package mysql
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- mysql
- AnyRef
- Any
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- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- class BigIntTooLongException extends Exception
- case class BigIntValue(bi: BigInt) extends Value with Product with Serializable
- case class ByteValue(b: Byte) extends Value with Product with Serializable
- trait CanBeParameter[-A] extends AnyRef
- case class Capability(mask: Int) extends Product with Serializable
- trait Client extends Closable
A MySQL client that is not
-based like com.twitter.finagle.Mysql.Client is, making it easier to use for most cases.A MySQL client that is not
-based like com.twitter.finagle.Mysql.Client is, making it easier to use for most cases.Creation:
import com.twitter.finagle.Mysql import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.Client val client: Client = Mysql.client .withCredentials("username", "password") .withDatabase("database") .newRichClient("host:port")
Example: - case class CloseRequest(stmtId: Int) extends CommandRequest with Product with Serializable
A CloseRequest deallocates a prepared statement on the server.
A CloseRequest deallocates a prepared statement on the server. No response is sent back to the client.
- class ColumnNotFoundException extends SQLNonTransientException with FailureFlags[ColumnNotFoundException]
Indicates the requested column name was not found.
- abstract class CommandRequest extends Request
A command request is a request initiated by the client and has a cmd byte associated with it.
- trait CursorResult[T] extends Closable
A closable async stream of projected rows from a CursoredStatement.
- trait CursoredStatement extends AnyRef
represents a parameterized SQL statement applied concurrently with varying parameters and yields a lazy stream of rows.A
represents a parameterized SQL statement applied concurrently with varying parameters and yields a lazy stream of rows.These are SQL statements with
's used for the parameters which are "filled in" per usage byapply
.- See also
PreparedStatement for eager processing of Rows.
- trait Decoder[T <: Result] extends (Packet) => Try[T]
A decoder for Results contained in a single packet.
- case class DoubleValue(d: Double) extends Value with Product with Serializable
- case class EOF(warnings: Short, serverStatus: ServerStatus) extends Result with Product with Serializable
- case class Error(code: Short, sqlState: String, message: String) extends Result with Product with Serializable
- class ExecuteRequest extends CommandRequest
Uses the binary protocol to build an execute request for a prepared statement.
Uses the binary protocol to build an execute request for a prepared statement.
- class FailedToEncryptPasswordException extends Exception with FailureFlags[FailedToEncryptPasswordException]
The exception that is thrown if something goes awry during the encryption process.
The exception that is thrown if something goes awry during the encryption process. This exception has the FailureFlags.NonRetryable flag because this error is thrown only in cases when the client is incorrectly configured.
- class FetchRequest extends CommandRequest
- case class FetchResult(rowPackets: Seq[Packet], containsLastRow: Boolean) extends Result with Product with Serializable
- case class Field(catalog: String, db: String, table: String, origTable: String, name: String, origName: String, charset: Short, displayLength: Int, fieldType: Short, flags: Short, decimals: Byte) extends Result with Product with Serializable
- case class FloatValue(f: Float) extends Value with Product with Serializable
- case class HandshakeInit(protocol: Byte, version: String, threadId: Int, salt: Array[Byte], serverCapabilities: Capability, charset: Short, status: Short) extends Result with Product with Serializable
- class IncompatibleServerError extends Exception
A base class for exceptions related to client incompatibility with an upstream MySQL server.
- class InsufficientServerCapabilitiesException extends SQLNonTransientException with FailureFlags[InsufficientServerCapabilitiesException]
Indicates that the server lacks required capabilities
- case class IntValue(i: Int) extends Value with Product with Serializable
- sealed trait IsolationLevel extends AnyRef
- case class LongValue(l: Long) extends Value with Product with Serializable
- final case class LostSyncException(underlying: Throwable) extends RuntimeException with Product with Serializable
A LostSyncException indicates that this finagle-mysql client and the MySQL server are no longer able to properly communicate, as there has been a failure to decode a message from the server or data has become corrupted in transmission.
A LostSyncException indicates that this finagle-mysql client and the MySQL server are no longer able to properly communicate, as there has been a failure to decode a message from the server or data has become corrupted in transmission. It is a fatal error and the communication with the server must be closed, then reopened, and renegotiated.
- case class OK(affectedRows: Long, insertId: Long, serverStatus: Int, warningCount: Int, message: String) extends Result with Product with Serializable
Represents the OK Packet received from the server.
Represents the OK Packet received from the server. It is sent to indicate that a command (e.g. PreparedStatement.modify) has completed successfully.
- affectedRows
how many records were changed by the command.
- insertId
the first automatically generated value successfully inserted for an AUTO_INCREMENT column for an INSERT statement.
- serverStatus
server status bit mask.
- warningCount
how many warnings were generated.
- message
the status message, which will be an empty String if none is present.
