a scalar value.

  11. class KalmanGaussianError extends Kalman with Estimator[Double]

    A Kalman filter in which measurement errors are normally distributed over the given range (as a fraction of the measured value).

  12. class LoadAverage extends Estimator[Double]

    Unix-like load average, an exponentially weighted moving average, smoothed to the given interval (counted in number of measurements).

    Unix-like load average, an exponentially weighted moving average, smoothed to the given interval (counted in number of measurements). See:

  13. trait Pool extends AnyRef

    A handle to a garbage collected memory pool.

  14. case class PoolState(numCollections: Long, capacity: StorageUnit, used: StorageUnit) extends Product with Serializable
  15. case class Safepoint(syncTimeMillis: Long, totalTimeMillis: Long, count: Long) extends Product with Serializable

    Information about the JVM's safepoint

    Information about the JVM's safepoint


    Cumulative time, in milliseconds, spent getting all threads to safepoint states


    Cumulative time, in milliseconds, that the application has been stopped for safepoint operations


    The number of safepoints taken place since the JVM started

  16. case class Snapshot(timestamp: Time, heap: Heap, lastGcs: Seq[Gc]) extends Product with Serializable
  17. class WindowedMeans extends Estimator[Double]

    An estimator for weighted windows of means.

Value Members

  1. object CpuProfile extends Serializable
  2. object Heapster
  3. object Jvm

    See Jvms for Java compatibility.

  4. object JvmStats
  5. object Jvms

    Java compatibility for Jvm.

  6. object NilJvm extends Jvm
  7. object Opt

    Retrieve the named JVM option.

  8. object numProcs extends GlobalFlag[Double]

    Flag for the number of available processors

    Flag for the number of available processors

    If unset, the default is obtained from the JVM runtime. If set to -1.0, the result is forced to the value provided by the JVM runtime.
