package partitioning
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- final case class EndpointMarkedDeadException(label: String) extends FailureAccrualException with Product with Serializable
Thrown when Failure Accrual marks an endpoint dead.
Thrown when Failure Accrual marks an endpoint dead.
- label
the service name
- class FailureAccrualException extends RequestException
- sealed trait HashNodeKey extends AnyRef
Provides hashing key information of the com.twitter.hashing.HashNodes on consistent-hashing hash ring.
- abstract class KetamaClientKey extends AnyRef
- case class PartitionNode(host: String, port: Int, weight: Int, key: Option[String] = None) extends SocketAddress with Product with Serializable
- case class SnapPartitioner[Req, Rep, B >: PartialFunction[Any, Future[Nothing]]](partitionFunction: B, partitionMapping: Map[Int, ServiceFactory[Req, Rep]]) extends Product with Serializable
Represents the snapshot of the information needed to determine how to carve up the request, and where to send those carved-up slices to.
Value Members
- object HashNodeKey
Constructs HashNodeKey based on the PartitionNode address.
Constructs HashNodeKey based on the PartitionNode address. It can be either a "host:port" format or custom format.
- object KetamaClientKey
- object PartitionNode extends Serializable
- object PartitioningService
- object SnapPartitioner extends Serializable