- sealed trait Parameter extends AnyRef
A value of type
can implicitly convert to aParameter
if an evidenceCanBeParameter[A]
is available in scope via the Parameter.wrap or Parameter.wrapOption implicits.A value of type
can implicitly convert to aParameter
if an evidenceCanBeParameter[A]
is available in scope via the Parameter.wrap or Parameter.wrapOption implicits. Explicit conversions are available via Parameter.of and Parameters.of.A Scala example with implicits:
import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.Parameter import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.Parameter._ val p: Parameter = "this will get implicitly converted to a Parameter"
A Scala example without implicits:
import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.Parameter val p: Parameter = Parameter.of("explicitly converted to a Parameter")
A Java example:
import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.Parameter; import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.Parameters; Parameter p = Parameters.of("explicitly converted to a Parameter");
- case class PrepareOK(id: Int, numOfCols: Int, numOfParams: Int, warningCount: Int, columns: Seq[Field] = Nil, params: Seq[Field] = Nil) extends Result with Product with Serializable
- case class PrepareRequest(sqlStatement: String) extends SimpleCommandRequest with WithSql with Product with Serializable
Allocates a prepared statement on the server from the passed in query string.
Allocates a prepared statement on the server from the passed in query string.
- trait PreparedStatement extends AnyRef
represents a parameterized SQL statement which may be applied concurrently with varying parameters.A
represents a parameterized SQL statement which may be applied concurrently with varying parameters.These are SQL statements with
's used for the parameters which are "filled in" per usage byread
, andmodify
.- See also
CursoredStatement for a lazy stream of Rows.
- case class QueryRequest(sqlStatement: String) extends SimpleCommandRequest with WithSql with Product with Serializable
A QueryRequest is used to send the server a text-based query that is executed immediately.
A QueryRequest is used to send the server a text-based query that is executed immediately.
- case class RawValue(typ: Short, charset: Short, isBinary: Boolean, bytes: Array[Byte]) extends Value with Product with Serializable
A RawValue contains the raw bytes that represent a value and enough meta data to decode the bytes.
- sealed trait Request extends ProtocolMessage
is an outgoing message sent by the client as part of the MySQL protocol.A
is an outgoing message sent by the client as part of the MySQL protocol. It is packet-based and based around a MySQL command. - sealed trait Result extends AnyRef
- case class ResultSet(fields: Seq[Field], rows: Seq[Row]) extends Result with Product with Serializable
- final class RollbackFactory extends ServiceFactoryProxy[Request, Result]
that ensures a ROLLBACK statement is issued when a service is put back into the connection pool.A
that ensures a ROLLBACK statement is issued when a service is put back into the connection pool.- See also
- trait Row extends AnyRef
allows you to extract Value's from a MySQL row.A
allows you to extract Value's from a MySQL row.Column values can be accessed by the MySQL column name via the typed
methods. For example,stringOrNull
. Theget
-prefixed methods returnOptions
and useNone
to represent a SQL NULL. For SQL NULLs, theor
-suffixed methods returnnull
for Object-types and use a sentinel, like 0, for primitives.Alternatively, Value's based on the column name can be accessed via the
method.For example, given the query,
SELECT 'text' AS str_col, 123 AS int_col
, you could extract the columns as such.First, in Scala:
import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.Row val row: Row = ??? // if the column is not null: val strCol: String = row.stringOrNull("str_col") val intCol: Int = row.intOrZero("int_col") // if the column is nullable: val strCol: Option[String] = row.getString("str_col") val intCol: Option[java.lang.Integer] = row.getInteger("int_col")
Then, the same in Java:
import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.Row; import scala.Option; Row row = ... // if the column is not null: String strCol = row.stringOrNull("str_col"); int intCol = row.intOrZero("int_col"); // if the column is nullable: Option<String> strCol = row.getString("str_col"); Option<Integer> intCol = row.getInteger("int_col");
- case class ServerError(code: Short, sqlState: String, message: String) extends Exception with Product with Serializable
A catch-all exception class for errors returned from the upstream MySQL server.
- case class ServerStatus(mask: Int) extends Product with Serializable
Represents the ServerStatus as represented in EOF packets
Represents the ServerStatus as represented in EOF packets
- mask
the raw bit mask in the EOF packet
- trait Session extends AnyRef
Explicitly manage the lifecycle of a MySQL session.
Explicitly manage the lifecycle of a MySQL session.
- See also
- case class ShortValue(s: Short) extends Value with Product with Serializable
- class SimpleCommandRequest extends CommandRequest
Defines a request that encodes the command byte and associated data into a packet.
- case class StringValue(s: String) extends Value with Product with Serializable
- class TimestampValue extends Injectable[Timestamp] with Extractable[Timestamp]
An injector/extractor of java.sql.Timestamp values.
