package netty4
Package netty4 implements the bottom finagle primitives: com.twitter.finagle.Server and a client transport in terms of the netty4 event loop.
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Package Members
Type Members
- case class Netty4Listener[In, Out, Ctx <: TransportContext](pipelineInit: (ChannelPipeline) => Unit, params: Params, setupMarshalling: (ChannelInitializer[Channel]) => ChannelHandler, transportFactory: (Channel) => Transport[Any, Any] { type Context <: Ctx })(implicit mIn: Manifest[In], mOut: Manifest[Out]) extends Listener[In, Out, Ctx] with Product with Serializable
Constructs a
Listener[In, Out]
given a
function responsible for framing a Transport stream.pipelineInit
Constructs a
Listener[In, Out]
given a
function responsible for framing a Transport stream. The Listener is configured via the passed in Params.pipelineInit
Value Members
- object HashedWheelTimer
- object Netty4Listener extends Serializable
- object Netty4Transporter
- object numWorkers extends GlobalFlag[Int]
Flag for defining the number of worker threads used by the Finagle Netty 4 backend.
Flag for defining the number of worker threads used by the Finagle Netty 4 backend. This defaults to 2 x available CPUs but this behavior can be overridden via the auto offloading flag.
{{ }}
When auto offloading is enabled and no explicit c.t.f.netty.numWorkers is provided, the number of Netty workers defaults to 1/3 of available CPUs with a floor of 4 (on a host with less than 12 CPUs, 4 Netty workers would be allocated).
- Note
For the default value, we set a floor of 8 workers so in the case of constrained environments we don't end up with detrimentally small worker pool sizes.
- object referenceLeakLintRule