- trait Transactions extends AnyRef
- class UnsupportedTypeException extends SQLNonTransientException with FailureFlags[UnsupportedTypeException]
Indicates the requested column was for an unsupported type.
Indicates the requested column was for an unsupported type. For example, asking for a string when the column is a tinyint.
- case class UseRequest(dbName: String) extends SimpleCommandRequest with Product with Serializable
A UseRequest is used to change the default schema of the connection.
A UseRequest is used to change the default schema of the connection.
- sealed trait Value extends AnyRef
Defines a Value ADT that represents the domain of values received from a mysql server.
- class ValueSerializationException extends SQLNonTransientException with FailureFlags[ValueSerializationException]
Thrown if unable to serialize a value of the column.
- sealed trait WithSql extends AnyRef
Contains the SQL for a Request.
Value Members
- object BigDecimalValue extends Injectable[BigDecimal] with Extractable[BigDecimal]
- object CanBeParameter
When a new implicit CanBeParameter is added here, it should also be explicitly added to Parameter.unsafeWrap.
- object Capability extends Serializable
- object Client
- object CloseStatementOK extends OK
Used internally to synthesize a response from the server when sending a prepared statement CloseRequest
- object Command
- object ConnectionInitSql
A stack module that executes a request when create a connection.
A stack module that executes a request when create a connection.
- Note
that this needs to be added at the bottom of the stack near the
- object CursoredStatement
- object DateValue extends Injectable[Date] with Extractable[Date]
- object EOF extends Decoder[EOF] with Serializable
Represents and EOF result received from the server which contains any warnings and the server status.
Represents and EOF result received from the server which contains any warnings and the server status.
- case object EmptyValue extends Value with Product with Serializable
- object Error extends Decoder[Error] with Serializable
Represents the Error Packet received from the server and the data sent along with it.
Represents the Error Packet received from the server and the data sent along with it.
- object ExecuteRequest
- object FetchResult extends Serializable
- object Field extends Decoder[Field] with Serializable
Represents the column meta-data associated with a query.
Represents the column meta-data associated with a query. Sent during ResultSet transmission and as part of the meta-data associated with a Row.
- object FieldAttributes
These bit masks are to understand whether corresponding attribute is set for the field.
These bit masks are to understand whether corresponding attribute is set for the field. Link to source code from mysql is below.
- object HandshakeInit extends Decoder[HandshakeInit] with Serializable
First result received from the server as part of the connection phase.
First result received from the server as part of the connection phase.
- case object IncompatibleCharset extends IncompatibleServerError with Product with Serializable
Indicates that the server to which the client is connected is configured to use a charset that the client is incompatible with.
- case object IncompatibleVersion extends IncompatibleServerError with Product with Serializable
Indicates that the server to which the client is connected is running a version of MySQL that the client is incompatible with.
- object IsolationLevel
MySQL Isolation Levels.
MySQL Isolation Levels. Used to override the SESSION or GLOBAL isolation level when executing transactions.
- object JsonValue
- object LostSyncException extends Serializable
- object MysqlCharset
- case object NullValue extends Value with Product with Serializable
- object OK extends Decoder[OK] with Serializable
- object Parameter
For Scala users, the typical usage is by importing the implicit conversions and then letting the compiler do the conversions for you.
For Scala users, the typical usage is by importing the implicit conversions and then letting the compiler do the conversions for you. Explicit runtime conversions are also available via Parameter.of.
Java users should generally be using Parameters.of to do explicit conversions.
A Scala example with implicits:
import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.Parameter import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.Parameter._ val p: Parameter = "this will get implicitly converted to a Parameter"
A Scala example without implicits:
import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.Parameter val p: Parameter = Parameter.of("explicitly converted to a Parameter")
A Java example:
import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.Parameter; import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.Parameters; Parameter p = Parameters.of("explicitly converted to a Parameter");
- See also
Parameters for a Java-friendly API.
- object Parameters
A Java adaptation of the com.twitter.finagle.mysql.Parameter companion object.
- case object PingRequest extends SimpleCommandRequest with Product with Serializable
A request to check if the server is alive.
A request to check if the server is alive.
- object PrepareOK extends Decoder[PrepareOK] with Serializable
Meta data returned from the server in response to a prepared statement initialization request COM_STMT_PREPARE.
Meta data returned from the server in response to a prepared statement initialization request COM_STMT_PREPARE.
- object PreparedStatement
- case object QuitRequest extends SimpleCommandRequest with Product with Serializable
Tells the server that the client wants to close the connection.
Tells the server that the client wants to close the connection.
- object RollbackFactory
- object ServerStatus extends Serializable
- object TimestampValue extends TimestampValue
Extracts a value in UTC.
Extracts a value in UTC. To use a different time zone, create an instance of com.twitter.finagle.mysql.TimestampValue.
- object Type